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Summary A new enantiomeric sesquiterpene alcohol named (–)-maalian-5-ol was isolated from the liverwort, and the structure and absolute configuration was determined to be the stereostructureI by chemical and spectral evidence.The authors express their gratitude to Dr H. Inoue, National Science Museum, for identification of the liverwort, and Prof. T. Tokoroyama, Osaka City University, for sending of the data of (–)--maaliene and (+)-selina-5,11-diene. Thanks are also due to the Ministry of Education for financial support of this work.  相似文献   
Three acidic polysaccharide (AP) fractions and the prostaglandin-like substances (PLS) isolated from P. acnes were investigated regarding their chemotactic activities on polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Both AP's and PLS induced a significant chemotatic response, which suggests their involvement in inflammatory acne vulgaris.  相似文献   
It was shown that, in physiological concentrations, insulin enhances, in vitro, the immunological phagocytosis of sensitized sheep erythrocytes by cultured mouse peritoneal macrophages. Insulin seems to stimulate macrophage phagocytosis as a cholinomimetic agonist by increasing the intracellular levels of cyclic GMP.  相似文献   
Summary 2 factors elaborated by distinct neurosecretory cells in the pars intercerebralis control moulting inPanstrongylus megistus. The 1st, originating probably in the A cells, activates the thoracic gland. The 2nd, produced by the A cells, acts at an earlier stage in a different way.Supported by CNPq., Brésil and DGRST (aide No. 76.7.0716).  相似文献   
(3H)-Ouabain binding to liver and kidney preparations was utilized to estimate the number of Na+, K+-ATPase enzyme units in livers and kidneys from rats fed 2% corn oil supplemented or fat-free diets. The specific (3H)-ouabain binding in liver and kidney preparations from fatty acid deficient rats was increased approximately 40%, but the affinity of the binding sites for ouabain (Kd-value) remained unchanged. The increased concentration of Na+, K+-ATPase enzyme units observed in the essential fatty acid deficient rats may contribute to the reduced body fat accumulation and elevated heat production observed in these animals.  相似文献   
Summary The low temperature EPR spectrum of a quickly reacted mixture of oxyhemoglobin and phenylhydrazine was studied. With the use of a computer, the spectral contribution of methemoglobin in the region of g=2 was subtracted. The remaining spectrum was that of an axial free radical (g=2.00, g=2.06) having the magnetic parameters of superoxide anion. In the presence of superoxide dismutase, this axial radical was not seen, confirming that superoxide anion is indeed generated by the reaction.The portion of this investigation carried out at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine was supported in part by US Public Health Service Research Grant HL-93399 from the Heart and Lung Institute and by National Institute Contract Nol-CP-55606 to J.P. This is communication No. 378 from the Joan and Lester Avnet Institute of Molecular Biology.Predoctoral fellow in the Medical Scientist Training Program (United States Public Health Service Grant 5-TO-5-GM 01669-12) at the New York University School of Medicine.Recipient of a grant-in-aid from the New York Heart Association.  相似文献   
Summary An intermediate stage between the elementary and the initial bodies of theRickettsiella genus is defined as the beginning of an intracellular cycle. It is characterized by several structural changes in the dense elementary body: the cytoplasm becomes less electron-dense; thus, the nucleoid and the ribosomes are visible. The inner layer of the cell-wall becomes progressively clearer and the trilamellar structure of the inner and outer membranes appears distinctly. Preinitial body is proposed as name of this stage of development.  相似文献   
Summary A rotator culture method is described which provides a continuous flow of oxygenating gas to cultures in rotating bottles. The system maintains constant O2 and CO2 levels in the culture medium throughout the incubation period. It also provides a more stable pH than systems with sealed culture bottles.Acknowledgments. We would like to thank Mr B. Secker, Mr C. Hellon and Mr S. J. Ellis, of the Physiological Laboratory workshop, for constructing the rotator apparatus. We also thank the Medical Research Council, London, for financial support for the project.  相似文献   
Summary Corpora allata fromOncopeltus fasciatus incubated in vitro in medium containing 10–5.35 M (1 g/ml) of precocene II lose their ability to secrete juvenile hormone when reimplanted into last instar larvae.Acknowledgments. We thank Mr K. Dorn, Mrs L. Dolezal, Mrs V. Nötzli-Graf, Mr K.H. Trautmann and Mr A. Schuler for technical help, Dr W. Vogel and Dr A. Dübendorfer for valuable discussions.  相似文献   
Summary The insulinemic response to 1 g of tolbutamide i.v. is greatly enhanced (+145%) after a 60-min infusion of the -lytic dihydrogenated ergot alkaloid, dihydroergocristine (83.3 m/min, corresponding to a total dose of 5 mg) in 7 healthy subjects. No differences are observed in the glycemic responses.Acknowledgment. The authors are grateful to Mr Franco Della Sala, M.D., for his skillful technical assistance.  相似文献   
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