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Summary Serum X-prolyl dipeptidyl-aminopeptidase activity which had been shown to be depressed in cancer patients was clearly reduced in mice with Ehrlich carcinoma and Sarcoma 180, and slightly reduced in mice with methylcholanthrene-induced sarcomas. The reduced enzyme activity was completely reversed during tumour regression of sarcoma 180 by administration of lentinan, which causes regression of sarcoma 180.  相似文献   
Summary Treatment of turkey liver fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase with penicillin G progressively inactivated the enzyme and desensitized the enzyme toward high substrate inhibition. The treatment also led to reduced sensitivity to AMP inhibition and the loss of cooperative interaction among AMP-binding sites. These altered properties were not reversed by dialysis, but were prevented when treatment with penicillin G was performed in the presence of substrate.This work was in part supported by grant RR-8006 from the General Research Branch, Division of Research Resources, NIH (USA) and in part by Faculty Research Grant from Southern School of Pharmacy, Mercer University, Atlanta (Georgia, USA).  相似文献   
Summary Large nuclear blebs have been observed in oocytes of the fish,Clarias batrachus. The bleb, which contains nucleoplasm, is finally extruded from the nucleus. The extruded body is DNase-sensitive, and it implies that some amount of DNA is extruded from the nucleus of these oocytes.Acknowledgments. We are thankful to Dr. R.K. Sharan, Department of Zoology, Patna University, for providing laboratory facilities, and to Dr V.G. Jhingran and Dr P.V. Dehadrai of ICAR for their keen interest in the work.  相似文献   
Summary dl-Erythro-1-phenyl-2-(o-chlorophenyl)-2-[4-(p-methoxybenzyl)-1-piperazinyl] ethanol dihydrochloride showed orally a definite analgesic activity, without producing the significant morphine-like physical dependence liability, and its analgesic potency was about a half that of codeine and far superior to aminopyrine in experimental animals.  相似文献   
Summary The action potential in amphibian sciatic nerve in vitro has been reported to be abolished by the topical application ofLathyrus sativus seed extract. We have confirmed this effect, but find that it is probably caused by the high K+ content of such seed extracts and that organic neurotoxins are not implicated.Acknowledgments. We thank the Wellcome Trust for financial support, Professor M.W. Bradbury for help with the ion determinations and Miss M.B. Burbridge of the Tropical Products Institute, London, for obtaining seed from Bombay, India.  相似文献   
Summary The alcohol extract of catnip has a biphasic effect on the behavior of young chicks. Low and moderate dose levels (25–1800 mg/kg) cause increasing numbers of chicks to sleep, while high dose levels (i.e. above 2 g/kg) cause a decreasing number of chicks to sleep.  相似文献   
Summary The epicuticular wax of rice, varietyRibe, comprised n-alkanes, esters, aldehydes and free alcohols. The nalkanes contained 4 major chain lengths, C27, C29, C31 and C33. Triacontanal and dotriacontanal were the major aldehydes. Octacosanol comprised 89% of the free alcohols. The esters were mainly esters of C16 to C24 acids with C22 to C30 alcohols.This research was supported by the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Rome.  相似文献   
Summary The relationship of chlorophylls and carotenoids with drought resistance has been studied in some of the ferns found in Rajasthan, without heating as well as after heating the fronds at 60°C. The xerophytic species showed lesser degradation of chlorophyll and exhibited higher carotenoid contents.  相似文献   
Summary An early pre-erythroid phase of erythropoiesis in cultures of dispersed cell suspensions prepared from primitive streak and head-fold chick blastodiscs was very sensitive to inhibition byRicinus communis agglutinin 120.This work was supported by grants from the Medical Research Council and National Research Council of Canada. We thank Mrs S. Dorey and N.N. McGrath for technical assistance. S.D.W. is an Associate of the Medical Research Council.  相似文献   
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