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Zusammenfassung Die Wirkung verschiedener Testosterondosen auf die postpuberale Ovulation von Ratten wurde untersucht, wobei an Ovarien der Nachweis gelang, dass der anovulatorische Zustand nach der Pubertät testosteron-dosisabhängig ist.

Supported by a research grant from the Ministry of Education of Japan.  相似文献   
Hsp70 and aging   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A single whole-body X-irradiation of pregnant Wistar rats at a dose of 1.05 Gy at 10.30, 12.30 and 14.30 h respectively, of gestational day 10 resulted in significantly high incidences of hydrocephalic offspring. No hydrocephalic offspring resulted from X-irradiation of pregnant rats with 1.05 Gy at 16.30 h, whereas a dose of 1.22 Gy at 16.30 h resulted in a low but statistically significant incidence of hydrocephalus. Neither 1.05 Gy nor 1.22 Gy X-irradiation of pregnant rats at 18.30 h resulted in any hydrocephalic offspring. Dysplasia of the subcommissural organ was noticed in all the hydrocephalic brains histologically examined.  相似文献   
Summary 3 new bibenzyls having a 7-membered heterocyclic ring have been isolated from the liverwort,Radula variabilis and their structures have been established to be1, 3 and5.  相似文献   
A new approach to the evaluation of the uptake of fluorescent probes by intact cells is described. Acridine orange (AO) was used because it can be selectively accumulated by serotonin-containing granules of platelets. Analysis of the fluorescence signal allows the estimation of the relative volume of the granules and the equilibrium coefficients for AO transport across the cytoplasm and granule membranes. The following results were obtained for human and rabbit platelets: the relative volumes of the granules were 14 +/- 1% and 29 +/- 2%, the ratios of intragranular-extracellular probe concentration were 2260 +/- 382 and 30,000 +/- 5550, and the cytoplasm-extracellular medium concentration ratios were 375 +/- 60 and 225 +/- 60, respectively.  相似文献   
Summary A sensitive radioimmunoassay showed that circulating -interferon in the plasma of healthy individuals was low in children and reached the highest level in the young adult, then declined gradually with age. Circulating -interferon was 0.201±0.059 ng/ml in males (n=19) and 0.184±0.076 ng/ml in females (n=14) at ages 30–39 years old. It was noted that circulating -interferon was maintained up to a certain level even in elderly individuals.  相似文献   
Lipid peroxide content in hepatocytes isolated from ketotic diabetic rats was higher than normal, and the release of peroxide into the media was also elevated for the initial 18 h. Insulin suppressed both peroxide release and synthesis by cultured hepatocytes isolated from normal and from diabetic rats.  相似文献   
Summary 7 monoterpenes, -pinene, -pinene, myrcene, p-cymene, limonene, neral and geranial, were identified together with n-undecane in the scent scales ofP. melete, and also, together with considerable amounts of linalool, in the scent scales ofP. napi. Content ratio of neral to geranial inP. melete ranged from 0.77 to 1.04, and that inP. napi from 1.84 to 2.43. The present chemotaxonomic approach shows the 2 species ofPieris to be distinct.The authors thank Dr T. Yushima (National Institute of Agricultural Science, Japan) for supplying the references 3 and 4.  相似文献   
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