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三峡兴隆洞出土12~15万年前的古人类化石和象牙刻划 总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3
在重庆市奉节县兴隆洞发掘出土早期智人牙齿、石器、有人工刻划痕迹的象牙和丰富的哺乳动物化石. 这些材料的种类、特点和埋藏状况说明该洞穴是一处远古人类的居住遗址. 通过出土动物群推断和铀系年代测定, 古人类在该洞穴的生存行为发生在中更新世晚期, 距今12~15万年前. 这是在三峡地区首次发现的早期智人化石. 出现在剑齿象门齿上的刻划纹成组分布, 组成简单而抽象的图案, 是目前所知最早的人类有意识的刻划作品, 对原始艺术的起源和东亚地区现代人类的起源、演化和行为方式的研究具有重要的学术意义. 相似文献
J. P. Barthélemy 《Journal of Classification》1988,5(1):85-87
The theorem of the paper Aggregation of Equivalence Relations, by Fishburn and Rubinstein, states a result already known. This theorem improves a result from Mirkin (1975) and appears as a corollary occurring in Leclerc (1984).
Resume L'unique théorème de l'article Aggregation of Equivalence Relations de Fishburn et Rubinstein est déja connu. Il améliore, en fait, un résultat de Mirkin (1975) et apparait en tant que corollaire dans Leclerc (1984).相似文献
In multivariate discrimination of several normal populations, the optimal classification procedure is based on quadratic discriminant functions. We compare expected error rates of the quadratic classification procedure if the covariance matrices are estimated under the following four models: (i) arbitrary covariance matrices, (ii) common principal components, (iii) proportional covariance matrices, and (iv) identical covariance matrices. Using Monte Carlo simulation to estimate expected error rates, we study the performance of the four discrimination procedures for five different parameter setups corresponding to standard situations that have been used in the literature. The procedures are examined for sample sizes ranging from 10 to 60, and for two to four groups. Our results quantify the extent to which a parsimonious method reduces error rates, and demonstrate that choosing a simple method of discrimination is often beneficial even if the underlying model assumptions are wrong.The authors wish to thank the editor and three referees for their helpful comments on the first draft of this article. M. J. Schmid supported by grants no. 2.724-0.85 and 2.038-0.86 of the Swiss National Science Foundation. 相似文献
纤溶酶原激活因子和抑制因子在早期胎盘中的表达及其功能 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4
用原位杂交方法研究了人早期胎盘中组织型(t)和尿激酶型(u)纤溶酶原激活因子(PA)与其相应的抑制因子1型(PAI-1)和2型(PAI-2)mRNA的分布。结果表明:(1)在绒毛和蜕膜的血管壁,Rohrs和Nitabuch纹间的蜕膜中的大部分外细胞滋养层细胞沿绒毛盘、基底盘、绒毛叶间隔和绒毛膜的细胞滋养层细胞以及蜕膜的腺体细胞中都检测到tPA、uPA、PAI-1和PAI-2mRNA;(2)在基底绒 相似文献
辣根过氧化物酶处理五氯酚过程的毒性特征 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
用酶的催化聚合作用来处理酚类及芳香胺类化合物的污染是近年来受到重视的新方法,但人们很少研究废水在这一处理过程中的毒性变化。采用辣根过氧化物酶和过氧化氢在pH值为4时处理含五氯酚的模拟废水,集中研究了该过程的发光菌毒性特性。结果表明,五氯酚溶液的毒性在处理后大为降低,总毒性可降低至起始毒性的15%左右。处理过程的产物有少量溶解在水中,也构成一部分毒性。 相似文献
在二元共晶Spinodal系统中 ,Spinodal波长的大小随过冷度的增加而减少 ,并存在一个最小的波长 ,此时合金的生长速度最快 .提出当过冷度足够大时 ,液态Spinodal的波长进入到纳米尺度 ,形成块状纳米材料 .由于液态的扩散较易发生 ,当波长为纳米量级时 ,Spinodal的转变时间为微秒量级 .由于液体表面张力等的影响 ,液态Spinodal的组织由网状变成微粒形态 . 相似文献
Ning Han Zaixing Yang Lifan Shen Hao Lin Ying Wang Edwin Y.B.Pun Yunfa Chen Johnny C.Ho 《科学通报(英文版)》2016,61(5):357-367
To date, the cost-effective utilization of solar energy by photovoltaics for large-scale deployment remains challenging. Further cost minimization and efficiency maximization, through reduction of material consumption, simplification of device fabrication as well as optimization of device structure and geometry, are required. The usage of 1D nanomaterials is attractive due to the outstanding light coupling effect, the ease of fabrication, and integration with one-dimensional(1-D) semiconductor materials. The light absorption efficiency can be enhanced significantly, and the corresponding light-toelectricity conversion efficiency can be as high as their bulk counterparts. Also, the amount of active materials used can be reduced. This review summarizes the recent development of 1-D nanomaterials for photovoltaic applications, including the anti-reflection, the light absorption,the minority diffusion, and the semiconductor junction properties. With solid progress and prospect shown in the past 10 years, 1-D semiconductor nanomaterials are attractive and promising for the realization of high-efficiency and low-cost solar cells. 相似文献
喜马拉雅山中段达索普粒雪芯中夏季风和尘埃信号记录研究 总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6
通过粒雪芯δ^18O和主要离子(Ca^2+,Mg^2+,NH^+4,SO^2-4和NO^-3)的分析表明,该粒雪芯年平均积累量为0.75m水当量。粒雪芯中δ^18O和主要离子浓度的季节变化表明,达索普冰川中高精度的记录了现代夏季风和尘埃信号。夏季风期间降水中δ^18O值由“降水量效应”所控制,雪层中较低δ^18O值则代表了夏季风信号。亚洲中部干旱半干旱区的春季尘暴输入是造成粒雪芯中Ca^2+,Mg 相似文献