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为了提高科研项目评估的客观性和公正性,选用BP网络为模型,利用逆向建模技术和MATLAB实现了"科研项目选题决策综合模糊评估系统"。测试数据表明该系统能较准确地对科研项目作出评估得分。  相似文献   
选取自然资源环境、经济环境、基础设施环境、社会服务环境、人口劳动力环境和社会文化环境6个子系统的18个指标构建了城市投资环境指标体系,以陕西省下属的10个地级市为研究对象,采用因子分析的方法,对陕西省城市投资环境进行了实证分析。  相似文献   
自治斗争从中世纪大学诞生开始就不可避免地贯穿在它整个发展过程中。可以说中世纪的历史就是教会与国家的冲突史,大学为获得自身独立发展的空间周旋于教会与国家相互间权力争夺的漩涡中。大学在这一过程中通过各种方式在不同时期取得过自治斗争的胜利,但最终也没能逃脱被强大政权干预的宿命。大学的活力源于自治斗争,中世纪大学自治斗争的过程能够给中国现代大学提供相关经验。  相似文献   
在乱堆θ环不锈钢填料的自制填料塔中,使用单乙醇胺(MEA)作为吸收剂,研究MEA脱除CO2的去除率和总体积传质系数KGav,考察了贫液中CO2负载量、吸收剂浓度、液体流量、吸收温度等不同参数对总体积传质系数的影响.实验结果表明,KGav随贫液中CO2负载量的增大而减小,随吸收剂浓度、液体流量的增大而增大;且进料温度在3...  相似文献   
Industrial symbiosis network (ISN) is an efficient organizational form for improving resource recycling and efficiency in industrial cluster district. Because of the variety of industrial cluster district formation model, the industrial symbiosis network is different with each other. Based on the circular economy theory, combing with international tendency of cluster district, the paper puts forward the relying-on-oriented industrial symbiosis network. Meanwhile, it also analyzes its organizational mechanism, operating pattern and environmental performance. Through the above efforts, we hope it could be helpful for industry cluster district sustainable development in China.  相似文献   
<正> This work is concerned with rates of convergence of numerical methods using Markov chainapproximation for controlled diffusions with stopping (the first exit time from a bounded region).In lieuof considering the associated finite difference schemes for Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equations,a purely probabilistic approach is used.There is an added difficulty due to the boundary condition,which requires the continuity of the first exit time with respect to the discrete parameter.To prove theconvergence of the algorithm by Markov chain approximation method,a tangency problem might arise.A common approach uses certain conditions to avoid the tangency problem.Here,by modifying thevalue function,it is demonstrated that the tangency problem will not arise in the sense of convergencein probability and in L~1.In addition,controlled diffusions with a discount factor is also treated.  相似文献   
Conventional artificial fish has some shortages on the interaction with environment, other fish, and the animator. This article proposes a multi-tier interaction control model of artificial fish, realizes the interaction model through integration of virtual reality technology and Markov sequence, and provides a virtual marine world to describe the interaction between artificial fish and the virtual environment and the interaction between the artificial fish and the animator. Simulation results show that the interaction model owns not only the basic characteristics of virtual biology, but also has high trueness interaction function.  相似文献   
Rethinking the Fifth Discipline: Learning Within the Unknowable by Robert Louis Flood. Sami Potatoes: Living with Reindeer and Perestroika by Michael Robinson and Karim-Aly Kassam. The Self Managing Organization: How Leading Companies Are Transforming the Work of Teams for Real Impact by Ronald E. Purser and Steven Cabana.  相似文献   
A frequency-domain-based sufficient condition is derived to guarantee the globally asymptotic stability of the simplest Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy control system by using the circle criterion. The analysis is performed in the frequency domain, and hence the condition is of great significance when the frequency-response method, which is widely used in the linear control theory and practice, is employed to synthesize the simplest T-S fuzzy controller. Besides, this sufficient condition is featured by a graphical interpretation, which makes the condition straightforward to be used. Comparisons are drawn between the performance of the simplest T-S fuzzy controller and that of the linear compensator. Two numerical examples are presented to demonstrate how this sufficient condition can be applied to both stable and unstable plants.  相似文献   
针对离散Markov跳变系统,研究带输出约束的单步预测控制问题。首先设计基于模态的单步预测控制器,驱动系统状态到达相应的终端不变集内,以此保证约束预测控制系统的稳定性,接着进一步讨论了系统存在峰值有界噪声输入情形。其中终端不变集是通过在预测时域外寻求一个虚拟的带约束的状态反馈控制器以保证系统的随机稳定性来获得,为计算方便,控制器的优化问题转化为SDP问题,并得到以LMI描述的优化问题。最后对Markov跳变系统描述的经济学动力系统的仿真结果说明了本控制器设计方法能够在峰值有界噪声输入下保证系统的稳定性,并且使控制变量满足给定的约束条件。  相似文献   
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