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A new approach to the evaluation of the uptake of fluorescent probes by intact cells is described. Acridine orange (AO) was used because it can be selectively accumulated by serotonin-containing granules of platelets. Analysis of the fluorescence signal allows the estimation of the relative volume of the granules and the equilibrium coefficients for AO transport across the cytoplasm and granule membranes. The following results were obtained for human and rabbit platelets: the relative volumes of the granules were 14 +/- 1% and 29 +/- 2%, the ratios of intragranular-extracellular probe concentration were 2260 +/- 382 and 30,000 +/- 5550, and the cytoplasm-extracellular medium concentration ratios were 375 +/- 60 and 225 +/- 60, respectively.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Supernatanten aus Kulturen überempfindlicher Lymphozyten und dem spezifischen Antigen mit MIF-Aktivität können die Entstehung der Pseudopodien normaler Makrophagen verhindern und zeigen nach längerem Kultivieren zuweilen toxische Eigenschaften.  相似文献   
Celiac disease is probably the best-understood immune-related disorder. The disease presents in the small intestine and results from the interplay between multiple genes and gluten, the triggering environmental factor. Although HLA class II genes explain 40% of the heritable risk, non-HLA genes accounting for most of the familial clustering have not yet been identified. Here we report significant and replicable association (P = 2.1 x 10(-6)) to a common variant located in intron 28 of the gene myosin IXB (MYO9B), which encodes an unconventional myosin molecule that has a role in actin remodeling of epithelial enterocytes. Individuals homozygous with respect to the at-risk allele have a 2.3-times higher risk of celiac disease (P = 1.55 x 10(-5)). This result is suggestive of a primary impairment of the intestinal barrier in the etiology of celiac disease, which may explain why immunogenic gluten peptides are able to pass through the epithelial barrier.  相似文献   
Meizothrombin is the physiologically active intermediate generated by a single cleavage of prothrombin at R320 to separate the A and B chains. Recent evidence has suggested that meizothrombin, like thrombin, is a Na(+)-activated enzyme. In this study we present the first X-ray crystal structure of human meizothrombin desF1 solved in the presence of the active site inhibitor PPACK at 2.1 A resolution. The structure reveals a Na(+) binding site whose architecture is practically identical to that of human thrombin. Stopped-flow measurements of Na(+) binding to meizothrombin desF1 document a slow phase of fluorescence change with a k(obs) decreasing hyperbolically with increasing [Na(+)], consistent with the existence of three conformations in equilibrium, E*, E and E:Na(+), as for human thrombin. Evidence that meizothrombin exists in multiple conformations provides valuable new information for studies of the mechanism of prothrombin activation.  相似文献   
添加剂对AN多变晶型影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用热分析的方法对四十余种无机、有机添加剂和几种表面活性剂及水分对硝酸铵(AN)晶型转变的影响进行了研究。结果表明这些添加剂对AN的影响应为多种因素的综合结果。  相似文献   
Tribbles: novel regulators of cell function; evolutionary aspects   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Identification of rate-limiting steps or components of intracellular second messenger systems holds promise to effectively interfere with these pathways under pathological conditions. The emerging literature on a recently identified family of signalling regulator proteins, called tribbles gives interesting clues for how these proteins seem to link several ‘independent’ signal processing systems together. Via their unique way of action, tribbles co-ordinate the activation and suppression of the various interacting signalling pathways and therefore appear to be key in determining cell fate while responding to environmental challenges. This review summarises our current understanding of tribbles function and also provides an evolutionary perspective on the various tribbles genes. Received 10 January 2006; received after revision 20 March 2006; accepted 5 April 2006  相似文献   
金属基复合材料界面层阻尼功能研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用CVD技术制备了具有不同界面层的C-f/Al金属基复合材料,获得了一种界面层阻尼功能设计的新方法. 研究发现具有特殊界面层的C-f/Al复合材料的抗拉强度、弹性模量和阻尼性能比无界面层时都有明显增加,并且不同界面层的效果不同. 碳层对复合材料阻尼性能的提高效果最大,硅层的提高效果不如碳层,碳硅混合层的效果居中. 涂层的厚度也影响了阻尼提高的效果,较厚的碳层效果更好,这是由于提高了复合材料的阻尼应变振幅效应而产生的. 研究认为发生在界面层的微滑移是其主要的阻尼机制.  相似文献   
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