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The benthic macroinvertebrate fauna of southern Saskatchewan, Canada, has received little attention relative to other regions of western North America. Therefore, little is known of the related aquatic ecosystem health and biogeography of regional aquatic insects. Here we present the results of an aquatic macroinvertebrate survey for the Pipestone Creek watershed in southeastern Saskatchewan. We qualitatively sampled aquatic macroinvertebrates in 5 sites on 4 dates through spring, summer, and fall 2006. Sampling produced 294 taxa of macroinvertebrates including 25 provincial range extensions to the southeast corner of the province. Presence/absence data of taxa grouped the sites into lentic and lotic sites. However, the relative proportions of the taxa varied greatly among sites, with no 2 sites having a community similarity greater than 50%. Functional feeding group analyses separated the sites into collector-dominated and scraper/grazer-dominated sites. However, the taxonomic make-up of the feeding groups varied among sites and also among dates. A modified Hilsenhoff Biotic Index of the site communities indicated that all were influenced by organic pollution. Results of this study suggest that although the watershed is enormously diverse, its biological communities are likely influenced by organic pollution. Further, range expansions of species found here, such as the stonefly Perlesta placida , have implications for invasion pathways and post-glaciation species islands in a prairie landscape.  相似文献   
Mourning doves ( Zenaida macroura ) in a cold-desert ecosystem used man-made ponds for watering, feeding, gritting, loafing, and courting. Diurnal pond use by doves peaked in the morning and evening. Monthly dove use of ponds fluctuated slightly during the summers of 1984 and 1985. Pond size, pH, and shoreline characteristics had little association with the intensity of pond use by doves; but geographic isolation of ponds was weakly associated with pond-use intensity. The number of doves present at the beginning of the one-hour period was a poor indicator of the number of arrivals during that period. We conclude that man-made water sources are important in areas where water availability may limit mourning dove productivity and abundance. It is suggested that mourning dove arrival rates could be used as a population index in cold-desert areas.  相似文献   
Species diversity, niche metrics, cover, frequency, and soil relationships were studied on high mountain meadows on adjacent cattle and sheep allotments in Strawberry Valley, Wasatch County, Utah. The cattle allotment vegetation was predominantly Mountain bluebell (Mertensia ciliata) , and the sheep allotment vegetation was predominantly Smallwing sedge (Carex microptera) . Other species of importance on both areas included Letterman needlegrass (Stipa lettermanii) , Mountain bromegrass (Bromus carinatus) , and Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) . Tall forbs were most abundant on the cattle allotment, and low forbs, perennial grasses, and sedges were most abundant on the sheep allotment. Vegetation composition on the two allotments was significantly different.      相似文献   
Techniques for locating, capturing, and monitoring activities and movements of Flammulated Owls were developed during four years of study. Adults responded to imitated territorial song throughout the nesting season. Nests were found by noting vocalizations and behaviors associated with courtship-feeding and food transfers between the sexes. After fledging, broods were difficult to follow, unless the young or adults were radio-tagged. Adults and young were captured with noose poles, hoop nets, and mist nets. Backpack harnesses and tail-mounted transmitters were used on adults and backpacks on fledglings. Transmitter life was 30–40 nights.      相似文献   
This report includes data collected during an investigation by Brigham Young University personnel from 1971 to 1976, as well as a literature review. The fauna of the Kaiparowits Basin is represented by 7 species of amphibians (1 salamander, 5 toads, and 1 tree frog), 29 species of reptiles (1 turtle, 16 lizards, and 12 snakes), 183 species of birds (plus 2 hypothetical), and 74 species of mammals. Geographic distribution of the various species within the basin are discussed. Birds are categorized according to their population and seasonal status. Avian habitat relationships are discussed, and extensions of range are reported for 5 species of birds. Three threatened or endangered avian species occur in the basin. Four avian species seem to have declined significantly in numbers in recent years.  相似文献   
Cottus greenei, a potentially threatened species endemic to Idaho, was collected from 49 localities in 25 springs/streams in south central Idaho. Most localities were along the north bank of the Snake River in waters of the Thousand Springs formation, Gooding County. One population was found in a spring in the main Snake River. Another sculpin, Cottus bairdi, was collected with C. greenei at 23 locations in 16 springs/streams. Confusion concerning the type locality of Cottus greenei is discussed.     相似文献   
Rabbit abundance patterns in the North American Southwest are poorly known, particularly relative to the potentially important influences of rainfall and plant production. We conducted a 10-year study on the comparative densities of black-tailed jackrabbits ( Lepus californicus ) and desert cottontail rabbits ( Sylvilagus audubonii ) in relation to annual rainfall and plant production in both black grama ( Bouteloua eriopoda ) grassland and creosotebush ( Larrea tridentata ) shrubland habitats in the northern Chihuahuan Desert. We found that both species of rabbits were more abundant in black grama grassland than in creosotebush shrubland and that plant production was positively correlated with rainfall at both habitats. However, rabbit densities were not positively correlated with rainfall or plant production in either habitat. In fact, both species of rabbits exhibited gradual, multiyear changes in abundance rather than the patterns of high annual variation observed in desert rodent communities. Our findings of no significant relationship between plant production and rabbit densities indicate that rabbit abundance in the northern Chihuahuan Desert may not be strongly regulated by short-term, bottom-up effects of annual variation in plant production. Long-term trends indicate that other factors such as disease or predation may be equally or more important. We suggest that future research evaluate both top-down and bottom-up influences to elucidate the temporal dynamics of Chihuahuan Desert rabbit abundance. Se conoce poco sobre los patrones de abundancia de conejos desérticos en el suroeste de Norte America, particularmente en relación con las influencias potencialmente importantes de la precipitación y la producción de plantas. Llevamos a cabo una investigación de diez años sobre la densidad relativa de la liebre de California ( Lepus californicus ) y el conejo cola de algodón ( Sylvilagus audubonii ) en los hábitats tanto de pradera de grama negra ( Bouteloua eriopoda ) como de matorral de gobernadora ( Larrea tridentata ) en el norte del Desierto Chihuahuense, en relación con la precipitación y la producción anuales. Encontramos que ambas especies de conejo fueron más abundantes en la pradera de grama negra que en el matorral de gobernadora, y que la producción de plantas estuvo correlacionada positivamente con la precipitación en ambos hábitats. Sin embargo, las densidades de conejos no estuvieron correlacionadas positivamente con la precipitación o con la producción de plantas en ninguno de los dos hábitats. De hecho, en cuanto a la fluctuación de su abundancia, las dos especies de conejo exhibieron tendencias graduales a lo largo de varios años, en comparación con los patrones de gran variación anual que se han observado en comunidades de roedores desérticos. La falta de una relación significativa entre la producción de plantas y la abundancia de conejos, indica que la abundancia de conejos en el norte del Desierto Chihuahuense no está fuertemente regulada por los efectos ascendentes a corto plazo de la variación anual en la producción de plantas. Los cambios reflejados en las tendencias a largo plazo indican que otros factores como las enfermedades o la depredación pueden ser de igual o mayor importancia, y sugerimos que investigaciones futuras deberán evaluar tanto las influencias ascendentes como las descendentes para entender las dinámicas temporales en la abundancia de conejos del Desierto Chihuahuense.  相似文献   
An artifact constructed from a bison ( Bison bison ) hornsheath was recovered from the surface of a sandstone shelter also containing skeletal remains of bison and bighorn ( Ovis Canadensis ). Radiocarbon dating of bison, bighorn, and the artifact indicate that all co-occurred on the central Colorado Plateau, southeastern Utah, either between A. D. 1405 and A. D. 1420, or between A. D. 1535 and A. D. 1605. Skeletal remains of the bison imply that the animal was of the local faunal community during the transition between Protohistoric and Historic time.  相似文献   
The Least Bell’s Vireo ( Vireo bellii pusillus ) was listed as state endangered in 1980 and federally endangered in 1986 in response to a sharp population decline and range reduction. This vireo commonly bred in riparian forests throughout the Central Valley of California, but prior to 2005, no nesting pairs had been confirmed in the region in over 50 years. On 29 June 2005, a Least Bell’s Vireo nest was located in a 3-year-old riparian restoration site at the San Joaquin River National Wildlife Refuge in Stanislaus County, California. In 2006, a Least Bell’s Vireo pair returned to the refuge to successfully breed, followed by an unsuccessful attempt in 2007 by an unpaired female. These records are approximately 350 km from the nearest known breeding population and appear to be part of a growing number of sightings outside of the species’ current southern California breeding range. These nesting attempts lend credence to the idea that extirpated species can recolonize restored habitat by long-distance dispersal.  相似文献   
An understanding of the mechanisms of phytoplankton species interaction is dependent on a precise knowledge of what species exist within the community. The centric diatoms of Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada, which are often the dominant component of the phytoplankton community, are presented in both light and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) photographs. Specific attention has been given to initial cell forms of Cyclotella stelligera Cleve and Grunow and C. comta (Ehrenberg) Kützing through the aid of the SEM.  相似文献   
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