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反恐斗争是一种特殊的军事斗争形式,是当前军事训练领域的一个重要内容。为满足国内城市“反恐、防恐”的需要,满足驻城部队军官指挥行动训练的需求,我们研制了防卫行动指挥训练模拟系统。首先介绍了该训练模拟系统要达到的总体战技指标、实现的主要功能,然后给出具体实现的硬件构成和各相应的模块子系统、各个分系统的相互关系,以及电台模拟与实时语音通信技术,最后介绍了系统研制过程当中所采用的关键技术。该系统在某装甲步兵分队应用后,反映效果较好、收效明显,对驻城区部队的“反恐”训练具有很强的推动作用。  相似文献   
粒子群算法在投资组合中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张波  陈睿君  路璐 《系统工程》2007,25(8):108-110
投资组合面临现实证券市场中大量数据,求解组合模型是一个非线性整数规划问题,传统数学规划算法难以有效求解。为此,本文将粒子群算法应用到基于VaR的投资组合模型中,并通过上海证券交易所的实际数据进行计算机模拟,结果说明该算法所求最优投资组合是实用的和有效的。  相似文献   
A frequency-domain-based sufficient condition is derived to guarantee the globally asymptotic stability of the simplest Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy control system by using the circle criterion. The analysis is performed in the frequency domain, and hence the condition is of great significance when the frequency-response method, which is widely used in the linear control theory and practice, is employed to synthesize the simplest T-S fuzzy controller. Besides, this sufficient condition is featured by a graphical interpretation, which makes the condition straightforward to be used. Comparisons are drawn between the performance of the simplest T-S fuzzy controller and that of the linear compensator. Two numerical examples are presented to demonstrate how this sufficient condition can be applied to both stable and unstable plants.  相似文献   
Energy saving is the most important issue in research and development for wireless sensor networks. A power control mechanism can reduce the power consumption of the whole network.Because the character of wireless sensor networks is restrictive energy,this paper proposes a distributed power control algorithm based on game theory for wireless sensor networks which objects of which are reducing power consumption and decreasing overhead and increasing network lifetime.The game theory and OPNET simulation shows that the power control algorithm converges to a Nash Equilibrium when decisions are updated according to a better response dynamic.  相似文献   
In this paper, we investigate the global controllability of a class of n-dimensional affine nonlinear systems with n- 1 controls and constant control matrix. A necessary and sufficient condition for its global controllability has been obtained by using the methods recently developed. Furthermore, we generalize the above result to a class of affine nonlinear systems with a block-triangular-like structure. Finally, we will give three examples to show the applications of our results.  相似文献   
针对当前车底阴影分割算法在复杂环境下鲁棒性较差以及最大类间方差(maximum between class variance, MBCV)多阈值分割算法不能自动确定阈值个数的问题,提出利用峰值自适应方法自动确定MBCV多阈值分割算法中阈值个数;然后,以阈值的个数为粒子群优化算法(particle swarm optimization, PSO)中粒子的维数,提出了一种改进的PSO MBCV算法的车底阴影分割。实验结果表明,该算法能有较低的误分类误差,能有效地分割出车底阴影。  相似文献   
采用光学显微镜技术和石蜡永久制片技术,对长春和白城地区两种不同生态环境的杏Prunus armeniaca L.进行了结构植物学研究.结果表明:白城地区盐碱地生长的杏,与长春地区生长的杏相比,其在形态结构上已发生了适应盐碱胁迫环境的演化.耐盐碱杏的茎、叶柄及叶片在颉颃盐碱逆境中,都演化出了独特的结构,验证了生态环境影响植物体结构建成的理论.  相似文献   
自适应波束形成算法能将零陷自动对准干扰方向,但在干扰源角度抖动等情况下,会使自适应权和数据失配.此外,在快拍数较少的情况下,传统的自适应波束形成方法可能会出现很高的旁瓣.针对上述问题,提出了一种有效的基于多参数二次规划的零陷展宽和旁瓣控制方法.首先,利用锥化矩阵修正采样协方差矩阵展宽干扰源的零陷;然后,用主瓣区域外的多个二次不等式控制旁瓣;最后用多参数二次规划方法求解优化问题.该方法不仅能获得更高的阵列输出增益,而且可以通过实值计算得到最优权向量.仿真结果验证了算法的有效性.  相似文献   
基于扩散张量成像提出一种新的脑白质分割方法.首先,计算扩散张量成像的各向异性参数和扩散参数,并得到各个参数下的脑部图像;然后,通过期望值最大化(expectation maximization,EM)模型求得各个各向异性参数图像的脑白质和非脑白质区域;最后,通过STAPLE(simultaneous truth and performancel evel estimation)模型融合各个DTI参数图像分割结果,得到脑白质分割结果.实验结果表明,该方法具有较好的分割效果,能有效地从脑组织中分割出脑白质.  相似文献   
利用分离式霍普金森压杆装置,对三维连通网状SiC陶瓷/Zr基非晶复合材料进行不同应变率下的动态压缩实验,采用扫描电子显微镜研究复合材料的动态变形特征和断口形貌.结果表明:复合材料的动态压缩强度随着打击速度的增加而增加;试样发生劈裂和剪切断裂,陶瓷相断口形貌为层片状、台阶式的解理断裂,非晶合金发生粘性流动,断口形貌复杂多样.在应变率>104 s-1的冲击载荷下,非晶相表现为软化后的多重脊状条带.复合材料断口上大量的非晶球形液滴及非晶软化条带的发现表明,绝热温升在非晶变形与断裂过程中起重要作用.  相似文献   
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