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Alan Hobbs 《科技与经济》2002,15(Z1):19-20
爱尔兰是欧洲的软件之都,不仅有大量的海外公司投资在爱尔兰,爱尔兰本土软件企业的力量也相当显著,爱尔兰在整个世界的软件市场上有相当强的立足之地.本文全面分析了爱尔兰IT业和软件产业的发展情况. 相似文献
Extinction risk in natural populations depends on stochastic factors that affect individuals, and is estimated by incorporating such factors into stochastic models. Stochasticity can be divided into four categories, which include the probabilistic nature of birth and death at the level of individuals (demographic stochasticity), variation in population-level birth and death rates among times or locations (environmental stochasticity), the sex of individuals and variation in vital rates among individuals within a population (demographic heterogeneity). Mechanistic stochastic models that include all of these factors have not previously been developed to examine their combined effects on extinction risk. Here we derive a family of stochastic Ricker models using different combinations of all these stochastic factors, and show that extinction risk depends strongly on the combination of factors that contribute to stochasticity. Furthermore, we show that only with the full stochastic model can the relative importance of environmental and demographic variability, and therefore extinction risk, be correctly determined. Using the full model, we find that demographic sources of stochasticity are the prominent cause of variability in a laboratory population of Tribolium castaneum (red flour beetle), whereas using only the standard simpler models would lead to the erroneous conclusion that environmental variability dominates. Our results demonstrate that current estimates of extinction risk for natural populations could be greatly underestimated because variability has been mistakenly attributed to the environment rather than the demographic factors described here that entail much higher extinction risk for the same variability level. 相似文献
Piao S Ciais P Friedlingstein P Peylin P Reichstein M Luyssaert S Margolis H Fang J Barr A Chen A Grelle A Hollinger DY Laurila T Lindroth A Richardson AD Vesala T 《Nature》2008,451(7174):49-52
The carbon balance of terrestrial ecosystems is particularly sensitive to climatic changes in autumn and spring, with spring and autumn temperatures over northern latitudes having risen by about 1.1 degrees C and 0.8 degrees C, respectively, over the past two decades. A simultaneous greening trend has also been observed, characterized by a longer growing season and greater photosynthetic activity. These observations have led to speculation that spring and autumn warming could enhance carbon sequestration and extend the period of net carbon uptake in the future. Here we analyse interannual variations in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration data and ecosystem carbon dioxide fluxes. We find that atmospheric records from the past 20 years show a trend towards an earlier autumn-to-winter carbon dioxide build-up, suggesting a shorter net carbon uptake period. This trend cannot be explained by changes in atmospheric transport alone and, together with the ecosystem flux data, suggest increasing carbon losses in autumn. We use a process-based terrestrial biosphere model and satellite vegetation greenness index observations to investigate further the observed seasonal response of northern ecosystems to autumnal warming. We find that both photosynthesis and respiration increase during autumn warming, but the increase in respiration is greater. In contrast, warming increases photosynthesis more than respiration in spring. Our simulations and observations indicate that northern terrestrial ecosystems may currently lose carbon dioxide in response to autumn warming, with a sensitivity of about 0.2 PgC degrees C(-1), offsetting 90% of the increased carbon dioxide uptake during spring. If future autumn warming occurs at a faster rate than in spring, the ability of northern ecosystems to sequester carbon may be diminished earlier than previously suggested. 相似文献
p53 and Pten control neural and glioma stem/progenitor cell renewal and differentiation 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
It is thought that the Northern Hemisphere experienced only ephemeral glaciations from the Late Eocene to the Early Pliocene epochs (about 38 to 4 million years ago), and that the onset of extensive glaciations did not occur until about 3 million years ago. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain this increase in Northern Hemisphere glaciation during the Late Pliocene. Here we use a fully coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model and an ice-sheet model to assess the impact of the proposed driving mechanisms for glaciation and the influence of orbital variations on the development of the Greenland ice sheet in particular. We find that Greenland glaciation is mainly controlled by a decrease in atmospheric carbon dioxide during the Late Pliocene. By contrast, our model results suggest that climatic shifts associated with the tectonically driven closure of the Panama seaway, with the termination of a permanent El Ni?o state or with tectonic uplift are not large enough to contribute significantly to the growth of the Greenland ice sheet; moreover, we find that none of these processes acted as a priming mechanism for glacial inception triggered by variations in the Earth's orbit. 相似文献
在理论研究中,只有当催化表面温度显著高于普通自点燃温度时,气相燃料和空气混合物才会被点燃。既然催化反应延伸到了清洁和稳定氧化条件持续的范围,催化反应抑制了气相燃烧是合适的。在此理论的指导下,自主原创研发了几种天然气催化燃烧设备,其中天然气催化燃烧烤箱和天然气催化燃烧炉窑已形成成熟设备。将催化燃烧技术引入到雾霾治理中,可以为雾霾治理提供一种新思路。 相似文献
Van Laere AS Nguyen M Braunschweig M Nezer C Collette C Moreau L Archibald AL Haley CS Buys N Tally M Andersson G Georges M Andersson L 《Nature》2003,425(6960):832-836
Most traits and disorders have a multifactorial background indicating that they are controlled by environmental factors as well as an unknown number of quantitative trait loci (QTLs). The identification of mutations underlying QTLs is a challenge because each locus explains only a fraction of the phenotypic variation. A paternally expressed QTL affecting muscle growth, fat deposition and size of the heart in pigs maps to the IGF2 (insulin-like growth factor 2) region. Here we show that this QTL is caused by a nucleotide substitution in intron 3 of IGF2. The mutation occurs in an evolutionarily conserved CpG island that is hypomethylated in skeletal muscle. The mutation abrogates in vitro interaction with a nuclear factor, probably a repressor, and pigs inheriting the mutation from their sire have a threefold increase in IGF2 messenger RNA expression in postnatal muscle. Our study establishes a causal relationship between a single-base-pair substitution in a non-coding region and a QTL effect. The result supports the long-held view that regulatory mutations are important for controlling phenotypic variation. 相似文献
Nature has evolved complex enzyme architectures that facilitate the synthesis and manipulation of the biopolymers DNA and RNA, including enzymes capable of attaching to the biopolymer substrate and performing several rounds of catalysis before dissociating. Many of these 'processive' enzymes have a toroidal shape and completely enclose the biopolymer while moving along its chain, as exemplified by the DNA enzymes T4 DNA polymerase holoenzyme and lambda-exonucleoase. The overall architecture of these systems resembles that of rotaxanes, in which a long molecule or polymer is threaded through a macrocycle. Here we describe a rotaxane that mimics the ability of processive enzymes to catalyse multiple rounds of reaction while the polymer substrate stays bound. The catalyst consists of a substrate binding cavity incorporating a manganese(III) porphyrin complex that oxidizes alkenes within the toroid cavity, provided a ligand has been attached to the outer face of the toroid to both activate the porphyrin complex and shield it from being able to oxidize alkenes outside the cavity. We find that when threaded onto a polybutadiene polymer strand, this catalyst epoxidizes the double bonds of the polymer, thereby acting as a simple analogue of the enzyme systems. 相似文献
Alan Stern S 《Nature》2003,424(6949):639-642
Comets are remnants from the time when the outer planets formed, approximately 4-4.5 billion years ago. They have been in storage since then in the Oort cloud and Kuiper belt-distant regions that are so cold and sparsely populated that it was long thought that comets approaching the Sun were pristine samples from the time of Solar System formation. It is now recognized, however, that a variety of subtle but important evolutionary mechanisms operate on comets during their long storage, so they can no longer be regarded as wholly pristine. 相似文献