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Five taxa of talitrid amphipods were found in the archipelago of Bermuda, of which three were recorded there for the first time. Four of these are supralittoral wrack generalists: Platorchestia monodi BOLD:AAB3402, (a unique Molecular Operational Taxonomic Unit according to the Barcode Index Number system), a related species recognized by molecular methods, Platorchestia platensis BOLD:AAA2949, Mexorchestia carpenteri carpenteri BOLD:AAC1491 and Tethorchestia antillensis; and one a terrestrial leaf-litter generalist: Talitroides alluaudi. A key is provided to discriminate between the formally described talitrids of Bermuda. Dispersal mechanisms from the American continent to Bermuda were considered for all taxa based on species distributions along the North American Atlantic coast and also investigated by molecular methods, using genetic population differentiation and haplotype network analysis based on the barcode region of cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene. For P. monodi BOLD:AAB3402 the genetic results suggest that some dispersal events occurred before human colonization of Bermuda but are equivocal about the source population and therefore the direction of dispersal. Some very recent synanthropic dispersal is possible with this species. For the other two species studied genetically, P. platensis BOLD:AAA2949 and M. c. carpenteri BOLD:AAC1491, the small population samples analysed support dispersal to Bermuda from the American mainland, before human occupation of Bermuda, although the available sample size was limited for these species. The available limited direct, non-genetic evidence supports synanthropic transport for Talitroides alluaudi. Platorchestia monodi BOLD:AAB3402 is found in the same wrack habitat as P. platensis BOLD:AAA2949 on Bermuda, apparently without interbreeding. No evidence was found that driftwood specialist talitrids had become established in Bermuda.  相似文献   
We summarized historic and recent fish distributions in South Dakota and analyzed fish faunal similarity at 2 spatial scales (geomorphic province and river drainage) for both historic (native) and recent (post-1990) faunas. We quantified zoogeographic patterns between geomorphic provinces and among neighboring river drainages for historic and recent faunas. We also quantified faunal change (species losses and additions) between provinces and among drainages. Ninety-seven fishes were native to South Dakota, but 111 fishes were present in recent collections because 8 native species were missing, and 22 nonnatives were present. There was high β diversity among historic and recent river drainage fish faunas, but there was between 22% and 56% faunal change between periods. Recent faunas were homogenized compared to historic faunas at both provincial and river drainage spatial scales. Patterns of nonnative species establishment were geographically distinct from patterns of native species loss. Most nonnative species additions were in cold-water or human-made habitats of the Great Plains. Most native species declines stemmed from warm water streams of the Central Lowlands and Missouri River valley. Conservation of rare and declining native species and containment of nonnatives are both necessary to preserve historical patterns of fish biodiversity in South Dakota.  相似文献   
Many rangelands in the southwestern United States provide quality habitat for Northern Bobwhites ( Colinus virginianus ). These same habitats are frequently managed for livestock production and thus are subjected to various brush management practices that are meant to enhance forage production. Bobwhites rely on woody cover for food, thermal and loafing cover, and protection from avian predators. Implementing brush management practices that reflect bobwhite requirements is important for managing usable space and viable populations. We described the structural vegetative characteristics associated with bobwhite locations and random locations on native rangelands in the upper Rolling Plains of Texas that are dominated by honey mesquite ( Prosopis glandulosa ) and managed with aerial herbicide and prescribed fire. We also used binary logistic regression to model habitat selection; the initial model was built using 67% of the data ( n = 179 used-random paired points) and then validated using the remaining 33% of the data ( n = 88 used-random paired points). Locations used by bobwhites had significantly larger mean values of percent brush canopy cover, visual obstruction, and angle of obstruction than did random locations; random locations had a greater mean value of percent bare ground than locations used by bobwhites. The resulting logistic regression model contained only the angle of obstruction; the model had an 80% probability of correctly classifying used and random locations based on the area under the receiver operating curve (ROC). The model maintained a high classification probability when applied to the smaller validation data set, with an area under the ROC of 0.78.  相似文献   
Thirty-eight accessions of 20 taxa (species and subspecies) of Chrysothamnus from a range of environments were grown in a uniform garden. During mid-June, terminal and lateral leaves were removed, fixed, and processed for light-microscopy studies. Area and perimeter measurements of ink tracings of midleaf vein cross sections were measured using computer-scan techniques. Leaf area and perimeter were compared with vein perimeter and area measurements. Area and perimeter of these Chrysothamnus leaves varied in response to the environment at the collection location. Plants native to hot, dry conditions had small, thick leaves, whereas plants native to cooler, more mesic conditions had relatively large, thin leaves. Similarly, leaves with round veins were adapted to hot, dry environments and leaves with elliptical veins were adapted to cooler, more mesic environments. Both terminal (young) and lateral (older) leaves were sampled. Terminal leaves showed significant (p < .05) correlational responses to environmental parameters, whereas the lateral leaves, while fronding in the predicted morphological directions, did not generally show significant responses. The different responses of terminal and lateral leaves may have been due to canopy position and uniform environmental conditions of the garden. Leaves with large cross sections characteristically had large veins, and leaves with small cross sections characteristically had small veins. Large leaf cross sections were normally flat. Small leaf cross sections were normally round. Decreasing leaf size and increasing leaf thickness were correlated with aridity.  相似文献   
Surface-bearing pressure in newer logging skid trails compared to the 40+ -year-old trails was approximately 60% greater as measured by a cone penetrometer. Surface soil compaction from tractor skidding may last 40 years or more, as evidenced by the fact that skid trails of that age were 20% more resistant to the penetrometer than areas adjacent to trails. No relationship was found between dry-bulk density (measured with a balloon apparatus) and surface-bearing pressure.  相似文献   
Ponderosa pine cones from 10 areas in Arizona were collected prior to natural seed dispersal and dissected to determine the number of sound, hollow, and insect-damaged seeds in each cone. Total and sound seed yields per cone did not vary significantly among areas but did vary significantly among trees within each area. Numbers of hollow and Megastigmus -infested (Hymenoptera: Torymidae) seeds varied significantly among areas and trees within areas. Numbers of sound seed increased significantly with increasing cone length but did not change with increasing numbers of cones per cluster. The percentages of Megastigmus -infested seed did not change significantly with increasing cone length or number of cones per cluster.  相似文献   
The early fall diet of Oregon blue grouse ( Dendragapus obscurus pallidus ) from Wallowa County, Oregon, was determined from 145 crops obtained during 1981 and 1982. Of more than 50 plant and animal foods in the diet, short-horned grasshoppers ( Acrididae ), prickly lettuce ( Lactuca serriola ), yellow salsify ( Tragopogon dubius ), wild buck-wheat ( Eriogonum spp.), and snowberry ( Symphoricarpos albus ) occurred in 30% or more of the crops and collectively amounted to 68% of the diet by weight. Seven of the 12 most common foods were consumed differentially by the four sex and age classes of birds. Results indicated that blue grouse foraged in forest and grassland habitats.  相似文献   
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