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Shixin Liu Di Chen Yifan Wang 《系统工程与电子技术(英文版)》2014,(4):609-617
A memetic algorithm (MA) for a multi-mode resourceconstrained project scheduling problem (MRCPSP) is proposed. We use a new fitness function and two very effective local search procedures in the proposed MA. The fitness function makes use of a mechanism called "strategic oscillation" to make the search process have a higher probability to visit solutions around a "feasible boundary". One of the local search procedures aims at improving the lower bound of project makespan to be less than a known upper bound, and another aims at improving a solution of an MRCPSP instance accepting infeasible solutions based on the new fitness function in the search process. A detailed computational experiment is set up using instances from the problem instance library PSPLIB. Computational results show that the proposed MA is very competitive with the state-of-the-art algorithms. The MA obtains improved solutions for one instance of set J30. 相似文献
线性高斯状态空间模型中假设噪声为已知的白噪声过于苛刻。认为过程噪声与观测噪声均未知且二者的解析关系确定,假设观测噪声的均值非零且服从高斯分布,方差服从逆威沙特分布,从而构成了层次式贝叶斯模型。利用变分推断将均值与方差和系统状态一起作为随机变量进行迭代估计,在得到观测噪声的均值与方差的估计值后,利用其与过程噪声的关系进一步更新未知过程噪声的均值与方差,从而动态地得到每一时刻过程噪声与观测噪声的一、二阶统计矩信息,即使在噪声统计信息动态变化的情况下也有较满意的滤波精度。实验证明了该算法的有效性。 相似文献
Adaptive robust control of mobile satellite communication system with disturbance and model uncertainties

The tracking and stable control of a typical shipmounted mobile satellite communication system(MSCS) is studied.Unlike the former studies based on simplified single-axis models,a tri-axis nonlinear model including the kinematic and dynamic features of the MSCS is used as the control object.An adaptive robust controller with trajectory planning is designed to deal with large parametric uncertainties and uncertain nonlinearities of the system.A theoretic performance result is given and proved.The designed adaptive robust controller and other two traditional controllers are tested in the comparative simulations under three different situations.The simulation results show the tracking and stable validity of the proposed controller. 相似文献
绿洲灌区节水型种植模式评价与筛选 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
面对水资源严重短缺、农业可持续发展受限、生态环境逐渐恶化的现实,以武威市凉州区为例,运用综合评价方法从经济、社会、生态3个方面对现有主要种植模式进行了分析。结果表明,日光温室蔬菜、玉米/豌豆、制种玉米、小麦/玉米、大田玉米、马铃薯6种模式综合效益较好,但从水资源安全、高效利用、农业产业发展的更高层次要求来看,日光温室蔬菜、玉米/豌豆、制种玉米3种节水高效模式更为理想,适宜于西北内陆绿洲灌区应用,有利于实现节水、增收以及农业产业可持续发展目标。 相似文献
<正> This paper considers the problem of actuator failure compensation for a class of nonlinearsystems in the form of output-feedback.MT-filters are exploited to estimate the unmeasured states.The backsteppping technique is used to construct the controller recursively.The proposed compensationscheme can grantee the boundedness of all the closed-loop signals and asymptotic output tracking.Thetheoretical results are illustrated by a simulation example. 相似文献
本文从实际考虑提出了一种使分散控制系统稳定的新方法。这是一种最优的稳定方法。它不仅使反馈控制器的结构具有站间的通讯费用最低的特点,而且也使控制结构有最少的通道数。数值计算的例子表明了本文所提方法的正确性和可操作性。 相似文献
本文旨在讨论GPC算法[1,2]的并行化问题,通过对原串行算法的数据流及数据相关性的分析,得到了一种三角阵列的并行算法。该算法自然导致Systolic结构,并具有良好的数值稳定性。对于一个 n阶系统而言,本算法采用O(n2)阶的处理器单元互连成三角阵列,可以把计算时间由原来的O(n3)阶(内积运算)时间提高到 O(n)阶,因而具有 O(n2)的加速比,其处理器的利用效率得到了很大提高。 相似文献
基于散射中心的目标建模与识别 总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8
准光学区目标对高分辨探测信号的散射,表现出多散射中心。本文利用目标的这一物理特性,推导了相邻两个观测方位角上散射信号的近似比例关系,采用梅林变换重建了目标类模式,有效地克服了目标散射中心模型的参数敏感于观测方位角变化而带来的特征选择的困难。文中针对三种飞机目标(歼七、B52、Mig27)进行了识别实验研究,结果表明了本文所提出的目标识别方法是有效可行的。 相似文献
水库调度PSO优化模型及求解方法 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
水库优化调度是水资源系统工程的一个典型,其实质是一个非线性的不等式约束优化问题,然而现行的求解方法中针对离散精度和复杂约束处理两个问题一直考虑不足,相关方面的研究也较少。将连续域寻优的粒子群算法引入到水资源系统工程中,建立水库调度的PSO优化模型,避免因离散而引起的寻优瓶颈,并针对传统粒子群算法的趋同性问题和复杂约束问题,提出退火罚函数法和混沌变异因子法,使改进后的粒子群能更有效地解决水库调度问题。通过实例分析,验证该方法的可靠性,为水库调度提供了一种新的求解途径。 相似文献