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This paper reviews the evolutionary changes that have taken place in the systems approach to macroeconomic modeling of the Indian economy over the last 40 years in general and the last 5 years in particular. Considering the fact that the systems approach has been used both at the official level, for planning purposes, and at the academic level, as inputs to the planning process, the paper covers both these aspects in a thematic manner. Commencing from the initial official efforts, with their emphasis on aggregate consistency models, through the intermediate phases of developing programming and nonoptimizing systems and, finally, to the current academic interest in control and chaotic systems, this evolution is considered primarily against the backdrop of the changing perspectives of systems theorists and designers.  相似文献   
This article presents a case example involving the renaming of an organizational change process from BPR to outsourcing. The paper discusses the important ramifications of such a name change in that the recognition of outsourcing allowed an organizational commitment to counseling and termination advice. The paper discusses two ways of looking at the name change, one from a critical theory perspective and one from a realist perspective. It demonstrates how theory can provide useful yet markedly different interpretations of such organizational events. Critical theory operates from within what can be termed the transitive epistemological dimension, whereas critical realism tends to emphasize the importance of ontological issues. Each has important things to say about the situation and improves our understanding overall.  相似文献   
土壤质量及其评价指标   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
在提出土壤质量概念的共性中,重要的是土壤在现今和将来均能有效地挥功能,在这种能力的基础上,认为土壤质量评价指标不要简化,要多层次,应满足5个标准,并对现有的物理,化学,生物评价指标的实用性有其优缺点进行了分析。参24。  相似文献   
Nuclear technique is a powerful scientific tool in agricultural research, an area with fruitful achievements in China. Application of nuclear technique in agriculture (Nuclear Agricultural Sciences) based on the development of related science and technology is a high-tech area, and also a significant aspect of non-electrical power application of nuclear technique. As an important component of agricultural science and technology, Nuclear technique application in agricultural field has achieved a lot and made remarkable contributions to the economic, social and ecological development of China. The current paper reviews the achievements, and presents the situation of the application of nuclear technique in the Chinese a-griculture briefly. The author strongly suggests that Chinese  相似文献   
1 Introduction Over the past several years, the preparation and characterization ofnanoscale magnetic materials, especially one-dimensional (1D) nanostructure, have attracted much attention as the nanomaterials would allow investigating the fundamental aspects of magnetic-ordering phenomena in magnetic materials with reduced dimensions and could lead to new potential applications such as data storage technology[1-6].  相似文献   
1 Introduction   Nanoscale science and technology have attracted greatattention since the novel properties become dominant for well-known materials as their sizes reduced to some critical dimension. These properties frequently originate in lattice distortions, structure transformations etc[1]. The variations of size and structure ofnanocrystals lead to the change of their electronic structures. Very recently, nanoscale materials with different electronic structures were utilized in fabricating nanoscale junctions[2].   ……  相似文献   

The island of New Guinea has been identified as biologically megadiverse but many taxa are still poorly known. This is especially the case for many of the island’s snakes, which by their very nature can be difficult to collect and study. Here we examine the phylogenetic and phylogeographic structure of a poorly studied snake genus, Stegonotus, focusing on the species of New Guinea; until now, Stegonotus has never been examined using modern phylogenetic methods. Using molecular data from 49 individuals representing eight of the ten described species, and including all New Guinea taxa, we estimate a multilocus phylogeny and examine population structure to help identify undescribed taxa. We use morphological data from the corresponding museum vouchered specimens (where available) and also examine additional specimens for taxa not included in the molecular data set to determine morphological differences among putative taxa. We find molecular evidence for four new species of Stegonotus, both morphologically obvious and cryptic, and describe them herein. The recognition of these four species indicates that Stegonotus diversity has been previously underestimated and also suggests that there are likely additional undescribed taxa within the genus. These four taxa increase the number of described species by 40% and further confirm New Guinea as the centre of diversity for the genus.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:9E21390E-3FD4-40EB-9442-31BC92A76B4F  相似文献   
Colonial ascidians collected from wharf piles and natural substrata from Bluff Harbour and Stewart Island in the South Island of New Zealand are described in this paper. Two species, Lissoclinum violaceum sp. nov. and Didemnum marineae sp. nov. are new to science and described for the first time. The ascidian fauna in this region is a mixed assemblage of southern species, species with a New Zealand-wide distribution, and two species with trans-Tasman affinities.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:37DC0D4B-8FB9-4F1D-A5A0-E9CAB3203447  相似文献   

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