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Macroinvertebrate communities were examined on 4 winter dates over a 4-yr period in 2 high-altitude Rocky Mountain streams to document overwintering assemblages potentially experiencing spring acid pulses. Taxa richness values were comparable to other published lists for alpine and montane stream systems despite the fact that most literature reflected summer collections. Mean benthic density ranged from 1406 to 19,734 organisms/m 2 , and drift rates ranged from 0 to 1740 organisms/100 m 3 . Benthic collections showed higher taxa richness than drift collections while the Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera occurred in greater proportions in drift than in benthos. The Nemouridae (Plecoptera), Ephemerellidae and Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera), Chironomidae (Diptera), and Hydracarina were the numerically dominant taxa in benthic collections. Grazer/scrapers and shredder/detritivores were always the numerically dominant functional feeding groups at all sites, composing 60-90% of the benthos. Predators, constituting approximately 15% of the community, occurred in the same relative proportion at all sites on all dates. Winter macroinvertebrate communities in these low-order, montane streams exhibit high taxonomic richness and benthic densities as great as lower-elevation mountain streams in the West.  相似文献   
We used the computer program RAMAS to explore the sensitivity of an extinction-risk model for the Gila trout ( Oncorhynchus gilae ) to management of wildfires and number of populations of the species. The Gila trout is an endangered salmonid presently restricted to very few headwaters of the Gila and San Francisco river tributaries in southwestern New Mexico. Life history data for 10 extant populations were used to examine sensitivity of the species viability to changes in a variety of factors including population size, fecundity, life stage structure, number of populations, severity and probability of forest fires, and a regulated fishery. The probability and severity of forest fires and number of populations had the greatest effect on viability. Results indicate that successful conservation of Gila trout requires establishment of additional populations and reduction of the severity of forest fires through a program incorporating more frequent, but less severe, fires.  相似文献   
From 1972 to 1982 three exceptionally large sauropod scapulocoracoids and other equally large sauropod bones were collected from the base of the Brushy Basin Member of the Upper Jurassic, Morrison Formation, in western Colorado. Two of the scapulae are conspecific, but the third represents a second genus and possibly a new family. The two conspecific specimens are described here as: Supersaurus vivianae ; the second genus is described as Ultrasaurus mcintoshi , and a large, robust anterior dorsal vertebra of unique form is described as Dystylosaurus edwini . Various miscellaneous elements are referred to the three genera.      相似文献   
Dispersal plays an important role in the population dynamics of many carnivores, yet little information exists about the dispersal and movement patterns of swift foxes ( Vulpes velox ). We radio-collared and monitored 68 swift foxes for dispersal at 2 study sites in northwestern Texas from January 2002 to April 2004. Dispersal distance for juveniles (13.1 ± 0.3 km, s ), adults (10 ± 4.7 km) and transients (25.4 ± 9.1 km) did not differ by age class ( F = 1.49, df = 2, P = 0.24) or sex ( F = 0.23, df = 1, P = 0.63) but differed by study site ( F = 4.72, df = 1, P = 0.04). Mean dispersal distance from private ranches (PR) was greater than from National Grasslands (NG). Peak dispersal occurred during October– November (13 individuals) and January–February (7 individuals). Dispersal direction was influenced by land-use practices (i.e., toward rangelands and away from anthropogenic features). Direction of dispersal among foxes that occupied the NG was uniform ( n = 16, P = 0.08), whereas foxes from PR dispersed in a northwesterly direction ( n = 18, P ≤ 0.001) away from a town and croplands. Three resident adult foxes made extraterritorial movements. Distances of these movements ranged from 0.2 km to 11.4 km. Distance of extraterritorial movements did not differ by sex ( F = 0.05, P = 0.83), nor by duration of movement ( F = 1.11, P = 0.32). Knowledge of movement distances and patterns is important for conservation and protection of swift foxes and their habitats.  相似文献   
Streambed surveys were conducted along the upper Colorado River, Colorado, to describe the distributions of Claassenia sabulosa larvae in relation to current speed and to determine their diets. We also addressed diel feeding periodicity by sampling during both day and night. Claassenia sabulosa was more abundant in riffle habitats than in runs. A positive relationship existed between C. sabulosa abundance and stream current, with larval size increasing with current speed. Chironomidae, Baetidae, and Simulidae collectively accounted for 93% of the prey found in stonefly guts; however, these categories were not consumed equally by all C. sabulosa . Smaller C. sabulosa primarily ate chironomids, and larger individuals consumed more baetids. Only a slight difference existed in the percentage of empty guts between night- and day-collected stoneflies, and ranges of prey per gut at night were higher than those in the day, suggesting that these stoneflies may forage more intensively at night.  相似文献   
Laboratory experiments were undertaken to assess the effects of three levels of cobble embeddedness on the microdistribution of the sculpin Cottus beldingi and its stonefly prey, Skwala Americana . Experiments were conducted separately and together as predator and prey in temperature- and flow-controlled artificial streams. When tested either separately or together, both the predator sculpin and its stonefly prey occurred in significantly greater numbers on substrata having unembedded cobbles than substrata having half- or completely embedded cobbles. Stonefly densities were greater in substrata having unembedded cobbles even though predator densities within the more embedded cobble patches were significantly lower. These findings support the hypothesis that higher predator densities influence prey densities less than the structural habitat quality of unembedded-cobble patches.  相似文献   
Cover types and vegetative characteristics (e.g., grasses, forbs, shrubs) used by female Sage Grouse ( Centrocercus urophasianus ) during summer were compared with available habitat on two study areas in southeastern Oregon. Broodless hens, which constituted 114 of the 125 (91%) radio-marked hens studied, selected big ( Artemisia tridentata ) subspp.) and low sagebrush ( A. arbuscular ) cover types at both study areas. At Hart Mountain, broodless hens did not select specific vegetative characteristics within cover types. However, at Jackass Creek, forb cover was greater ( P = .004) at broodless hen sites than at random locations. Differences in habitat use by broodless hens between study areas were associated with differences in forb availability. Broodless hens used a greater diversity of cover types than hens with broods. Broodless hens gathered in flocks and remained separate from but near hens with broods during early summer. By early July broodless hens moved to meadows while hens with broods remained in upland habitats.  相似文献   
We examined stomach contents of preserved specimens of larval Pacific giant salamander ( Dicamptodon tenebrosus ) and Cope's giant salamander ( D. copei ) collected from sympatric and allopatric stream populations. The dietary components of these specimens were used to calculate dietary overlap between the 2 species and to determine if changes in overlap existed between sympatric and allopatric populations. To statistically test overlap values, a randomization algorithm was used to construct a simulated data matrix (i.e., null model) in order to compare observed values of dietary overlap to a distribution of overlap values from the null model. Significant levels ( P < 0.05) of dietary overlap occurred in all cases of sympatry as well as allopatry. Average dietary overlap in sympatry was significantly lower than in allopatry, suggesting a dietary shift when in sympatry to reduce competition. Diet composition also differed between sympatric and allopatric populations of each species, further suggesting a partitioning of food resources by one or both species when in the presence of its congener.  相似文献   
Sympatric populations of Cophosaurus texanus and Callisaurus draconoides were periodically sampled from March 1973 through April 1974 at Burro Creek, Mohave County, Arizona. Callisaurus were also sampled at Rock Valley, Nye County, Nevada. Sex ratios were skewed in favor of males in the adult Cophosaurus but were equal in both adult populations of Callisaurus. Both species became sexually mature as yearlings. Mean clutch sizes were 3.55 (&plusmn;0.83) for Cophosaurus, and 4.25 (&plusmn;1.08) and 5.07 (&plusmn;1.33) for Callisaurus at Burro Creek and Rock Valley respectively. Evidence of multiple clutches was exhibited by both species. Egg weight/body weight ratios for both species and clutch weight/body weight ratios for Cophosaurus were notably smaller than previously reported. At Burro Creek both species were highly insectivorus, with orthopterans comprising the largest food group of each. Niche overlap for food was high at the ordinal level, but at the familial level it is apparent that Callisaurus probably fed in the more xeric areas of the riparian habitat. No differences were found in the temperature responses of these two lizards. However, minor temporal separations and substantial spatial partitioning were observed. Callisaurus preferred sandy open areas, while Cophosaurus preferred the presence of some rocks and boulders.  相似文献   
Seeds of two halophytes, Atriplex triangularis, which grows in a mesic saline marsh environment, and Atriplex confertifolia, which grows in a xeric desert environment, were analyzed by energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis for the distribution of elements. The highest concentration of sodium, chlorine, potassium, and calcium was present in seed coats of A. triangularis. All of the elements detected were at low concentrations in the endosperm. Embryos contained the highest amount of phosphorus that is probably associated with organophosphate compounds. Potassium was also high in embryos. The total amount of elements in all regions of A. confertifolia was low as compared to A. triangularis. In a similar pattern sodium, chlorine, potassium, and calcium were the highest in seed coats of A. confertifolia. Elemental concentration was also low in the endosperm. Likewise, the phosphorus level was the highest in the embryo. The results support the concept of elemental compartmentalization in seeds of these halophytes.  相似文献   
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