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The release and transport of heavy metals(Ni,Cr,Cu and Pb) from Liangshui River sediments into the overlying water column during the resuspension event were determined using an annular flume with a velocity ranging from 0.15 to 0.35 m/s.It is shown that the suspended particulate matters(SPM) increased as much as nearly 25 times from 165 to 4220 mg/L as the velocity increased.Heavy metals showed an increase in dissolved phase as the velocity increased due to their desorption from the SPM.Acid-soluble heavy metals increased as the velocity increased,indicating that part of the heavy metals transformed from stable phase to labile phase during resuspension.Heavy metal concentrations in the SPM on volume normalization increased by approximately 2-6 times.However,on the mass weighted basis they decreased,approaching the bulk-sediment contents at high velocity,due to the "particle concentration effect".The distribution coefficients(K D) of heavy metals were higher at slower velocity during the sediment resuspension,which could be attributed to the decrease of fine particles(silt/clay fraction) during resuspension.  相似文献   
Chemotherapy remains the standard treatment for acute myeloid leukemia;however,the emergence of drug resistance is a major hurdle in the successful treatment of leukemia.The expression of multidrug resistance-associated protein 4(MRP4)induces re- sistance in the adriamycin-resistant acute myeloid leukemia cell line,K562/ADR.The aim of this study was to investigate whether knockdown of MRP4 by lentivirus-mediated siRNA could improve the sensitivity of K562/ADR cells to adriamycin.Five lenti- virus-mediated short hairpin RNAs(lv-shRNAs-MRP4)were designed to trigger the gene silencing RNA interference(RNAi) pathway.The efficiency of lentivirus-mediated siRNA infection into K562/ADR cells was determined using fluorescence mi- croscopy to observe lentivirus-mediated GFP expression.MRP4 expression in infected K562/ADR cells was evaluated by real- time PCR and Western blot analysis.The MTS assay was used to measure cell viability and flow cytometry was used to measure apoptosis.The transfection efficiency of K562/ADR cells was over 80 percent.The gene silencing efficacy of lv-shRNA1-MRP4 was superior to the other constructs.Infection of K562/ADR cells with lv-shRNA1-MRP4 led to strong inhibition of MRP4 mRNA and protein expression.Combined treatment with lv-shRNA1-MRP4 and adriamycin decreased cell growth and increased apoptosis compared to treatment with lv-shRNA1-MRP4 or adriamycin alone.These data indicate that in K562/ADR cells MRP4 is involved in drug resistance mechanisms and that lentivirus-mediated knockdown of MRP4 may enhance sensitivity to adriamycin.  相似文献   
通过对河阳传统民居的特色以及现状问题进行整理和分析,提出了河阳传统民居的保护原则、保护措施和进化更新策略.以探寻一条适合河阳传统民居文化保护与传承的发展之路。  相似文献   
提出了一种新型光纤准白光干涉测距系统,系统由定位干涉仪和扫描干涉仪两部分组成,将目标的定位过程和测量过程分开,可实现绝对距离测量。同时,在定位干涉仪中加入光开关和多组已精确标定、具有不同光程差的光纤组,完成两级多次量程倍增,使得系统可只利用短扫描导轨(如200mm)进行大量程(10m以上)、高精度(相对精度可达10~(-5)量级)的绝对测距。  相似文献   
Ni基纳米材料是一种高效制氧催化剂,是当前相关学术领域的研究热点.采用电沉积法制备高性能的Ni-Cu纳米合金催化剂,分析了其表面态调控对电化学性能的影响.在电子微扰和表面形貌的双重调控下,其电化学活性表面积稳步提升到5.45 cmz,其析氧反应动力学电位和反应过电位分别达到约132 mV和约164 mV.对催化剂的构-效机理研究结果表明,在合金化作用下,其高电位下的抗腐蚀性得到提升,Ni-Cu的表面稳定性得到显著提升,从而使其I-t耐久性提升到27000 s.这种高性能非贵金属合金材料对制备高效率、低成本催化剂,促进析氧反应材料商业化具有重要意义.  相似文献   
图像克隆一直是图像编辑中的重要组成部分,概括来说有基于透明度分量的、基于梯度域的、基于坐标的3种图像克隆方法,但图像克隆领域中存在的颜色不协调和边界失真问题一直没有得到很好的解决。为了缓解基于均值坐标克隆方法中的颜色不协调问题,提出一种基于局部亲和力传播的图像克隆方法,亲和力综合考虑了像素点与边界的坐标距离、颜色距离以及该点颜色在边界颜色分布中的概率,以此来缓解失色,达到颜色协调。亲和力还可以检测出真正感兴趣对象的边界,用它来约束边界插值,可以有效缓解边界失真,使得克隆更加鲁棒,最后的实验结果表明该方法能得到令人满意的结果。  相似文献   
基于水分收支平衡原理, 观测2012年生长季张掖绿洲的水分收支分量动态特征, 探究灌溉对绿洲水分收支的影响。结果表明: 1) 无降水及灌溉时, 绿洲内40~100 cm深度的土壤含水量高 0~20 cm的土壤, 强降水事件对0~20 cm的土壤含水量影响较大, 而灌溉事件对 0~100 cm的土壤含水量有明显影响; 2) 无降水及灌溉时, 绿洲的日均蒸散发(ET)为2.83 mm/d, 降水事件后3日蒸散发量为降水之前的 1.16倍, 灌溉事件之后2日蒸散速率为灌溉之前的1.88倍, 说明灌溉对绿洲的蒸散发影响更为显著; 3) 绿洲生长季水分收支收入项(降水和灌溉, P+I)中, 灌溉占89.7%, 水分支出项主要为深层渗漏(DP), DP/(P+I)为81%; 4) 2012年生长季绿洲灌溉需水量为213 mm, 实际灌溉量比灌溉需水量多出474 mm, 远远超出所需, 水资源浪费严重。  相似文献   
从语义角度看,汉语的大多数动量词都源于"行走"义动词。汉语动量词的形成大多经历了"行走"到"频次"的转化过程,而这个转化过程大致经历了"功能扩展"和"代入"两个阶段,"转喻"则是促使"行走"义动词演变为动量词的直接原因。  相似文献   
通过调研、文献资料查阅,分析了近五年东莞市土壤重金属污染情况,结果显示,其中Cd、Hg、As、Ni、Cu、Zn等多种重金属超标,污染最严重的为Cd和Hg,平均值分别达到0.44 mg/m3和0.19 mg/m3,超标率分别为38.83%和22.57%,另外土壤重金属污染以单一重金属污染为主。最后从政策和法规方面提出了几点控制土壤重金属污染措施。  相似文献   
《出了毛病》是美国小说家约瑟夫·海勒1974年出版的黑色幽默小说,是继《第二十二条军规》之后的又一佳作。小说主人公斯洛克姆通过对工作、家庭等的内心独白,展现了他恐慌、多疑、焦虑的内心世界,深刻地表现了-3代美国中产阶级的自我迷失、精神苦楚、对社会的极度失望;通过对斯洛克姆生活的支离破碎的片断刻画,呈现了'-3时人们的精神危机。  相似文献   
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