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h-1,最大摄磷速率为5.44mgP·gMLSS-1·h-1;缺氧摄磷的平均速率为1 相似文献
知识表示是构造专家系统重要的环节之一.现给出基于索引表的专家系统知识库模型及通用表示格式,同时介绍了满足这种表达方式的推理机制,并将其应用到辣椒营养诊断专家系统中,增强知识库的可维护性和扩展性. 相似文献
本文通过对江西宜春市老年健身的调查、宜春市情及人口老龄化状况的分析研究,指出发展老年健身是应对人口老龄化、促进和谐小康宜春建设的有效手段。在推动老年体育发展过程中,要高度重视农村体育的发展,加强科学健身指导和场地设施建设。 相似文献
甲骨文自1899年发现以来,一代又一代的浙籍学者为甲骨文等古文字学的创立、发展和壮大做出了巨大的贡献.从甲骨学研究来说,草创时期(1899-1928)和发展时期(1928-1937)有孙诒让筚路蓝缕,开拓榛莽;有罗振玉凿破鸿蒙,钩沉索颐;有王国维考地征史,挽世绝尤;有王襄鉴定购藏,首创字汇.1949年以后的全面展开时期,有唐兰审于点画,多有发明;有陈梦家继往开来,综合研究.今天,裘锡圭先生和曹锦炎先生退而不休,在甲骨文、金文、战国文字、简牍、帛书等多个领域几十年如一日辛勤耕耘,继续为古文字学的发展贡献着自己的力量.当下浙学研究如火如荼,与蜀学、湘学、徽学、闽学等相互妍美,共同点缀着多元一体的中华民族文化百花园,并且以源泉之姿和活水之势给养着新时期浙江精神.在大力发展浙学的今天,一代又一代浙籍甲骨文等古文字学者所创造的巨大精神财富不应被忽视,纳入浙学体系刻不容缓.甲骨文等古文字学研究,不仅是浙学的特色,更是开展地域文化研究的王牌.所以,如何利用好一代又一代浙籍前辈学者宝贵的精神文化遗产开展甲骨文等古文字学的接力和纵深研究,是新时期浙学的重要任务. 相似文献
LDL-receptor-related protein 6 is a receptor for Dickkopf proteins 总被引:42,自引:0,他引:42
Wnt glycoproteins have been implicated in diverse processes during embryonic patterning in metazoa. They signal through frizzled-type seven-transmembrane-domain receptors to stabilize beta-catenin. Wnt signalling is antagonized by the extracellular Wnt inhibitor dickkopf1 (dkk1), which is a member of a multigene family. dkk1 was initially identified as a head inducer in Xenopus embryos but the mechanism by which it blocks Wnt signalling is unknown. LDL-receptor-related protein 6 (LRP6) is required during Wnt/beta-catenin signalling in Drosophila, Xenopus and mouse, possibly acting as a co-receptor for Wnt. Here we show that LRP6 (ref. 7) is a specific, high-affinity receptor for Dkk1 and Dkk2. Dkk1 blocks LRP6-mediated Wnt/beta-catenin signalling by interacting with domains that are distinct from those required for Wnt/Frizzled interaction. dkk1 and LRP6 interact antagonistically during embryonic head induction in Xenopus where LRP6 promotes the posteriorizing role of Wnt/beta-catenin signalling. Thus, DKKs inhibit Wnt co-receptor function, exemplifying the modulation of LRP signalling by antagonists. 相似文献
粒子群优化算法是根据鸟群觅食过程中的迁徙和群集模型而提出的用于解决优化问题的一类新兴的随机优化算法。介绍了PSO算法的基本原理和采用早熟因子、逆反粒子、变异策略和协同机制等多种形式的改进措施及PSO算法的应用,提出了未来的研究方向。 相似文献
Beijing-Tianjin intercity railway is the first newly-built passenger dedicated line with operating speed of 350 km/h in our country. During design,new ideas of bridge construction were carried out to ensure the requirements of safety,comfort and stability of the train under high-speed condition. At the same time,concepts of environmental adaptability,service to transportation and comprehensive benefits were observed. On the whole line,long-bridge schemes were adopted and the most advanced technologies of unballasted track were utilized on bridges,the length of which accounts for 87.7 % of the total line. The success of design and construction of the bridges on this rail has accumulated valuable experience for high-speed railway construction on a large scale in the future,and made it a marking,demonstrating,and model project to follow. 相似文献
上海合作组织有美好的合作愿景,这是由中俄两国共同推动组织发展的统一意志、中亚国家的合作态度、观察员国和对话伙伴国的积极支持等因素决定的。共同的反对霸权主义和强权政治的任务使它们日益结合成了一个命运共同体。维护全球战略平衡与稳定、推动建立国际政治经济新秩序是上合组织首要的、核心的职能和任务,因而政治合作是上合组织存在的灵魂,经济贸易合作和人文合作则为政治合作奠定坚实根基。 相似文献
姚武 《邵阳高等专科学校学报》2011,(4):10-11
中国隆回网隆回县文化局提供的材料《魏源澳门花园听琴》认为魏源笔下的“洋琴”很可能为“竖琴”。文章认为这是一种误读。根据相关材料论证,1848年魏源访问澳门,写作了《澳门花园听夷女弹洋琴歌》,诗中所描述的“洋琴”(即魏源所看到的“洋琴”)应该是古钢琴之一的“古翼琴”。 相似文献