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Process capability analysis and estimation scheme for autocorrelated data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>Autocorrelation is prevalent in continuous production processes,such as the processes in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries.With the development of measurement technology and data acquisition technology,sampling frequency is getting higher and the existence of autocorrelation cannot be ignored.This paper analyzes five estimation schemes of process capability for autocorrelated data.Comparisons among these schemes are discussed for small sample and large sample.In conclusion,this paper gives a procedure of process capability analysis for autocorrelated data.  相似文献   
Patent documents are unique external sources of information that reveal the core technology underlying new inventions.Patents also serve as a strategic data source that can be mined to discover state-of-the-art technical development and subsequently help guide R&D investments.This research incorporates an ontology schema to extract and represent patent concepts.A clustering algorithm with non-exhaustive overlaps is proposed to overcome deficiencies with exhaustive clustering methods used in patent mining and technology discovery.The non-exhaustive clustering approach allows for the clustering of patent documents with overlapping technical findings and claims,a feature that enables the grouping of patents that define related key innovations.Legal advisors can use this approach to study potential cases of patent infringement or devise strategies to avoid litigation.The case study demonstrates the use of non-exhaustive overlaps algorithm by clustering US and Japan radio frequency identification (RFID) patents and by analyzing the legal implications of automated discovery of patent infringement.  相似文献   
The relationship between tacit knowledge and informal networks has not been fully explored.Tacit knowledge cannot be well managed directly,because it is deeply embedded in individual actions and experiences.This study proposes an approach to managing informal networks as a new middle way to facilitate the sharing and transferring of tacit knowledge,owing to the fact that tacit knowledge is mostly shared and transferred through informal networks.To support the idea of the approach,an empirical case study of applying the approach to management of a large scientific project is also included.Our findings suggest that informal networks play essential roles for management of tacit knowledge,and thus good management of informal networks can lead to efficient sharing and transferring of tacit knowledge.  相似文献   
变载频带通信号的多速率采样   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对处于非整数带位的带通信号,一阶采样往往要引起频谱混迭。提出了一种用多抽样率技术实现欠采样的方法,借助于修正采样率,该方法较好地解决了可变载频带通信号的频谱混迭问题。还提出了用多抽样技术实现欠采样的三种方式  相似文献   
雷达干扰效果模糊综合评估方法研究   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
运用模糊综合判别的思想 ,研究了雷达干扰效果的评估问题 ,建立了衡量干扰效果各因素的模糊评价模型 ,提出了一种新的基于模糊综合的干扰效果评估准则和度量方法。结合实例 ,在分析影响雷达干扰效果因素的基础上 ,应用这种方法做了初步评估 ,并对该评估方法做了简要分析  相似文献   
基于改进BP神经网络的智能控制方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对典型BP神经网络存在的缺陷提出了一些有效的改进措施。通过采用改进的BP神经网络来对控制规则样本进行学习和训练 ,使网络记忆控制规则 ,以达到智能控制的目的。仿真和实验结果证明 ,该方法具有优良的控制特性 ,能满足伺服电机控制的需要。  相似文献   
数乘变换下GM(0,N)模型中的参数特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
在灰色系统理论中 ,生成是一个重要的概念和方法 ,而数乘变换则是灰色建模的基础。讨论了原始数据的数乘变换对GM( 0 ,N )模型的影响问题 ,指出了系统的预测值只与系统主行为原始数据的数乘变换方式有关 ,而与系统行为因子的数乘变换无关。该结果对评价系统的参数变化有重要意义。  相似文献   
考虑具有单重延误休假的MxG(MG)1可修排队系统,其中休假时间、服务时间、修理时间和延误休假时间都为任意分布(不一定是连续型),采用一种较简洁的方法,我们获得队长的瞬态解、平稳解和队长的随机分解表达式,同时给出了一些特殊情形下队长的随机分解结果  相似文献   
基于多AGENT的机器人装配系统结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用Agent的基本思想,对多Agent系统分别从个体和群体的角度出发,构造系统结构。通过对系统行为方式的定义,将全局运行流程与局部运行流程相分离,将任务的执行和任务间的协调相分离,将任务的选择与自身及状态相结合,从而系统结构可以隔离高层的系统控制与低层的执行过程,使虚拟系统在结构上具有更大灵活性,可扩充性和可重用性。  相似文献   
1.IntroductionManyphysicalsystems,suchajsthemodynamics,electrodynamics,populationbiology,aregovernedbydifferentialequations,integrodifferentialequationsormoregenerallyfunctionaldifferentialevolutionequationsonBanachspace.Associatedoptimalcontrolprobl...  相似文献   
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