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并行工程产品开发过程的建模方法学   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在并行工程中,为了实现产品开发过程的集成、并行和最优化,首先要建立能够充分反映产品开发过程各方面信息的产品开发过程模型。通过对模型的仿真分析和优化,指导产品开发过程的实施。本文首先提出了并行工程产品开发过程模型是集成多视图模型,随后提出了采用集成多视图建模理论的并行工程产品开发过程建模、分析和管理的方法学框架  相似文献   
This study aimed to investigate dynamic recrystallization(DRX)behavior during compression of magnesium alloy AZ31. Cylinder samples were cut from the extruded rod and hot rolled sheet AZ31 for compression test.The samples were compressed using a Gleeble 1500D at a temperature of 300℃and a strain rate of 0.01 s-1.Grain orientations and misorientation angles across grain boundaries for the tested samples were obtained by using electron backscatter diffraction(EBSD)technique.The results showed that strong basal texture was observed after 50%compression(ε=0.69)on both the extruded and hot rolled samples,which have different initial textures.It was observed that with increased strain,DRX grains gradually rotated to basal orientation,and grain boundaries with misorientation angle of near 30°was formed in the samples.At the strain of 0.69,a high fraction of high-angle(60°)boundaries was present in the extruded sample,whereas almost no high angle boundaries were observed in the hot rolled sheet sample.  相似文献   
The continuing miniaturization of electronic devices in microelectronics and semiconductors drives the development of new packaging materials with enhanced thermal conductivity to dissipate the heat generated in electronic packages.In recent years,several promising composite materials with high thermal conductivity have been developed successfully for high performance electronic equipment to replace the traditional Kovar and Cu/W or Cu/Mo alloys,such as SiCp/Al,SICp/Cu,diamond/Al and diamond/Cu.However,thes...  相似文献   
Particulate size has significant influenced on the mechanical properties of particle-reinforced composite solder joints.In this current research,Cu or Ni reinforcement particles were mechanically added to the Sn-3.5Ag eutectic solder,and the effects of the particle size on the mechanical properties of particle-reinforced composite solder joint were systematically studied. This investigation touched on how mechanical properties of the solder joints are affected by particles size.A quantitative formula was se...  相似文献   
对“数学新课程问题式教学评价”进行了分析.认为“双赢互惠教学发展观”是其核心理念;“着手于问题情境的有效创设,着眼于问题解决情境中的教学互动过程”是其标准。  相似文献   
本文以含糖可乐和保健可乐/水为例,分析了影响碳酸饮料中压力-温度-二氧化碳含量之间关系的主要因素,指出不管饮料的品种和包装材料有何不同一律使用同一张二氧化碳含量倍数表是不恰当的.同时推荐两张适用于罐装含糖可乐和保健可乐/水的新的二氧化碳含量倍数表.  相似文献   
本文对竹子硫酸盐法制浆过程中主要工艺参数进行了试验研究,找出了它们之间的关系,并建立了预报蒸煮终点纸浆硬度的经验公式,为电子计算机控制蒸煮过程提供了可靠依据.  相似文献   
含铝高速钢中奥氏体非均匀长大的机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
M2AI和M2高速钢经一次和二次淬火后,奥氏体晶粒和未溶碳化物的定量研究表明,在高温r/f比值相同的条件下,由于淬火前原始组织的差别,可发生正常(均匀)和异常(非均匀)两类长大。根据异常粗晶形成初期的组织观察,提出了“连续-非连续”再结晶模式和“合并—推移”式的生长机制。提出了减轻或消除M2AI钢混晶的工艺原则。  相似文献   
在H_2O和5%NaCl水溶液中以浸泡试验用腐蚀增重和腐蚀失重法测量,并结合机械性能进行分析,可以认为40SiMnCrMoV钢完全可以代替40SiMnMoV和40CrNi3Mo钢制做重型钎杆。  相似文献   
用单向稳定热流法测定纯度为99.95%的石英玻璃的导热系数,其温度范围的50-500℃,准确度估计到5%,发现石英玻璃的导热系数随温度升高而有所增大。  相似文献   
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