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苹果叶片不定芽的高频诱导及植株再生的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
体外建立并扩繁了苹果品种“乔纳金”、“新世界”、“王林”,“北斗”的无性系,在MS附加BA0.5 ̄2.0mg/L、IBA0.1 ̄0.5mg/L的培养基中,2个月内芽的数量可增至5倍,在MS培养基附加BA5.0mg/L IAA0.2mg/L的下,4个品种的叶片再生率可达90%以上,其中以“乔纳金”最高,可达100%,当TDZ为3mg/L,IAA0.2为0.5mg/L时,其再生频率明显高于BA。  相似文献   
家庭成员之间的权利与义务关系主要根据血缘亲情而构建,涉及到一系列伦理价值判断。2001年婚姻法仅规定离婚后未与子女共同生活一方父或母有探望权,忽略了子女主动与父母进行亲情沟通的伦理需要,将子女置于被动的客体地位。笔者认为,被探望的子女绝非探望权的义务主体,法律进一步明确未成年子女作为探望权的权利主体,符合探望权的伦理价值取向。  相似文献   
随着中国联通宽带战略的不断推进,用户规模持续扩大,宽带用户资料的准确性已成为制约网络发展的关键因素。测量配线架的横列、纵列分别与DLSAM局端设备和用户端交接箱相连,测量台资料的准确性是宽带用户资料准确性的关键,通过BAS实时话单吞吐功能对某些特定用户账号进行跟踪,并将这些特定账号上线线路所对应的真实用户账号的相关信息以某种方式推送给测量,可实现测量台的拨号用户的"114"实时查询功能,让测量能够实时、迅速地了解用户线的相关逻辑信息,将极大提高测量数据的准确性,同时也能大大减轻相关人员的工作量。  相似文献   
我国高校行政管理专业教学中存在培养目标不明确,课程设置不合理,教学方法落后,与社会需求脱节,这种现象非常不利于学生从知识向能力的转化,从学校到社会的过渡:因此,要针对社会需求制订教学目标,分方向进行课程设置以及灵活采用多种教学方法,培养学生在社会某一领域处理和解决实际问题的特长和能力,以满足市场经济和现代化建设对复合型、应用型的公共管理人才的需求。  相似文献   
目的:为探讨一种适合国情的心脏移植术所需的供体心脏的有效保存方法和提高保存质量。方法:采用经冠状静脉窦冷血停跳液持续微量灌注,取人七直沿用至今的晶体停跳液单次灌注冷藏保存法。结果:在动物实验和临床研究的基础上,成功地将该技术应用于3例临床同各异体原位心脏移植术的供体心脏保存,心脏离体保存时间为146、147、180min,均在主动脉开放后2min内自动复跳,并呈窦性心律,术后射血指数为4.2-6.  相似文献   
本文提出了利用Karhunen-Loéve展开定理和主成分分析法解决变量权数确定问题,并对一般欧氏距离进行改进以作为织物风格的客观量度。文中还介绍了改进后的欧氏距离的特点,并给出与织物风格感官评价结果的对应关系。  相似文献   
The scattering performance of a parallel laser beam onthe parallel fiber model and nonwoven fabrics are studiedin detail. A device of computer - program - controlledsystem for measuring laser scattering intensity - angledistribution function of fiber assemblies is set up, and themeasuring condition for distingulslhing the fibers ar-ranged at different directions is carried out. The materi-als of two categories, the models of fiber assembly andnonwoven fabrics made with varied processing methods,are studied. The analysis and experiments show that thefiber orientation distribution functions in the 2 - dimen-sional fiber assemblies can be sensitively determined bylaser scattering method.  相似文献   
景国际 《科技资讯》2008,(33):127-127
大学生“两课”教育应在培养学生三种能力上下功夫:着力解决思想认识问题,提高辨别是非对错的价值判断能力;坚定正确的理想信念,提高抵御不良侵蚀的人格完善能力;展现规范的行动表现,提高恪守法定准则的行为责任能力。  相似文献   
The principles for the modulus method and the percentage method are established and discussed in the part following Part Ⅰ of the series papers, in which we proposed the various algorithms of the strength method and the work method. The samples of Wool/PET blended fibre bundles,the method of fibre-bundle tensile tests and the typical specific stress-extension curves from the fibre bundles with different blend ratios are the same as in Part Ⅰ. Itcan be found that the theoretical results estimated by the modulus and percentage methods accord with the experimental values highly though the calculations of the two methods are slightly more complex than those of the strength and work methods. Especially, using the modulus method can not only avoid the influence of the error caused by the determination of the tensile curve of no fibre breaking in stretching, Y (e), but also need not to know the tensile curves of mono-component fibre bundles in certaincalculation. The latter advantage of the modulus method exists in the percentage method too, but it should adopt the improved calculation of ones.  相似文献   
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