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排序方式: 共有1438条查询结果,搜索用时 328 毫秒
Summary Complete removal of villous as well as upper-crypt epithelium was achieved in vivo by vibration of an intestinal segment using tetraphenylboron sodium (TPB) as a disassociation agent.Acknowledgments. The authors thank Hicol Industrieterrein De Bosschen for supplying TPB. Research was supported by MR-II 1.3.14.p.2 grant.  相似文献   
Summary Streptozotocin diabetic rats were infertile as a result of decreased Leydig cell function of the testes. The major changes found were: decreased number of Leydig cells and their spontaneous secretion of testosterone. No change in the receptors to LH on the Leydig cells was observed. LH was found to be obligatory for the regulation of Leydig cell function and fertility.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die erste Totalsynthese des Garrya-Alkaloids Veatchin, das heisst des natürlichen optischen Isomeren, wird beschrieben.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Im 12-h Kurztag gehaltenePectinophora gossypiella gehen zu 78% in Diapause. Zusätzlich applizierte, einstÜndige Perioden mit 15 Lichtpulsen von je 1 min Dauer reduzieren die Diapauserate. Die besten Resultate ergeben 2 Pulsperioden, je 1,5 h vor und nach der Hellphase appliziert.  相似文献   
Z Abramsky  M L Rosenzweig 《Nature》1984,309(5964):150-151
Tilman has developed a model to predict the number of plant species that can coexist competitively on a limited resource base. Species diversity first increases over low resource supplies, then declines as the environment becomes richer. Although Tilman 's model was developed to describe interspecific interactions between plant species, it may also apply to animal species. Tilman questions whether animals specialize on particular proportions of nutrients. However, we believe animals probably specialize on relatively subtle microhabitat differences, especially in a multispecies competitive regime. Thus, microhabitats may act like nutrients. We hypothesize that animal species, too, show a peaked curve of diversity over productivity. The present data provide a confirmation of the hypothesis using rodent species. We have investigated the number of rodent species along a geographical gradient of increasing rainfall. The gradient extends from extremely poor desert habitats to those with annual rainfall over 300 mm. Because of the aridity , precipitation reflects productivity. The diversity pattern in desert rodents agrees with that predicted by Tilman for plants. It even possesses similar asymmetry, rising steeply then falling slowly. The pattern is duplicated in rocky and sandy habitats, each of which has a distinct and almost nonoverlapping assemblage of species. As mean precipitation is closely correlated with the variability of precipitation, the diversity pattern might also be caused by a decline in the frequency of disturbances, models for which have been proposed by several investigators.  相似文献   
Morford SL  Houlton BZ  Dahlgren RA 《Nature》2011,477(7362):78-81
Nitrogen (N) limits the productivity of many ecosystems worldwide, thereby restricting the ability of terrestrial ecosystems to offset the effects of rising atmospheric CO(2) emissions naturally. Understanding input pathways of bioavailable N is therefore paramount for predicting carbon (C) storage on land, particularly in temperate and boreal forests. Paradigms of nutrient cycling and limitation posit that new N enters terrestrial ecosystems solely from the atmosphere. Here we show that bedrock comprises a hitherto overlooked source of ecologically available N to forests. We report that the N content of soils and forest foliage on N-rich metasedimentary rocks (350-950?mg?N?kg(-1)) is elevated by more than 50% compared with similar temperate forest sites underlain by N-poor igneous parent material (30-70?mg?N?kg(-1)). Natural abundance N isotopes attribute this difference to rock-derived N: (15)N/(14)N values for rock, soils and plants are indistinguishable in sites underlain by N-rich lithology, in marked contrast to sites on N-poor substrates. Furthermore, forests associated with N-rich parent material contain on average 42% more carbon in above-ground tree biomass and 60% more carbon in the upper 30?cm of the soil than similar sites underlain by N-poor rocks. Our results raise the possibility that bedrock N input may represent an important and overlooked component of ecosystem N and C cycling elsewhere.  相似文献   
主要讨论带参数微分方程边值问题的逼近值及渐近值解法,并且利用基础解系、边值函数等概念,解决了带参数的微分方程中参数充分小的范围内解的变化趋势.  相似文献   
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