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局部应力分析对工程设计具有广泛的重要作用,然而应变硬化材料因其本构关系的复杂性,至使大量的弹塑性局部应力问题难于采用理论分析方法求解。本文作者克服了实验技术上的困难,采用应变硬化材料聚碳酸酯对中心圆孔受拉板的孔边局部应力进行了光弹塑性实验研究,得到其弹塑性应力场、应变场及塑性区尺寸的规律,为弹塑性局部应力的实验研究提供了一条有效途径。  相似文献   
唐家河自然保护区有鸟类 15 8种 .繁殖鸟类 137种 ,其中古北界种类 5 6种 ,东洋界种类 6 3种 .保护区内有我国特产鸟类 2 0种 ,属于国家保护鸟类 2 2种 .该研究论述了保护区各垂直带繁殖鸟类的区系组成、优势种、常见种以及资源鸟类的类型 .  相似文献   
Human cerebellar activity reflecting an acquired internal model of a new tool   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  
Theories of motor control postulate that the brain uses internal models of the body to control movements accurately. Internal models are neural representations of how, for instance, the arm would respond to a neural command, given its current position and velocity. Previous studies have shown that the cerebellar cortex can acquire internal models through motor learning. Because the human cerebellum is involved in higher cognitive function as well as in motor control, we propose a coherent computational theory in which the phylogenetically newer part of the cerebellum similarly acquires internal models of objects in the external world. While human subjects learned to use a new tool (a computer mouse with a novel rotational transformation), cerebellar activity was measured by functional magnetic resonance imaging. As predicted by our theory, two types of activity were observed. One was spread over wide areas of the cerebellum and was precisely proportional to the error signal that guides the acquisition of internal models during learning. The other was confined to the area near the posterior superior fissure and remained even after learning, when the error levels had been equalized, thus probably reflecting an acquired internal model of the new tool.  相似文献   
本文以色彩构成理论为依据,找出小配色模纹和较大配色模纹的不同配色所产生外观效应的规律,应用色彩构成规律使织物组织的设计尽可能符合美学观点。  相似文献   
通过植物社会学的群落调查和统计分析方法,研究了广西特有种肥牛树群落的科属组成、植物地理区系分布、生活型谱、叶级谱、群落结构等群落特征.结果表明:在样地中共有维管束植物36科55属61种;肥牛树群落的种子植物属的地理区系分布类型有8种,以热带区域的分布类型为主,具有强烈的热带性特征;群落中的植物以高位芽的生活型为主,尤其是中高位芽生活型种类最多;群落中植物的叶的特征是以革质、单叶、中型叶为主;群落分层明显,可划分为乔木层、灌木层、草本层,肥牛树在整个群落的乔木层中占绝对优势.肥牛树群落的基本特征体现了该地区群落的气候和水热条件相适应的特点.  相似文献   
为了深入研究焙烧对一水硬铝石矿增浓溶出过程的影响及其活化焙烧强化溶出的机理,采用化学法提纯,从铝土矿中得到了高纯的一水硬铝石矿;经不同温度焙烧后进行增浓溶出,考察了焙烧温度对铝土矿增浓溶出效果的影响.研究结果表明在一定温度范围内,焙烧矿的溶出性能优于未焙烧矿;当焙烧时间一定时,在525℃焙烧的一水硬铝石矿溶出性能明显改善,焙烧矿石中氧化铝可几乎全部溶出.通过X射线衍射对物相、晶体点阵常数的测定以及扫描电镜对焙烧提纯矿形貌的观察,认为强化溶出的主要机制为一水硬铝石提纯矿在一定条件下焙烧后,由结晶完整的一水硬铝石正交晶型逐渐向结晶不完整的刚玉转变,且矿石表面出现大量的裂纹和孔洞,增加了矿石的比表面积,从而强化了其与碱液反应的能力,溶出性能得到明显改善.  相似文献   
对双旋转轴间的瞬态流动与换热的实验研究发现:影响外轴内壁瞬态平均换热系数特性的因素中,以轴向冷气雷诺数的影响最大,外轴罗斯贝数次之,内轴罗斯贝数的影响最小;在双旋转的影响因素中,外轴内壁换热特性主要取决于外轴罗斯贝数,内外轴转速差和正反转因素影响较弱.  相似文献   
According to Milankovitch theory, the lower summer insolation at high latitudes about 115,000 years ago allowed winter snow to persist throughout summer, leading to ice-sheet build-up and glaciation. But attempts to simulate the last glaciation using global atmospheric models have failed to produce this outcome when forced by insolation changes only. These results point towards the importance of feedback effects-for example, through changes in vegetation or the ocean circulation-for the amplification of solar forcing. Here we present a fully coupled ocean-atmosphere model of the last glaciation that produces a build-up of perennial snow cover at known locations of ice sheets during this period. We show that ocean feedbacks lead to a cooling of the high northern latitudes, along with an increase in atmospheric moisture transport from the Equator to the poles. These changes agree with available geological data and, together, they lead to an increased delivery of snow to high northern latitudes. The mechanism we present explains the onset of glaciation-which would be amplified by changes in vegetation-in response to weak orbital forcing.  相似文献   
Magnetic carbon   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The discovery of nanostructured forms of molecular carbon has led to renewed interest in the varied properties of this element. Both graphite and C60 can be electron-doped by alkali metals to become superconducting; transition temperatures of up to 52 K have been attained by field-induced hole-doping of C60 (ref. 2). Recent experiments and theoretical studies have suggested that electronic instabilities in pure graphite may give rise to superconducting and ferromagnetic properties, even at room temperature. Here we report the serendipitous discovery of strong magnetic signals in rhombohedral C60. Our intention was to search for superconductivity in polymerized C60; however, it appears that our high-pressure, high-temperature polymerization process results in a magnetically ordered state. The material exhibits features typical of ferromagnets: saturation magnetization, large hysteresis and attachment to a magnet at room temperature. The temperature dependences of the saturation and remanent magnetization indicate a Curie temperature near 500 K.  相似文献   
该文针对高致病禽流感病毒中的H5N1亚型,利用平衡能的方法,从二级结构的角度,对19株病毒做出功能分类,针对其所包含的八个片段,进行关联分析,对于不同片段对病毒的生物特性的影响做出解释。  相似文献   
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