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在中国广西南宁,测定8种不同基座颜色的CC诱捕器对豇豆(VignasesquipedalisWright)上的叶蝉、蓟马的诱捕作用。蓝色基座诱捕器对华筒管蓟马(HaplothripschinensisPriesnes)的诱集量为白色基座诱捕器的2倍(22.8头/诱捕器天),其他基座颜色诱捕器的诱捕量为0.1~1.7头/诱捕器天。CC诱捕器对叶蝉(Empoascaspp.)的诱集量为4头/诱捕器天,不同基座颜色诱捕器的诱集量差异不显著。在印度,测定白色、黄色和绿色基座诱捕器对花生上两种蓟马的诱捕作用。白色基座诱捕器对茶黄蓟马(ScirtothripsdorsalisHood)的诱集量为39.8头/诱捕器天,为黄色基座诱捕器的2倍多。绿色基座诱捕器的诱集量最少。白色基座诱捕器对瓜蓟马(ThripspalmiKarny)的诱捕量(17.3头/诱捕器天)也显著高于黄色基座诱捕器(11.0头/诱捕器天)。结论为:白色和蓝色基座诱捕器可用于监测豇豆、花生上蓟马的种群数量。  相似文献   
本文首次讨论并给出了利用星上GPS输出反馈,来实现卫星大角度姿态机动的自主非线性状态跟踪控制系统的设计.其中包括非线性状态反馈控制器的设计以及利用星上GPS伪距测量输出信息,采用修改的罗格里德参数描述姿态状态方程,实现星上实时状态跟踪控制的非线性估计器的设计.文中以EO-1/LandSat7卫星编队飞行为背景,给出了姿态测量信息的获取、姿态状态估计和实时跟踪控制的数学仿真结果,验证了控制系统设计的可行性和正确性,精度指标满足要求.  相似文献   
采用针-板式反应器,研究探讨低温等离子体协同絮凝剂处理印染废水色素和COD的影响规律.试验首先探讨了低温等离子放电条件(放电电压、放电时间、放电间距)对印染废水色素和COD处理效果;其次研究在最佳的低温等离子放电条件下,加入絮凝剂对印染废水色素和COD处理的协同作用.结果表明印染废水的脱色率和COD脱除率随输入电压的增大和放电时间的延长而增加;放电介质及放电间距对净化效率也有重要影响,在气相中放电的脱色率优于在液相中放电,COD的脱除率随放电间距的增加而降低.最佳工艺参数为放电电压20kV、放电时间20min、放电间距为阳极在液面以上约12mm,先经过等离子体放电再加入絮凝剂的废水净化效果优于先加絮凝剂再放电的工艺过程.  相似文献   
Novel major archaebacterial group from marine plankton.   总被引:77,自引:0,他引:77  
J A Fuhrman  K McCallum  A A Davis 《Nature》1992,356(6365):148-149
Marine bacteria often dominate the plankton biomass and are responsible for much of the cycling of organic matter, but bacterial diversity is poorly understood because conventional identification methods (requiring culturing) miss about 99% of the organisms. Recent advances permit characterization of microbial communities by analysis of 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequences directly from biomass without the need to culture the organisms; such studies from surface ocean samples have found only eubacteria, not archaebacteria (or Archaea), which are profoundly different. Here we report 16S rRNA sequences obtained from Pacific Ocean bacterioplankton samples collected from depths of 100 m and 500 m. Among these we found sequences only distantly related to those of any organisms previously characterized by 16S rRNA sequences, with similarities to the nearest such relatives (extreme thermophiles) approximately the same as those between animals and plants. We suggest that these sequences are from a previously undescribed archaebacterial group that may have diverged from the ancestors of characterized organisms very early in evolution.  相似文献   
M McClelland  A S Bhagwat 《Nature》1992,355(6361):595-596
Mutations in the p53 tumour-suppressor gene are the most frequently observed genetic lesions in human cancers. To investigate the role of the p53 gene in mammalian development and tumorigenesis, a null mutation was introduced into the gene by homologous recombination in murine embryonic stem cells. Mice homozygous for the null allele appear normal but are prone to the spontaneous development of a variety of neoplasms by 6 months of age. These observations indicate that a normal p53 gene is dispensable for embryonic development, that its absence predisposes the animal to neoplastic disease, and that an oncogenic mutant form of p53 is not obligatory for the genesis of many types of tumours.  相似文献   
A human recombinant haemoglobin designed for use as a blood substitute.   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
The need to develop a blood substitute is now urgent because of the increasing concern over blood-transmitted viral and bacterial pathogens. Cell-free haemoglobin solutions and human haemoglobin synthesized in Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae have been investigated as potential oxygen-carrying substitutes for red blood cells. But these haemoglobins cannot be used as a blood substitute because (1) the oxygen affinity in the absence of 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate is too high to allow unloading of enough oxygen in the tissues, and (2) they dissociate into alpha beta dimers that are cleared rapidly by renal filtration, which can result in long-term kidney damage. We have produced a human haemoglobin using an expression vector containing one gene encoding a mutant beta-globin with decreased oxygen affinity and one duplicated, tandemly fused alpha-globin gene. Fusion of the two alpha-globin subunits increases the half-life of this haemoglobin molecule in vivo by preventing its dissociation into alpha beta dimers and therefore also eliminates renal toxicity.  相似文献   
R L Tarleton  B H Koller  A Latour  M Postan 《Nature》1992,356(6367):338-340
The beta 2-microglobulin (beta 2m) protein associates with the products of the class I major histocompatibility (MHC) loci; this combination functions in the thymic development of and antigen presentation to CD8+ T cells. Mice in which the beta 2m gene has been disrupted by homologous recombination fail to express class I MHC gene products, and therefore lack CD8+ T cells and measurable cytotoxic T-cell responses. However, beta 2m- mice appear to have normal development of both CD4+ alpha/beta T-cell receptor (TCR+) and gamma/delta TCR+ T cells and are not overtly more susceptible than beta 2m+ mice to potential environmental agents of infection or to experimental viral infection. Here we show that beta 2m- mice suffer high parasitaemias and early death when infected with the obligate cytoplasmic protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. Despite this increased susceptibility, the beta 2m- mice are more responsive than their beta 2m+ littermates in terms of lymphokine production, making higher levels of both interleukin-2 and interferon-gamma in response to mitogen stimulation. In addition, the beta 2m- mice show essentially no inflammatory response in parasite-infected tissues. These results confirm previous experiments on mice depleted of CD8+ cells using antibody treatment in demonstrating the importance of CD8+ T cells in immune protection in T. cruzi infection. They also implicate CD8+ T cells and/or class I MHC molecules in regulation of lymphokine production and recruitment of inflammatory cells.  相似文献   
Evolution of ecological differences in the Old World leaf warblers.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A D Richman  T Price 《Nature》1992,355(6363):817-821
Sympatric species that belong to the same ecological guild usually differ in their behaviour and morphology, and these differences are often interpreted as adaptations to having to make use of different resources. Evidence supporting this interpretation comes from association between ecology and morphology among species, in which an a priori functional relationship is reasonable. But one problem with such comparisons is that members of a guild may be closely related, so the more closely related species can share a greater similarity in their morphology and ecology simply as a result of the lingering legacy of a common ancestor. In principle, the importance of historical legacy can be evaluated from phylogenetic relationships and times since divergence for all species, but this is rarely possible because these data are not available. Here we use a phylogeny for eight sympatric species of warbler in the genus Phylloscopus, based on their mitochondrial DNA sequences, to remove the effects of historical legacy. Without these effects, we find strong support for adaptive interpretations of among-species variation in habitat selection, prey-size choice and feeding method. Ecological variation along any of these three niche axes is associated with predictable morphological variation. We also find evidence for historical legacy in that more closely related species are often more similar behaviourally and morphologically. This paradoxical result can be reconciled because the most closely related species tend to differ along only one niche axis, habitat choice. In contrast, the evolution of prey-size choice and feeding method occurred rapidly and early in the diversification of this group. Once a new ecological zone was occupied, subsequent morphological change along these niche axes was limited, accounting for the similarity of closely related species.  相似文献   
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