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An ultraslow-spreading class of ocean ridge   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Dick HJ  Lin J  Schouten H 《Nature》2003,426(6965):405-412
New investigations of the Southwest Indian and Arctic ridges reveal an ultraslow-spreading class of ocean ridge that is characterized by intermittent volcanism and a lack of transform faults. We find that the mantle beneath such ridges is emplaced continuously to the seafloor over large regions. The differences between ultraslow- and slow-spreading ridges are as great as those between slow- and fast-spreading ridges. The ultraslow-spreading ridges usually form at full spreading rates less than about 12 mm yr(-1), though their characteristics are commonly found at rates up to approximately 20 mm yr(-1). The ultraslow-spreading ridges consist of linked magmatic and amagmatic accretionary ridge segments. The amagmatic segments are a previously unrecognized class of accretionary plate boundary structure and can assume any orientation, with angles relative to the spreading direction ranging from orthogonal to acute. These amagmatic segments sometimes coexist with magmatic ridge segments for millions of years to form stable plate boundaries, or may displace or be displaced by transforms and magmatic ridge segments as spreading rate, mantle thermal structure and ridge geometry change.  相似文献   
Dick IE  Tadross MR  Liang H  Tay LH  Yang W  Yue DT 《Nature》2008,451(7180):830-834
Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent regulation of voltage-gated CaV1-2 Ca2+ channels shows extraordinary modes of spatial Ca2+ decoding and channel modulation, vital for many biological functions. A single calmodulin (CaM) molecule associates constitutively with the channel's carboxy-terminal tail, and Ca2+ binding to the C-terminal and N-terminal lobes of CaM can each induce distinct channel regulations. As expected from close channel proximity, the C-lobe responds to the roughly 100-microM Ca2+ pulses driven by the associated channel, a behaviour defined as 'local Ca2+ selectivity'. Conversely, all previous observations have indicated that the N-lobe somehow senses the far weaker signals from distant Ca2+ sources. This 'global Ca2+ selectivity' satisfies a general signalling requirement, enabling a resident molecule to remotely sense cellular Ca2+ activity, which would otherwise be overshadowed by Ca2+ entry through the host channel. Here we show that the spatial Ca2+ selectivity of N-lobe CaM regulation is not invariably global but can be switched by a novel Ca2+/CaM-binding site within the amino terminus of channels (NSCaTE, for N-terminal spatial Ca2+ transforming element). Native CaV2.2 channels lack this element and show N-lobe regulation with a global selectivity. On the introduction of NSCaTE into these channels, spatial Ca2+ selectivity transforms from a global to local profile. Given this effect, we examined CaV1.2/CaV1.3 channels, which naturally contain NSCaTE, and found that their N-lobe selectivity is indeed local. Disruption of this element produces a global selectivity, confirming the native function of NSCaTE. Thus, differences in spatial selectivity between advanced CaV1 and CaV2 channel isoforms are explained by the presence or absence of NSCaTE. Beyond functional effects, the position of NSCaTE on the channel's amino terminus indicates that CaM can bridge the amino terminus and carboxy terminus of channels. Finally, the modularity of NSCaTE offers practical means for understanding the basis of global Ca2+ selectivity.  相似文献   
Lourens LJ  Sluijs A  Kroon D  Zachos JC  Thomas E  Röhl U  Bowles J  Raffi I 《Nature》2005,435(7045):1083-1087
At the boundary between the Palaeocene and Eocene epochs, about 55 million years ago, the Earth experienced a strong global warming event, the Palaeocene-Eocene thermal maximum. The leading hypothesis to explain the extreme greenhouse conditions prevalent during this period is the dissociation of 1,400 to 2,800 gigatonnes of methane from ocean clathrates, resulting in a large negative carbon isotope excursion and severe carbonate dissolution in marine sediments. Possible triggering mechanisms for this event include crossing a threshold temperature as the Earth warmed gradually, comet impact, explosive volcanism or ocean current reorganization and erosion at continental slopes, whereas orbital forcing has been excluded. Here we report a distinct carbonate-poor red clay layer in deep-sea cores from Walvis ridge, which we term the Elmo horizon. Using orbital tuning, we estimate deposition of the Elmo horizon at about 2 million years after the Palaeocene-Eocene thermal maximum. The Elmo horizon has similar geochemical and biotic characteristics as the Palaeocene-Eocene thermal maximum, but of smaller magnitude. It is coincident with carbon isotope depletion events in other ocean basins, suggesting that it represents a second global thermal maximum. We show that both events correspond to maxima in the approximately 405-kyr and approximately 100-kyr eccentricity cycles that post-date prolonged minima in the 2.25-Myr eccentricity cycle, implying that they are indeed astronomically paced.  相似文献   
Action of insulin on sodium efflux from the toad cocyte   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
E E Bittar  D A Dick  D J Fry 《Nature》1968,217(5135):1280-1281
Environmental issues affect everyone though the ways in which people engage with them varies a great deal. The Open University's Masters program in environmental decision making has at its core a modular course that enables students to incorporate environmental factors into their decision making from a starting point of identifying their own environmental issues using a systems approach. Students carry out a project based on their own experience in a decision-making situation of their own choice. A framework for environmental decision making is introduced and students learn how to use the framework systematically, systemically and critically. The course has evolved since it was first introduced in 1997 as both students and the course team have learnt about environmental decision making together. This paper analyses and interprets some of the data that have emerged from students projects since the course began.  相似文献   
Relationships of temperature and precipitation to the reproductive success of blue grouse ( Dendragapus obscurus ) were investigated. Maximum and minimum temperatures followed similar patterns during the years 1976-1981 and showed no patterns relative to hatching success. Precipitation data, however, was variable. When significant amounts of precipitation fell during the last three weeks of the hatching period, chick survival and, therefore, recruitment were adversely affected. We suggest that precipitation occurring at the end of the hatch period reduces the September harvest of birds.  相似文献   
Darwin was fascinated by the transportation of land snails across great swathes of open ocean by birds--he even immersed snails in sea water to see how long they would survive. Here we follow a molecular phylogenetic trail that reveals the incredible transequatorial dispersal of the land snail Balea from Europe to the Azores and the Tristan da Cunha islands, and back again. This long-distance dispersal is unexpected for what are proverbially considered the most pedestrian of creatures.  相似文献   
Hellebrand E  Snow JE  Dick HJ  Hofmann AW 《Nature》2001,410(6829):677-681
Rocks in the Earth's uppermost sub-oceanic mantle, known as abyssal peridotites, have lost variable but generally large amounts of basaltic melt, which subsequently forms the oceanic crust. This process preferentially removes from the peridotite some major constituents such as aluminium, as well as trace elements that are incompatible in mantle minerals (that is, prefer to enter the basaltic melt), such as the rare-earth elements. A quantitative understanding of this important differentiation process has been hampered by the lack of correlation generally observed between major- and trace-element depletions in such peridotites. Here we show that the heavy rare-earth elements in abyssal clinopyroxenes that are moderately incompatible are highly correlated with the Cr/(Cr + Al) ratios of coexisting spinels. This correlation deteriorates only for the most highly incompatible elements-probably owing to late metasomatic processes. Using electron- and ion-microprobe data from residual abyssal peridotites collected on the central Indian ridge, along with previously published data, we develop a quantitative melting indicator for mantle residues. This procedure should prove useful for relating partial melting in peridotites to geodynamic variables such as spreading rate and mantle temperature.  相似文献   
The corticomotoneurone connection is normal in Parkinson's disease   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Voluntary movements in Parkinson's disease are initiated and executed slowly. It is assumed that the motor cortex and its output pathway are intact and that bradykinesia is due to abnormal motor commands delivered to a normal corticospinal system. We have tested this assumption using electrical stimulation of the motor cortex through the scalp in three patients with severe Parkinson's disease, studied during fluctuations from relatively normal mobility when receiving drugs (ON) to severe bradykinesia when not receiving drugs (OFF). Thresholds and latencies for motor cortex stimulation to excite thumb flexor muscles and the resulting fast mechanical responses were the same in both ON and OFF conditions, even though the patients were unable to execute fast thumb flexion movements voluntarily when OFF. We conclude that the excitability and conduction velocity of the corticospinal motor pathways are normal in Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   
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