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Two subspecies of Colorado chipmunk (state threatened and federal species of concern) occur in southern New MeXico: Tamias quadrivittatus australis in the Organ Mountains and T. q. oscuraensis in the Oscura Mountains. We developed a GIS model of potentially suitable habitat based on vegetation and elevation features, evaluated site classifications of the GIS model, and determined vegetation and terrain features associated with chipmunk occurrence. We compared GIS model classifications with actual vegetation and elevation features measured at 37 sites. At 60 sites we measured 18 habitat variables regarding slope, aspect, tree species, shrub species, and ground cover. We used logistic regression to analyze habitat variables associated with chipmunk presence/absence. All (100%) 37 sample sites (28 predicted suitable, 9 predicted unsuitable) were classified correctly by the GIS model regarding elevation and vegetation. For 28 sites predicted suitable by the GIS model, 18 sites (64%) appeared visually suitable based on habitat variables selected from logistic regression analyses, of which 10 sites (36%) were specifically predicted as suitable habitat via logistic regression. We detected chipmunks at 70% of sites deemed suitable via the logistic regression models. Shrub cover, tree density, plant proximity, presence of logs, and presence of rock outcrop were retained in the logistic model for the Oscura Mountains; litter, shrub cover, and grass cover were retained in the logistic model for the Organ Mountains. Evaluation of predictive models illustrates the need for multi-stage analyses to best judge performance. Microhabitat analyses indicate prospective needs for different management strategies between the subspecies. Sensitivities of each population of the Colorado chipmunk to natural and prescribed fire suggest that partial burnings of areas inhabited by Colorado chipmunks in southern New Mexico may be beneficial. These partial burnings may later help avoid a fire that could substantially reduce habitat of chipmunks over a mountain range. 相似文献
Angela M. Ortega-León Maricela Villagrán-Santa Cruz J. Jamie Zú?iga-Vega Raúl Cueva-del Castillo Fausto R. Méndez-de la Cruz 《西北部美国博物学家》2011,69(1)
Asynchronous reproduction is a common phenomenon in high-elevation populations of lizards from Central México. Sperm storage in the reproductive tract of females is the mechanism for making oocyte fertilization possible. Our study addresses questions related to functional oviductal sperm storage of females mating on different dates throughout the reproductive season. A population of Sceloporus mucronatus with copulation in the summer and ovulation in the fall was chosen for this experiment. Eleven females that copulated in the field during June and 13 females that copulated in captivity during August were maintained in the laboratory until parturition. The number of pregnant females and the litter sizes produced in each experimental group were indicative of the viability of the stored sperm. Sperm stored in the reproductive tract of females were able to fertilize eggs after 4 months. No significant differences were found in the number of pregnant females between the 2 experimental groups nor in the litter sizes that they produced. We found that the amount of time sperm were held in the female reproductive tract (ca. 3 months) had no effect on the capacity of sperm to fertilize eggs. Histological examination of 8 oviducts collected before the mating season eliminated the possibility of sperm storage from one year to the next. In this system, sperm retention could have evolved as a response mechanism to deal with the asynchrony between sexes in the reproductive cycles. However, we cannot rule out alternative hypotheses. 相似文献
Carbon isotope discrimination (Δ) was measured for leaves of Atriplex confertifolia along a salinity gradient in northern Utah. Over this gradient, the variation of Δ values was high for a C 4 species, and the Δ values were positively correlated with salinity in both years of study. Of the possible explanations for this patter, the Δ results are consistent with the notion that salinity induces an increase in the bundle sheath leakiness of these C 4 plants. 相似文献
American Falls Reservoir in southeastern Idaho is an irrigation reservoir used as an inland feeding stopover by many shorebird species. Six exclosure experiments were conducted during the 1990 drawdown period to investigate shorebird predation impact on benthic macroinvertebrate populations. The study sites differed in sediment composition, sediment slope, invertebrate densities, and shorebird abundance. Shorebird predation significantly affected invertebrate densities in only 1 of 6 experiments (Aberdeen Mouth). This site had higher sediment slope and a lower water recedence than other study sites, resulting in concentration of shorebird predation on a small area of newly exposed sediment. Shorebird predation had the greatest impact on medium size class chironomid larvae at Aberdeen Mouth. Our results suggest that inland sites such as American Falls Reservoir represent viable shorebird habitat and may be managed to insure consistent prey availability. Drawdown rate, sediment slope, invertebrate densities, and shorebird abundance are all important factors influencing shorebird predation. Monitoring shorebird abundance and predation impact on invertebrate densities may help in manipulating drawdown rate to provide adequate shorebird prey. Management of inland sites for shorebird use may become more important in the future as human encroachment in coastal areas continues. 相似文献
Woody plant community composition was analyzed throughout the range of Coleogyne ramosissima in the Spring and Sheep Mountain ranges of southern Nevada. The lower Coleogyne elevational boundary was analyzed in detail in Lucky Strike Canyon, on the eastern edge of the Spring Mountains. TWINSPAN (2-way indicator species analysis) identified 4 primary species and stand groups from the 2 mountain ranges (extensive survey). Analysis of DECORANA (detrended correspondence analysis) results indicated that elevation and soil depth were the environmental factors most significantly associated with distribution of species and stand groups in the extensive survey. Elevation was the only significant physical factor associated with distribution of species and stand groups in the intensive survey. Five vegetation zones form the 2 mountain ranges were identified based on their dominant species in 15 extensive transects. Coleogyne were subdivided into pure stands and upper and lower ecotones for further investigation of species distribution and environmental factors. Selected environmental factors appear to play an important role in structuring the Mojave Desert vegetation zones in southern Nevada. 相似文献
An understanding of the mechanisms of phytoplankton species interaction is dependent on a precise knowledge of what species exist within the community. The centric diatoms of Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada, which are often the dominant component of the phytoplankton community, are presented in both light and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) photographs. Specific attention has been given to initial cell forms of Cyclotella stelligera Cleve and Grunow and C. comta (Ehrenberg) Kützing through the aid of the SEM. 相似文献
We examined relative abundances of grassland birds among Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) fields seeded with 2 monocultures of introduced grass species and 2 mixes of native grasses in the Southern High Plains of Texas. We assessed bird compositions among these 4 cover types and between the cover types pooled into categories of introduced and native fields. Breeding season bird diversity and total abundance did not differ among cover types or between introduced and native fields. Grasshopper Sparrows ( Ammodramus savannarum ), Cassin’s Sparrows ( Aimophila cassinii ), and Western Meadowlarks ( Sturnella neglecta ) accounted for more than 90% of breeding season detections. Grasshopper Sparrows were the most abundant and found in all cover types. Cassin’s Sparrows were 38% to 170% more abundant among the native seed mix without buffalograss ( Buchloë dactyloides ) compared to 3 other cover types. Although this association was statistically lost when cover types were pooled into introduced or native fields ( U = 93.5, P = 0.91), the species was still 50% more abundant among native CRP than introduced CRP fields. Meadowlarks occurred ubiquitously but at very low numbers during the breeding season. During winter, avian abundance was 44% greater among native CRP than introduced CRP fields. Meadowlarks, Horned Larks ( Eremophila alpestris ), and Savannah Sparrows ( Passerculus sandwichensis ) accounted for 94% of all winter detections. Meadowlarks occurred ubiquitously, but Horned Larks and Savannah Sparrows were 157% and 96% more abundant, respectively, among native CRP than introduced CRP fields. Our data suggest that monocultures of introduced grasses may benefit some bird species but also that native seed mixes may have a more positive influence through increased diversity and abundance of grassland birds. However, pooling cover types into the broader categories of introduced or native grasses may dampen or occlude biologically meaningful results. It may be prudent to avoid broad categorization of CRP fields based solely on native or introduced grass cover when assessing habitat associations of grassland birds. 相似文献
Composite soil samples from 7 sites on San Nicolas Island were evaluated quantitatively and qualitatively for the presence of cyanobacteria and eukaryotic microalgae. Combined data demonstrated a rich algal flora with 19 cyanobacterial and 19 eukaryotic microalgal genera being identified, for a total of 56 species. Nine new species were identified and described among the cyanobacteria and the eukaryotic microalgae that were isolated: Leibleinia edaphica, Aphanothece maritima, Chroococcidiopsis edaphica, Cyanosarcina atroveneta, Hassallia californica, Hassallia pseudoramosissima, Microchaete terrestre, Palmellopsis californicus, and Pseudotetracystis compactis. Distinct distributional patterns of algal taxa existed among sites on the island and among soil algal floras of western North America. Some algal taxa appeared to be widely distributed across many desert regions, including Microcoleus vaginatus, Nostoc punctiforme, Nostoc paludosum, and Tolypothrix distorta, Chlorella vulgaris, Diplosphaera cf. chodatii, Myrmecia astigmatica, Myrmecia biatorellae, Hantzschia amphioxys, and Luticola mutica. Some taxa share a distinctly southern distribution with soil algae from southern Arizona, southern California, and Baja California (e.g., Scenedesmus deserticola and Eustigmatos magnus ). The data presented herein support the view that the cyanobacterial and microalgal floras of soil crusts possess significant biodiversity, much of it previously undescribed. 相似文献
We examined diets of Western Burrowing Owls ( Athene cunicularia hypugaea ) based on contents of pellets and large prey remains collected year-round at burrows in each of the 3 regions in south central Nevada (Mojave Desert, Great Basin Desert, and Transition region). The most common prey items, based on percent frequency of occurrence, were crickets and grasshoppers, beetles, rodents, sun spiders, and scorpions. The most common vertebrate prey was kangaroo rats ( Dipodomys spp.). True bugs (Hemiptera), scorpions, and western harvest mice ( Reithrodontomys megalotis ) occurred most frequently in pellets from the Great Basin Desert region. Kangaroo rats ( Dipodomys spp.) and pocket mice (Perognathinae) were the most important vertebrate prey items in the Transition and Mojave Desert regions, respectively. Frequency of occurrence of any invertebrate prey was high (>80%) in samples year-round but dropped in winter samples, with scorpions and sun spiders exhibiting the steepest declines. Frequency of occurrence of any vertebrate prey peaked in spring samples, was intermediate for winter and summer samples, and was lowest in fall samples. With the possible exception of selecting for western harvest mice in the Great Basin Desert region, Western Burrowing Owls in our study appeared to be opportunistic foragers with a generalist feeding strategy. 相似文献
Thirty-six species of aquatic Oligochaeta (Lumbriculidae, Haplotaxidae, Naididae, Tubificidae) are now known form Utah. Aquatic habitats in 27 counties were sampled, with 32 oligochaete species identified. An additional 4 species were added from other published investigations. The majority of species are cosmopolitan and occur in other areas of North America. Nais barbata, N. alpina, and N. pardalis are reported from the western United States for the first time. Ilyodrilus frantzi was found to be a major component of the oliogochaete fauna in the Great Basin lentic environment. The North American distribution of Telmatodrilus vejdovskyi is extended significantly eastward. Tow undetermined species of Tubificidae are discussed. 相似文献