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Members of the nonmuscle myosin-2 (NM-2) family of actin-based molecular motors catalyze the conversion of chemical energy into directed movement and force thereby acting as central regulatory components of the eukaryotic cytoskeleton. By cyclically interacting with adenosine triphosphate and F-actin, NM-2 isoforms promote cytoskeletal force generation in established cellular processes like cell migration, shape changes, adhesion dynamics, endo- and exo-cytosis, and cytokinesis. Novel functions of the NM-2 family members in autophagy and viral infection are emerging, making NM-2 isoforms regulators of nearly all cellular processes that require the spatiotemporal organization of cytoskeletal scaffolding. Here, we assess current views about the role of NM-2 isoforms in these activities including the tight regulation of NM-2 assembly and activation through phosphorylation and how NM-2-mediated changes in cytoskeletal dynamics and mechanics affect cell physiological functions in health and disease.  相似文献   
Chloride and potassium channels in cystic fibrosis airway epithelia   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
M J Welsh  C M Liedtke 《Nature》1986,322(6078):467-470
Cystic fibrosis, the most common lethal genetic disease in Caucasians, is characterized by a decreased permeability in sweat gland duct and airway epithelia. In sweat duct epithelium, a decreased Cl- permeability accounts for the abnormally increased salt content of sweat. In airway epithelia a decreased Cl- permeability, and possibly increased sodium absorption, may account for the abnormal respiratory tract fluid. The Cl- impermeability has been localized to the apical membrane of cystic fibrosis airway epithelial cells. The finding that hormonally regulated Cl- channels make the apical membrane Cl- permeable in normal airway epithelial cells suggested abnormal Cl- channel function in cystic fibrosis. Here we report that excised, cell-free patches of membrane from cystic fibrosis epithelial cells contain Cl- channels that have the same conductive properties as Cl- channels from normal cells. However, Cl- channels from cystic fibrosis cells did not open when they were attached to the cell. These findings suggest defective regulation of Cl- channels in cystic fibrosis epithelia; to begin to address this issue, we performed two studies. First, we found that isoprenaline, which stimulates Cl- secretion, increases cellular levels of cyclic AMP in a similar manner in cystic fibrosis and non-cystic fibrosis epithelial cells. Second, we show that adrenergic agonists open calcium-activated potassium channels, indirectly suggesting that calcium-dependent stimulus-response coupling is intact in cystic fibrosis. These data suggest defective regulation of Cl- channels at a site distal to cAMP accumulation.  相似文献   
One in 10,000 children develops Wilms' tumour, an embryonal malignancy of the kidney. Although most Wilms' tumours are sporadic, a genetic predisposition is associated with aniridia, genito-urinary malformations and mental retardation (the WAGR syndrome). Patients with this syndrome typically exhibit constitutional deletions involving band p13 of one chromosome 11 homologue. It is likely that these deletions overlap a cluster of separate but closely linked genes that control the development of the kidney, iris and urogenital tract (the WAGR complex). A discrete aniridia locus, in particular, has been defined within this chromosomal segment by a reciprocal translocation, transmitted through three generations, which interrupts 11p13. In addition, the specific loss of chromosome 11p alleles in sporadic Wilms' tumours has been demonstrated, suggesting that the WAGR complex includes a recessive oncogene, analogous to the retinoblastoma locus on chromosome 13. In WAGR patients, the inherited 11p deletion is thought to represent the first of two events required for the initiation of a Wilms' tumour, as suggested by Knudson from epidemiological data. We have now isolated the deleted chromosomes 11 from four WAGR patients in hamster-human somatic cell hybrids, and have tested genomic DNA from the hybrids with chromosome 11-specific probes. We show that 4 of 31 markers are deleted in at least one patient, but that of these markers, only the gene encoding the beta-subunit of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSHB) is deleted in all four patients. Our results demonstrate close physical linkage between FSHB and the WAGR locus, suggest a gene order for the four deleted markers and exclude other markers tested from this region. In hybrids prepared from a balanced translocation carrier with familial aniridia, the four markers segregate into proximal and distal groups. The translocation breakpoint, which identifies the position of the aniridia gene on 11p, is immediately proximal to FSHB, in the interval between FSHB and the catalase gene.  相似文献   
Identification of a putative second T-cell receptor   总被引:166,自引:0,他引:166  
Framework monoclonal antibodies have identified a population of human lymphocytes that express the T3 glycoprotein but not the T-cell receptor (TCR) alpha- and beta-subunits. Chemical crosslinking experiments reveal that these lymphocytes express novel T3-associated polypeptides, one of which appears to be the product of the T gamma gene. The other polypeptide may represent a fourth TCR subunit, designated T delta.  相似文献   
Y Okamoto  T Sekine  J Grammer  R G Yount 《Nature》1986,324(6092):78-80
Myosin, a major contractile protein, characteristically possesses a long coiled-coil alpha-helical tail and two heads. Each head contains both an actin binding site and an ATPase site and is formed from the NH2-terminal half of one of the two heavy chains (relative molecular mass, Mr, 200,000) and a pair of light chains; the so-called regulatory and essential light chains of approximately Mr 20,000 each. Recently we have identified Trp 130 of the myosin heavy chain from rabbit skeletal muscle as an active-site amino-acid residue after labelling with a new photoaffinity analogue of ADP, N-(4-azido-2-nitrophenyl)-2-aminoethyl diphosphate (NANDP). Nonspecific labelling was eliminated by first trapping NANDP at the active site with thiol crosslinking agents. Exclusive labelling of the heavy chains with no labelling of the light chains agreed with previous findings that the heavy chains alone contain the actin-activated Mg-ATPase activity of rabbit skeletal myosin. Here we report similar photolabelling experiments with smooth muscle myosin (chicken gizzard) in which 3H-NANDP is trapped at the active site with vanadate and which show that both the heavy chains and the essential light chains are labelled. The results indicate that both chains contribute to the ATP binding site and represent the first direct evidence for participation of the essential light chains in the active site of any type of myosin.  相似文献   
Brain topography may have its earliest expression as spatial gradients of molecules controlling the deposition of neurones and neuronal processes. In the vertebrate visual system there is evidence that the stereotyped alignment of central retinal projections relies on an initial spatially organized distribution of molecules in both the retina and its central target nuclei. We used an immunological approach to look for molecules that are so organized and produced a monoclonal antibody (JONES) which shows a pronounced dorsal to ventral gradient of binding in the rat retina throughout the period when retinal ganglion cell axons are forming topographically organized projections within the central nervous system (CNS). Binding is present throughout the radial thickness of the retinal epithelium in regions where postmitotic neurones are generated but is not associated with any consistent histological characteristic of the tissue. The antibody was shown to bind on the cell surface of freshly dissociated retinal cells, and dorsal retinal quadrants were found in vitro to have nearly twice as much antigen as ventral retinal quadrants. Initial biochemical characterization of the target epitope reveals that it is a lipid present in chloroform/methanol extracts from perinatal retina and is sensitive to neuraminidase digestion.  相似文献   
The potential effects of synthetic unmethylated oligodeoxynucleotides (ODN) containing CpG motifs, mimicking bacterial DNA, has never been evaluated on the immune response in the teleost fish gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata), the most important fish species in Mediterranean aquaculture. First, binding and competition studies have demonstrated that binding is saturated and promiscuous, suggesting the participation of several receptors. Moreover, leucocyte cytotoxic (NCC) activity, production of ROIs (reactive oxygen intermediates), and expression of immune-relevant genes was greatly primed by ODNs. Focusing on the mechanism, the TLR9 gene is widely distributed in seabream tissues and differently regulated in vitro by several stimuli. Moreover, and for the first time in fish, TLR9 mRNA has been detected in lymphocytes as the main cell-source. To conclude, ODNs containing GACGTT, GTCGTT (optimal for mouse and human, respectively) or AACGTT motifs are the most potent inducers of seabream immunity, whilst the involvement of TLR9 is under debate.  相似文献   
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