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广义V-I型多目标规划ε-有效解的充分性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白鸽  张庆祥 《江西科学》2009,27(2):172-176
利用对称梯度,定义了一类非光滑多目标规划的V-Is,ε型、拟V-Is,ε型和伪V-Is,ε型等几个广义向量,型不变凸性概念,得到了涉及这些新广义弘,型不变凸性的多目标规划的一些最优性充分条件。  相似文献   
交通网中,最大化车流量和最小化平均等待时间是每一个路口调度的目标.交通调度中,各路口与其它路口发生博弈关系.博弈过程中,相邻路口之间为使其自身利益最大化而存在一种策略间相互协调的约束.针对复杂的交通调度控制问题,基于多智能体多阶段博弈论对交通系统进行建模.考虑动态博弈交通环境的实际特征,进一步基于博弈的增强学习算法,提出一种以惩机制为约束条件的交通系统博弈策略的学习方法,最终使参与交通博弈的多个路口达到Nash均衡,从而得到交通系统的最优配时调度策略组合.实验验证了所提出方法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   
This paper presents an effective clustering mode and a novel clustering result evaluating mode. Clustering mode has two limited integral parameters. Evaluating mode evaluates clustering results and gives each a mark. The higher mark the clustering result gains, the higher quality it has. By organizing two modes in different ways, we can build two clustering algorithms: SECDU(Self-Expanded Clustering Algorithm based on Density Units) and SECDUF(Self-Expanded Clustering Algorithm Based on Density Units with Evaluation Feedback Section). SECDU enumerates all value pairs of two parameters of clustering mode to process data set repeatedly and evaluates every clustering result by evaluating mode. Then SECDU output the clustering result that has the highest evaluating mark among all the ones. By applying "hill-climbing algorithm", SECDUF improves clustering efficiency greatly. Data sets that have different distribution features can be well adapted to both algorithms. SECDU and SECDUF can output high-quality clustering results. SECDUF tunes parameters of clustering mode automatically and no man's action involves through the whole process. In addition, SECDUF has a high clustering performance.  相似文献   
In this paper, the Life Cycle of Urban Development was firstly analyzed, and the phases of Life Cycle Assessment applied to Urban Development (ULCA) were described. As a case study, ULCA was applied in the environmental impact assessment of the land readjustment project of Hyogo District of Saga, Japan. In addition, mitigation proposals for reducing CO2 were also presented and the relevant environmental ef-fects were simulated.  相似文献   
青城山风景区维管植物区系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青城山风景区维管植物种类丰富 ,地理成分十分复杂 ,区系起源古老 ,特有和珍稀濒危植物种类丰富 ,温带成分和热带成分相互交错 ,反映了青城山维管植物区的过渡性质。  相似文献   
The general configuration of CEV1 electric vehicle's electrical system and the design scheme of its control sequence are presented, which are modularized by using VMU as master control unit, PMU as power management unit, BMU as battery management unit. It is a rather advanced and practical general design scheme of electric vehicle, because the division of its module function is definite, which is advantage for research, manufacture and maintenance.  相似文献   
一致性理论作为多智能体间合作协调的基础,受到来自各个领域研究者越来越多的关注。但是,以往的控制律只利用智能个体周围的局部信息,其控制律往往是次优的。本文引入了状态预测器,将带状态预测器一致性理论应用到多智能小车系统速度一致性问题的研究中,给出了智能小车速度一致性算法,分析了多种耦合通信方式对智能小车速度一致性的影响,引入了智能小车状态预测器,最后通过欧拉公式将上述带状态预测器的控制律求解出来,设计出了智能小车的控制器,并从理论上证明了控制器的可行性,与以往的一致性算法相比,加快了智能小车演化到平衡状态的收敛速度。  相似文献   
液相用表面声波化学传感器的理论与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
表面声波化学传感器具有较高的灵敏度和检测精度,但目前只能用于气相分析。本文报道了液用表面声波传感器及其应用于液相体系的检测,并导出了相应的理论响应公式。该传感器对溶液电导率和介电常数有灵敏响应,而且在伴存电解质存在时,测定结果更精确。此工作为表面声波器件在液相体系的应用提供了新的途径。  相似文献   
提出一种带有状态观测器的非线性系统自适应控制策略 ,实现了非线性系统的镇定和零误差跟踪 .这种方法简单有效 ,尤其适用于状态不可观测系统和输出无法直接连续测量的非线性系统 .  相似文献   
本文使用前文(Ⅰ)所述的实验装置,对六种类型总日射表(TBQ—1、TBQ—2、DFY—2、DFY—4、EPPLEY 8—48及EPPLEY PSP)的倾斜效应进行了测试,给出各类表的测试数据及经验公式,结果表明:各类总日射表确实存在着倾斜效应,并且各自的规律不同,最大的约为—6.2%(EPPLEY 8—48表)。还对测试结果的误差进行了估计,最后对总日射表倾斜效应的产生原因进行了定性分析。  相似文献   
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