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The enrichment of redox-sensitive trace metals in ancient marine sedimentary rocks has been used to determine the timing of the oxidation of the Earth's land surface. Chromium (Cr) is among the emerging proxies for tracking the effects of atmospheric oxygenation on continental weathering; this is because its supply to the oceans is dominated by terrestrial processes that can be recorded in the Cr isotope composition of Precambrian iron formations. However, the factors controlling past and present seawater Cr isotope composition are poorly understood. Here we provide an independent and complementary record of marine Cr supply, in the form of Cr concentrations and authigenic enrichment in iron-rich sedimentary rocks. Our data suggest that Cr was largely immobile on land until around 2.48?Gyr ago, but within the 160?Myr that followed--and synchronous with independent evidence for oxygenation associated with the Great Oxidation Event (see, for example, refs 4-6)--marked excursions in Cr content and Cr/Ti ratios indicate that Cr was solubilized at a scale unrivalled in history. As Cr isotope fractionations at that time were muted, Cr must have been mobilized predominantly in reduced, Cr(III), form. We demonstrate that only the oxidation of an abundant and previously stable crustal pyrite reservoir by aerobic-respiring, chemolithoautotrophic bacteria could have generated the degree of acidity required to solubilize Cr(III) from ultramafic source rocks and residual soils. This profound shift in weathering regimes beginning at 2.48?Gyr ago constitutes the earliest known geochemical evidence for acidophilic aerobes and the resulting acid rock drainage, and accounts for independent evidence of an increased supply of dissolved sulphate and sulphide-hosted trace elements to the oceans around that time. Our model adds to amassing evidence that the Archaean-Palaeoproterozoic boundary was marked by a substantial shift in terrestrial geochemistry and biology.  相似文献   
Until recently, intricate details of the optical design of non-biomineralized arthropod eyes remained elusive in Cambrian Burgess-Shale-type deposits, despite exceptional preservation of soft-part anatomy in such Konservat-Lagerst?tten. The structure and development of ommatidia in arthropod compound eyes support a single origin some time before the latest common ancestor of crown-group arthropods, but the appearance of compound eyes in the arthropod stem group has been poorly constrained in the absence of adequate fossils. Here we report 2-3-cm paired eyes from the early Cambrian (approximately 515 million years old) Emu Bay Shale of South Australia, assigned to the Cambrian apex predator Anomalocaris. Their preserved visual surfaces are composed of at least 16,000 hexagonally packed ommatidial lenses (in a single eye), rivalling the most acute compound eyes in modern arthropods. The specimens show two distinct taphonomic modes, preserved as iron oxide (after pyrite) and calcium phosphate, demonstrating that disparate styles of early diagenetic mineralization can replicate the same type of extracellular tissue (that is, cuticle) within a single Burgess-Shale-type deposit. These fossils also provide compelling evidence for the arthropod affinities of anomalocaridids, push the origin of compound eyes deeper down the arthropod stem lineage, and indicate that the compound eye evolved before such features as a hardened exoskeleton. The inferred acuity of the anomalocaridid eye is consistent with other evidence that these animals were highly mobile visual predators in the water column. The existence of large, macrophagous nektonic predators possessing sharp vision--such as Anomalocaris--within the early Cambrian ecosystem probably helped to accelerate the escalatory 'arms race' that began over half a billion years ago.  相似文献   
Gill BC  Lyons TW  Young SA  Kump LR  Knoll AH  Saltzman MR 《Nature》2011,469(7328):80-83
Widespread anoxia in the ocean is frequently invoked as a primary driver of mass extinction as well as a long-term inhibitor of evolutionary radiation on early Earth. In recent biogeochemical studies it has been hypothesized that oxygen deficiency was widespread in subsurface water masses of later Cambrian oceans, possibly influencing evolutionary events during this time. Physical evidence of widespread anoxia in Cambrian oceans has remained elusive and thus its potential relationship to the palaeontological record remains largely unexplored. Here we present sulphur isotope records from six globally distributed stratigraphic sections of later Cambrian marine rocks (about 499 million years old). We find a positive sulphur isotope excursion in phase with the Steptoean Positive Carbon Isotope Excursion (SPICE), a large and rapid excursion in the marine carbon isotope record, which is thought to be indicative of a global carbon cycle perturbation. Numerical box modelling of the paired carbon sulphur isotope data indicates that these isotope shifts reflect transient increases in the burial of organic carbon and pyrite sulphur in sediments deposited under large-scale anoxic and sulphidic (euxinic) conditions. Independently, molybdenum abundances in a coeval black shale point convincingly to the transient spread of anoxia. These results identify the SPICE interval as the best characterized ocean anoxic event in the pre-Mesozoic ocean and an extreme example of oxygen deficiency in the later Cambrian ocean. Thus, a redox structure similar to those in Proterozoic oceans may have persisted or returned in the oceans of the early Phanerozoic eon. Indeed, the environmental challenges presented by widespread anoxia may have been a prevalent if not dominant influence on animal evolution in Cambrian oceans.  相似文献   
求解线性微分方程组6UN,llH(z).U(t),U(0)ll1的方法,已经由JamesWei和EdwardNorman给出(1),他们的方法建立在李代数理论的基础之上。本文讨论解的结构。对于上述方程组,其中U是有限维空间中依赖于时间的线性算子,而H(=6t(Ht、(z)+......、,!(r),!+(z),如果Ht,Hz,…,,!。生成可解的李代数L,则它的解U(U=explgt(r)HJexpk2(…”exp“(z)1可以表示为一个矩阵,其所有的元素都是g(illl,2,…,m)的初等函数,并且只出现指数函数与乘幂。最后用两个例子说明具体的解法。  相似文献   
The priority rule in science has been interpreted as a behavior regulator for the scientific community, which benefits society by adequately structuring the distribution of intellectual labor across pre-existing research programs. Further, it has been lauded as an intuitively fair way to reward scientists for their contributions, as a special case of society’s “grand reward scheme”. However, we will argue that the current formal framework utilized to model the priority rule idealizes away important aspects of credit attribution, and does so in a way that impacts the conclusions drawn regarding its function in scientific communities. In particular, we consider the social dynamics of credit attribution in order to show that the priority rule can foster structural disadvantages in socially diverse science, as well as drive the distribution of intellectual labor away from optimal.  相似文献   
We examined the consequences of the deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin A (TSA) on the development of Drosophila melanogaster. When fed to flies, TSA caused lethality and delayed development at concentrations as low as 5 μM, had stronger effects on males than females, and acted synergistically with mutations in the gene encoding the RPD3 deacetylase to cause notched wings, but did not appear to affect a SINA signaling pathway that is normally repressed by the SIN3 corepressor. These findings suggest that deacetylated histones play an important role in normal developmental progression and establish parameters for genetic screens to dissect the role of deacetylases in this process. Received 14 June 2001; received after revision 31 July 2001; accepted 21 August 2001  相似文献   
Résumé On décrit une population diploide dePoa annua L. d'Australie. Elle se montre différente des «mphihaploides» qui ont été trouvées en Californie. La signification de cette population en rapport avec l'origine supposée deP. annua est considerée.

Acknowledgement. This work was supported by a grant from the Nuffield Foundation.  相似文献   
Successful development of sequence-specific siRNA (small interfering RNA)-based drugs requires an siRNA design that functions consistently in different organisms. Utilizing the CAPSID program previously developed by our group, we here designed siRNAs against mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) that are entirely complementary among various species and investigated their multispecies-compatible gene-silencing properties. The mTOR siRNAs markedly reduced mTOR expression at both the mRNA and protein levels in human, mouse, and monkey cell lines. The reduction in mTOR expression resulted in inactivation of both mTOR complex I and II signaling pathways, as confirmed by reduced phosphorylation of p70S6K (70-kDa ribosomal protein S6 kinase), 4EBP1 (eIF4E-binding protein 1), and AKT, and nuclear accumulation of FOXO1 (forkhead box O1), with consequent cell-cycle arrest, proliferation inhibition, and autophagy activation. Moreover, interfering with mTOR activity in vivo using mTOR small-hairpin RNA-expressing recombinant adeno-associated virus led to significant antitumor effects in xenograft and allograft models. Thus, the present study demonstrates that cross-species siRNA successfully silences its target and readily produces multispecies-compatible phenotypic alterations-antitumor effects in the case of mTOR siRNA. Application of cross-species siRNA should greatly facilitate the development of siRNA-based therapeutic agents.  相似文献   
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