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为了解决提高检测概率与减少网络开销间的矛盾,基于数据优化融合理论,提出了基于可信度的能量融合协同感知算法(EFCS算法)及节点选择算法。通过自适应迭代算法估计出各认知用户的感知可信度,并推导出了算法检测性能与协同用户数及感知可信度间的确定关系。算法能够在达到检测性能指标的前提下,尽可能多地删除冗余协同感知用户。仿真证明,节点选择算法在保证较高的检测概率的同时极大的节省了网络开销。  相似文献   
为研究回流区污染物堆积的机理及规律,采用高阶三点紧致差分格式对涡量-流函数方程和污染物对流扩散方程进行高精度数值求解,得到了污染物堆积与回流区岸线角度、排放点位置之间的定量关系.该方法有效抑制了通常的数值方法中对流项差分离散造成数值不稳定的现象,且程序编制简洁,运行效率高。数值计算表明该法有效、可靠.研究结果对沿岸排污点布置、减少海域污染具有一定的现实指导意义,并具有重要的理论价值.  相似文献   
VoIP(IP语音)与WLAN(无线局域网)两者结合,产生了一种新型的无线话音传送平台:VoWLAN。针对WLAN的研究热点,分析了VoWLAN中存在的容量瓶颈,指出现有解决方案(M-M)存在的问题,提出一种基于单播方式提高VoWLAN话音容量的方案(U-M,Unicast Multiplexing),对VoIP业务性能进行了理论分析和仿真验证。结果显示,U-M方案相对于传统方案提高系统话音容量近一倍,相对于M-M方案丢包率降低10%左右,较好地保证了VoIP业务的服务质量。该方案在以话音业务为主的VoWLAN中节省了系统的功耗,是一种性能优良的提高VoWLAN系统话音容量的方案。  相似文献   
循环法制备高纯碳酸钙工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的制备电子陶瓷工业用高纯碳酸钙。方法以工业碳酸钙为原料,采用改进的氢氧化物沉淀法,经过煅烧、浸出、沉淀、碳化等步骤制备高纯碳酸钙,并用原子吸收分光光度法和电位滴定法对杂质进行了分析,用粒度分析仪对产品粒度分布进行了测定。结果得到一条循环法生产高纯碳酸钙的优化工艺路线,该工艺过程如下:原料经煅烧后与氯化铵反应,加入沉淀剂过滤,除去杂质;将前工序煅烧时产生的CO2气体通入过滤后的滤液中,进行碳化反应;生成物经过滤干燥后即得到高纯碳酸钙;滤液循环使用。结论浸出温度,浸出时间,pH,pH调节试剂,碳化温度,洗涤水温等对产品均有影响。  相似文献   
Wearable devices usually work together with smart phones. To ensure only legitimate smart phones can read the data, they must conduct pairing to establish a shared key. Traditional pairing methods require that the pairing devices have a keyboard or screen for user interaction. However, due to the size limitation, keyboards or screens are hard to be installed in the wearable devices. To solve this problem, we propose a novel pairing method by using ambient sound and light. In this new scheme, any pairing request from smart phone will trigger wearable device vibration. Only after users press the confirm key on the device can the pairing process continues. Then pairing devices collect ambient sound and light at the predetermined time and establish a shared key by using the Diffie-Hellman protocol. To protect against potential man-in-the-middle attacks in the key establishment process, an improved interlock protocol with sound and light comparison is conducted to authenticate the key. If both the sound and light collected by the pairing devices are similar enough, the key is accepted. Otherwise, it is rejected. Compared with current context based pairing methods, our scheme does not impose strict synchronization on devices to collect ambient context data. Moreover, our scheme need not collect and exchange contextual information for multiple times to resist offline brute force attacks. The experimental results and security analysis prove the effectiveness of our scheme.  相似文献   
Cold-rolled 2024-T3 sheet alloy was subjected to bobbin-tool friction stir welding (BTFSW). The microstructural characteristics and mechanical properties of the nugget zone in the as-welded state were investigated. The results show that the equiaxed grain size of BTFSW 2024-T3 alloy decreases from 7.6 to 2.8 μm as the welding speed is increased from 80 to 120 mm/min; in addition, fine grains are generated in the nugget zone and the size distribution is non-uniform. All Al2CuMg (S') precipitates dissolve into the Al matrix, whereas Mn-rich phases confirmed as T phases (Al20Cu2Mn3, Al6Mn, or Al3Mn) remain unchanged. The optimized parameters for BTFSW are verified as the rotation speed of 350 r/min and the travel speed of 100 mm/min. The variations in precipitation and dislocation play more important roles than grain size in the nugget zone with respect to influencing the mechanical properties during the BTFSW process. After the BTFSW process, the fracture mode of base material 2024-T3 alloy transforms from ductile rupture to ductile-brittle mixed fracture.  相似文献   
变质心弹头的自适应模糊滑模控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对非自旋再入弹头的动力学模型进行了分析,将俯仰通道和偏航通道间的耦合项看作是不确定项,对弹头的姿态动力学模型进行了变形和简化.为了克服耦合项的影响,提高变质心控制系统的鲁棒性和控制精度,采用自适应模糊滑模控制方法分别设计了俯仰通道和偏航通道的变质心控制系统,控制两个质量块的运动.仿真结果表明:在所设计的变质心控制系统的控制下,弹头的俯仰角和偏航角都能快速而准确地跟踪其指令信号,跟踪精度达到99.7%.  相似文献   
基于微带SIR的特性,提出了一种紧凑的微带多耦合带通滤波器结构,介绍了通过控制微带SIR谐振器的阻抗比值来调整二阶通带中心频率的位置,从而实现二阶杂波抑制和改善滤波器上边阻带衰减特性的原理.最后设计了一个中心频率为3.65 GHz,分数带宽约为3.5%的微带多耦合SIR带通滤波器,仿真表明其频率响应在1阶杂波频点处有-10 dB左右的衰减,使得滤波器在上边阻带的衰减更陡峭,通带更对称.制作的电路在中心频率处的插入损耗测试结果为-3.2 dB,带宽大约为120 MHz,和仿真结果比较一致.  相似文献   
The copolymerization of propylene and 5-hexenyl-9-borabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane (5-hexenyl-9-BBN) has been conducted with an MgCl2/TiCl4 catalyst intercalated in an organically modified montmorillonite (OMMT) with triethylaluminum (AlEt3) cocatalyst and diphenyldimethoxysilane (DDS) external donor. This polymerization process simultaneously results in both the exfoliation of MMT layers to realize the preparation of polypropylene (PP)/MMT nanocomposites and the implantation of reactive borane groups in the formed PP matrix. The polymer-borne borane groups have been able to undergo an effi-cient hydrolysis process under very mild reaction conditions (40℃, 3 h, in THF), introducing hydroxy groups into PP without sacrificing the polymerization-formed nanocomposite structure (the exfoliation of MMT). The resultant hydroxyl-functionalized PP/MMT nanocomposites exhibit enhanced structural stability against processing compared with those based on unfunctionalized PP matrix.  相似文献   
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