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Using 4128 single jumps detected from high frequency data of 220 individual stocks in SZ300P index, this paper investigates the liquidity dynamics around price jumps in Chinese market. Some interesting empirical results are obtained and the corresponding explanations are given. The frequency of positive jumps is quite higher than that of negative jumps. The trading volumes and average trade sizes are all in a high level around positive jumps. The relatively low liquidities around negative jumps show that negative jumps may be generated and enlarged by poor liquidity provision. The price reversal after price jumps is significant, and price reversal lasts longer after positive jumps. Moreover, the size and direction of jumps are significantly correlated with the returns and trades in the post-jump trading time. These findings are believed to be associated with the high proportion of retail investors and their herding behavior for price trend chasing.  相似文献   
This paper considers the parameter estimation and stabilization of an unstable one-dimensional wave equation with matched general harmonic disturbance at the controlled end. The backstepping method for infinite-dimensional system is adopted in the design of the adaptive regulator. It is shown that the resulting closed-loop system is asymptotically stable. Meanwhile, the estimated parameter is shown to be convergent to the unknown parameter as time goes to infinity.  相似文献   
The risk classification of BBS posts is important to the evaluation of societal risk level within a period. Using the posts collected from Tianya forum as the data source, the authors adopted the societal risk indicators from socio psychology, and conduct document-level multiple societal risk classification of BBS posts. To effectively capture the semantics and word order of documents, a shallow neural network as Paragraph Vector is applied to realize the distributed vector representations of the posts in the vector space. Based on the document vectors, the authors apply one classification method KNN to identify the societal risk category of the posts. The experimental results reveal that paragraph vector in document-level societal risk classification achieves much faster training speed and at least 10% improvements of F-measures than Bag-of-Words. Furthermore, the performance of paragraph vector is also superior to edit distance and Lucene-based search method. The present work is the first attempt of combining document embedding method with socio psychology research results to public opinions area.  相似文献   
For the preparation of any target Bell state under continuous quantum measurement, this paper proposes a method which achieves the control objective by switching between two different models or by switching between two control channels under one model. Proper control Hamiltonians are selected for the two system models, a switching strategy between the two models is designed, and the stability of the whole switching system is proved in theory. For a given target Bell state, the effectiveness of the proposed switching control strategy between different models is illustrated through simulation experiments.  相似文献   
The paper is concerned with positive observer design for positive Markovian jump systems with partly known transition rates. By applying a linear co-positive type Lyapunov-Krasovskii function, a sufficient condition is proposed to ensure the stochastic stability of the error positive system and the existence of the positive observer, which is computed in linear programming. Finally, an example is given to demonstrate the validity of the main results.  相似文献   
Considering a one-supplier and two-retailer supply chain setting in which the supplier makes contacts with retailers in sequence based on FCFS(first–come–first-service) principle, the authors investigate the marginal effect of extra-gain guilty fairness concerns of supply chain members on the contract design, supply chain's profit and profit distribution. When the supplier considers distributional fairness of loss aversion and extra-gain guilty, extra-gain guilty concern reduces the optimal wholesale and retail price, and improves supply chain performance. When the first or the second retailer considers distributional fairness and peer-induced fairness, extra-gain guilty concerns decrease the optimal wholesale and retail price but increase the profit of all supply chain members only when the level of loss aversion is large enough and the level of extra-gain guilty is less than 1/2. However, when the level of loss aversion is small and the level of extra-gain guilty is less than 1/2, extra-gain guilty has no influence on supply chain performance. The analysis reveals that the supply chain performance can be further improved by considering fairness of extra-gain guilty.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the completion and the zero prime factorization for matrices over a K-Hermite ring. The authors have generalized Kaplansky’s related results, solved similar Lin-Bose problem and generalized Serre problem over a K-Hermite ring.  相似文献   
A newly proposed distributed dynamic state estimation algorithm based on the maximum a posteriori (MAP) technique is generalised and studied for power systems. The system model involves linear time-varying load dynamics and nonlinear measurements. The main contribution of this paper is to compare the performance and feasibility of this distributed algorithm with several existing distributed state estimation algorithms in the literature. Simulations are tested on the IEEE 39-bus and 118-bus systems under various operating conditions. The results show that this distributed algorithm performs better than distributed quasi-steady state estimation algorithms which do not use the load dynamic model. The results also show that the performance of this distributed method is very close to that by the centralized state estimation method. The merits of this algorithm over the centralized method lie in its low computational complexity and low communication load. Hence, the analysis supports the efficiency and benefits of the distributed algorithm in applications to large-scale power systems.  相似文献   
This paper studies a maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of the parameter for a continuous one-parameter exponential family under ranked set sampling (RSS). The authors first find the optimal RSS according to the character of the family, viz, arrange the RSS based on quasi complete and sufficient statistic of independent and identically distributed (iid) samples. Then under this RSS, some sufficient conditions for the existence and uniqueness of the MLE, which are easily used in practice, are obtained. Using these conditions, the existence and uniqueness of the MLEs of the parameters for some usual distributions in this family are proved. Numerical simulations for these distributions fully support the result from the above two step optimizations of the sampling and the estimation method.  相似文献   
Recently, the robust output regulation problem for continuous-time linear systems with both input and communication time-delays was studied. This paper will further present the results on the robust output regulation problem for discrete-time linear systems with input and communication delays. The motivation of this paper comes from two aspects. First, it is known that the solvability of the output regulation problem for linear systems is dictated by two matrix equations. While, for delay-free systems, these two matrix equations are same for both continuous-time systems and discrete-time systems, they are different for continuous-time time-delay systems and discrete-time time-delay systems. Second, the stabilization methods for continuous-time timedelay systems and discrete-time time-delay systems are also somehow different. Thus, an independent treatment of the robust output regulation problem for discrete-time time-delay systems will be useful and necessary.  相似文献   
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