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本文介绍了循环流化床锅炉以及返料器存在的由于返料阀为高流率、低压头、小风量自平衡回灰阀,返料阀松动风采用一次冷风,使用过程中返料装置的配风管容易出现弯曲变形,返料不均匀造成堵塞的缺陷,返料装置的缺陷影响了锅炉的安全稳定运行,造成了一定的经济损失,为彻底解决此问题,通过对现有返料装置进行了改造,解决返料器堵塞的问题,为锅炉安全、稳定、长周期运行提供了基础保障。  相似文献   
The oxidation of oxygen ions and the generation of an anode effect at a low oxygen content of 150 mg/kg were discussed in this paper. Cyclic voltammetry and square-wave voltammetry tests were conducted to explore the anodic processes of LiF–NdF3 melt after a lengthy period of pre-electrolysis purification at 1000°C (during which the oxygen content reduced from 413 to 150 mg/kg). The oxidation process of oxygen ions was found to have two stages: oxidation product adsorption and CO/CO2 gas evolution. The adsorption stage was controlled by diffusion, whereas the gas evolution was controlled by the electrochemical reaction. In comparison with oxygen content of 413 mg/kg, the decrease in the amplitude of the current at low oxygen content of 150 mg/kg was much gentler during the forward scanning process when the anode effect occurred. Fluorine-ion oxidation peaks that occurred at about 4.2 V vs. Li/Li+ could be clearly observed in the reverse scanning processes, in which fluorine ions were oxidized and perfluorocarbons were produced, which resulted in an anode effect.  相似文献   
为探索人工栽培过程中泽泻蕨营养生长期和生殖生长期对光强的不同需求,运用气体交换法研究了以上两个时期泽泻蕨叶片的光响应曲线及相关参数,并选取了适用于泽泻蕨的光响应曲线模型.结果表明:泽泻蕨营养生长期和生殖生长期叶片的光响应曲线趋势相似,营养生长期的表观光量子效率大于生殖生长期,差异不显著,最大净光合速率和光饱和点显著大于生殖生长期,暗呼吸速率、光补偿点等指标均与生殖生长期差别不大;在泽泻蕨双曲线模型的拟合方面双曲线修正模型较其他常用模型更为精确.实验认为泽泻蕨营养生长期叶片较生殖生长期更适应弱光环境,且具有较低的光饱和点,可能在高光强更易出现光抑制.  相似文献   
Existing Side-Channel Attacks(SCAs) have several limitations and, rather than to be real attack methods,can only be considered to be security evaluation methods. Their limitations are mainly related to the sampling conditions, such as the trigger signal embedded in the source code of the encryption device, and the acquisition device that serves as the encryption-device controller. Apart from it being very difficult for an attacker to add a trigger into the original design before making an attack or to control the encryption device, there is a big gap in the capacity of existing SCAs to pose real threats to cipher devices. In this paper, we propose a new method, the sliding window SCA(SW-SCA), which can be applied in scenarios in which the acquisition device is independent of the encryption device and for which the encryption source code requires no trigger signal or modification. First,we describe the main issues in existing SCAs, then we theoretically analyze the effectiveness and complexity of our proposed SW-SCA —a method that can incorporate a sliding-window mechanism into almost all of the existing non-profiled SCAs. The experimental results for both simulated and physical traces verify the effectiveness of the SW-SCA and the appropriateness of its theoretical complexity.  相似文献   
针对影响和制约膜分离技术大规模推广应用的关键材料与技术瓶颈,中国科学院过程工程研究所"生化工程介质与设备"创新团队经过多年自主创新,在高性能分离膜材料、膜过程强化关键技术和高效膜分离装备等方面取得了系列科研成果,部分成果在调味品、水处理、中药等行业实现了产业化应用,创造了显著的经济效益和社会效益,为提高我国膜工业研发与应用水平,缩短我国膜分离行业与国外先进水平之间的差距,促进膜分离技术的大规模工业化应用做出了贡献。  相似文献   
 青年科技工作者作为科研事业的主力军,承受了更多的工作任务和压力,也面临更多的心理健康风险。为了解青年科技工作者的心理健康状况及影响因素,对中国35岁及以下的青年科技工作者分别在2009年和2017年进行两次大规模调查。研究结果显示:青年科技工作者中有21%存在着不同程度的抑郁表现,47.9%存在不同程度的焦虑问题,11%的青年科技工作者在最近1年中有过自杀意念,青年科技工作者整体心理健康状态呈现下降趋势;青年科技工作者比其他年龄的群体有更多的抑郁倾向和自杀意念,但焦虑水平无显著差异;女性和低学历青年科技工作者有更多的自杀意念,低学历青年科技工作者还有更多的抑郁情绪;婚姻状况、婚姻满意度、情绪调节方式和工作环境均显著影响该群体的心理健康状况。  相似文献   
文章运用文献资料、问卷调查法等研究方法对合肥市小学女子校园足球运动开展现状进行了研究,得出:足球场地设施配备基本满足需求,指导员的配备不足、业务知识不完善、工资待遇低,总体经费投入不足,比赛次数少,系统性的比赛机制不健全。提出改善足球相关政策、加强指导员的队伍建设、加大社会宣传力度、健全比赛机制等建议。  相似文献   
行列式求解在各个领域中有非常广泛的运用.通过分析一些具体实例,介绍了7种行列式的计算常用方法,包括n阶行列式、抽象行列式、行列式的展开定理以及代数余子式的应用,为今后学者们求解行列式提供了一些可行的方法.  相似文献   
苗红  王艳  袁菲  吴菲菲  李欣  黄鲁成 《科技促进发展》2020,16(12):1542-1549
为积极应对我国人口老龄化,促进老年科技产品创新发展,提高老年人生活质量,本文以“老年人对科技产品的需求”为主题,针对北京地区老年人在居家与日常生活、健康、信息与沟通、学习与娱乐以及行动交通5个方面使用科技产品及服务的情况进行调查。在利用卡诺(Kano)模型修正科技产品重要性的基础上,采用基于帕累托原理的六维重要性-绩效性分析(6-Importance Performance Analysis, 6-IPA)法将34种老年科技产品按需求分为6大类,并运用主成分分析法确定影响老年科技产品需求的主要因素。结果表明:老年人购买和使用科技产品的主要影响因素包括新技术的有用性、安全性、易用性以及价格定位是否合理等。应深入调查分析,制定合理发展策略;加大创新投入,提高企业自主创新能力;健全发展政策,推进老年科技发展。  相似文献   
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