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The combined adjustment of astronomical geode tic networks and the 2000’national GPS control net work is a national geodetic project based on the pre sent necessities and long term program of national e conomic development. This project has profound sci entific, social and economic significance, and willproduce an effect on developments of space scienceand national defense construction as well as geodesyitself.China took part in the second international radioobservational projec…  相似文献   
The shortage of water supply and the increasingdemand for water resources is a severe problem, andthe optimal allocation is the key to solving this prob lem in management of water resources. It is very dif ficult to solve the large scale discrete problem of waterresources programming because of the intricate rela tion between resources and environment. Combina tion exploding exists in traditional programmingmethods, such as enumerative and dynamic program ming methods. People are …  相似文献   
Thedevelopmentofnoninvasivefunctionalneu roimagingmethodshasmadeitpossibletoinvestigatelarge scaleactivationpatternsofbrain.FMRI,arep resentativeinhemodynamictechniques,hasbeen usedextensivelyinthestudiesofthephysiology,pathologyandpsychologyofbrains[1—3],foritslessinvasiveproperty,superiorresolution,andlowercost comparedtoPETtechniques.Itisimportanttopointoutthatcommonimage analysissoftwaressuchasstatisticalparametricmap ping(SPM),analysesoffunctionalneuroimages(AFNI),createdatabydoinga…  相似文献   
Modal extension rule   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Sinceautomatedtheoremprovingwasintroduced inthe1950s,ithasbeenmaturedintooneofthe mostadvancedareasofcomputerscience.Theresolu tionmethodisoneofthemostdistinguishedandmost widelyappliedmethodsintheoremproving(TP).ResolutionbasedTPtriestodeducetheemptyclause tochecktheunsatisfiabilityofclauseset.Butexten sionrulebasedTP[1]proceedsinverselytoresolution.Namely,extensionrulebasedTPcheckstheunsatis fiabilitybydeducingthesetofclausesconsistingofall themaximumterms.Therefore,itisanewtheorem provi…  相似文献   
To efficiently use the array aperture and avoid the complicated parameter pairing computation, this paper proposes a new cumulant-based algorithm for localizing near-field narrowband sources. Firstly, this algorithm proposes a symmetric uniform linear array (ULA), and constructs three cumulant matrices by using the fourth-order cumulants of some properly chosen sensor outputs; secondly, unlike the conventional parallel factor (PARAFAC) analysis models in data or subspace domain, it forms a three-way array (TWA) in the fourth-order cumulant domain using the three matrices, and analyzes the uniqueness of its low-rank decomposition; thirdly, it jointly estimates the frequency, the direction-of-arrival (DOA), and the range of each near-field source from the matrices via the low-rank decomposition of the TWA. The simulation results are presented to validate the performance of our proposed method.  相似文献   
High resolutionhistoricalclimaticdataarevitalforunderstandingthemechanismsofclimaticvariabil ity ,improvingclimatemodel,anddistinguishingan thropogeniceffectsfromthenaturalforcingoncli matechange[1,2 ] .China ,withcontinuousandabun danthistoricaldocuments ,isoneofthemostpotentialregionstoprovidehigh resolutionclimaticseries[3,4 ] .Sincethe 1970s ,manyhistoricalclimaticserieshavebeenestablishedbyproxydata ,forexample ,thegradeofdryness/wetnessfor 12 0stationsoverthepastfivecenturies[5] ,andfor …  相似文献   
Theanalysesofpaleoecologicalprocessesondifferenttemporalandspatialscales,thetimeexpansionofthetraditionalecology,areimportantforpredictingthefutureglobalchanges[1].However,itisdifficulttoperformsuchanalysesonalargetemporal,forexamplethousandyear,scale.Currentpaleoecologicalstudiesstronglyrelyonfossilrelicssuchasfootprint,moulage,reliquiae,boneandothermaterials,butthesematerialsarerarelyavailableanddifficulttopreserve.Recently,stableisotopeanalysishasbeenusedasaneffectivetechniqueforstudyingthe…  相似文献   
The paleo oceanenvironmentalchangeduringthePrecambrian Cambriantransitionisakeyissuere latedtothecausesforanexplosiveradiationofdiffer entmetazoanphyladuringtheEarlyCambrianera .Thechemicalandisotopiccompositionsofmarinesed iments (carbonates ,phosphorites ,siliceousrocks ,andblackshales)recordthechangingcompositionandphysicalconditionsoftheseawaterinwhichtheserocksaccumulated .Organiccarbon richblackshalesfrommarineenvironmentsarecommonlyenrichedinanumberoftraceelementssuchasNi,Mo ,V ,Co ,…  相似文献   
Up to now, computation method dealing withthe many electron systems has been based on single particle approximation. That is to say, the wavefunctions of a system are composed of single particlewave functions (SPWF’s), and all the physical prop erties are determined by the SPWF’s. There havebeen two sophisticate techniques to solve the SPWF’s.One is the well known Hartree Fock self consistent e quations (HFSCE). The other is the Kohn Sham e quations of density funct…  相似文献   
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