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全球植被分布对陆面气温影响的半解析分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘飞  巢纪平 《科学通报》2009,54(12):1761-1766
植被分布对全球环流及其温度分布有极其重要的影响, 对于自由大气的无黏性绝热、斜压、大尺度定常有限扰动, 通过三维环流控制方程来描述, 再结合P坐标下的静力方程得到温度的控制方程, 化成到地形坐标系下, 得到环流温度的三维控制方程. 结合下边界辐射平衡条件与常数上边界条件, 可以给出全球环流温度的半解析解. 本文只讨论了陆面气温的分布, 可以看到该模型能够较好地反映全球陆面气温的分布, 而且当考虑到植被反照率对温度的反馈时计算的结果更加符合观测值. 对于敏感性试验, 考虑到全球陆面为冰雪覆盖时陆面气温有较大的降低, 全球陆面为森林覆盖时陆面气温偏高. 所以本模型能够从理论上半解析地给出陆面气温随植被分布的变化, 是研究陆面生态分布对陆面气温变化的一个较好的工具.  相似文献   
The conditions used for friction stir welding of duplex stainless steels determine the resulting mechanical and corrosion performance of the material.This study investigates the corrosion resistance of UNS S32750 and S32760 superduplex stainless steels(SDSSs)joined by friction stir welding,employing cyclic polarization,Mott–Schottky,and microscopy techniques for analysis.The microscopy images indicated the presence of a deleterious intermetallic phase after electrolytic etching of S32760,as well as decreased corrosion resistance.The presence of molybdenum in the steels promoted better passive behavior at low pH.The Mott–Schottky curves revealed p-n heterojunction behavior of the passive oxide.Images acquired after the polarization test by scanning electron microscopy showed higher passivation propensity with increases of temperature and pH.  相似文献   
以偶氮二异丁腈(AIBN)为光引发剂,甲醇为溶剂,聚乙烯吡咯烷酮 (PVP)为稳定剂,通过抽真空取代氮气保护,利用8 W 365nm波长的紫外灯光照,环境温度下引发分散聚合制备聚苯乙烯微球。这种真空状态下的聚合只适合于光聚合,当紫外光照射反应体系时,AIBN将吸收光子使C-N键断裂而形成自由基,进一步引发苯乙烯单体聚合。研究表明引发剂、稳定剂和单体用量以及光强度和反应时间对微球尺寸和单分散性有规律性影响,适当调节这些参数可获得一定尺寸和单分散度的微球,例如溶剂与单体的比值3:1,引发剂与稳定剂的比为3:1,光照时间为24 h,光照强度为(0.71 mW/cm2)时可获得一定尺寸的单分散性较好的微球。这种方法成本低廉、操作简便、具有一定的普适性,可适用于其它聚合物微球和功能化有机-无机复合微球的制备,例如PMMA、PMAA微球及P(MMA-co-MAA)共聚微球等。  相似文献   
普萘洛尔作为一种新型污染物,对环境和人类健康造成了很大的威胁,有效的去除普萘洛尔在环境中的残留成为日益关注的重点.本文采用密度泛函理论在B3LYP/6-31+G(d)水平上模拟了芬顿溶液中,光催化降解普萘洛尔的反应过程.研究结果表明,普萘洛尔的降解过程是羟基自由基加成在其萘环的不同碳位置上,再进行夺氢或者是C-O键断裂的反应,最后生成稳定的萘酚、对二萘酚、1,4-二萘酚和1,6-二萘酚,生成的主要产物与实验吻合,并从理论角度预测,实验中没有检测到的生成1,4-二奈酚的反应路径在理论上是可以发生的.  相似文献   
文中以提取温度、料液比、提取时间和提取次数为因素,采用正交试验研究热水浸提的最佳提取条件,并以此为基础研究热水浸提、冷热交替浸提、盐酸溶液浸提和氢氧化钠溶液浸提对蛹虫草菌丝体胞内多糖提取率的影响. 结果表明:热水浸提的最佳提取工艺为:m(料): V(液) = 1: 40,提取温度75 ℃,提取时间2.5 h,提取2次,多糖的提取率为14.74%,其中料液比为影响多糖提取率主要的因素,其他因素依次是提取温度、提取时间和提取次数. 按照此工艺,热冷交替浸提(热水浸提2.5 h + 冷水浸提48 h)多糖提取率最高,为15.92%. 55 g.L-1的氢氧化钠溶液浸提多糖的提取率为6.31%;25 gL-1的盐酸溶液浸提多糖的提取率为9.93%. 因此,冷热交替浸提对蛹虫草菌丝体胞内多糖提取率最高,其次是热水浸提、盐酸溶液浸提和氢氧化钠溶液浸提.  相似文献   
文中研究离子液体应用于电润湿显示器件的导电流体性能. 选取极性较大的乙基咪唑为离子液体的阳离子,改变阴离子的亲疏水性,对比了几种离子液体的温度窗口、粘度等物理性质,并重点研究了离子液体亲疏水性对电润湿特性、油墨萃取、器件响应等方面的影响. 同时,在1-乙基-3-甲基咪唑四氟硼酸盐离子液体的阳离子上添加羟基基团,得到具有更强亲水性的离子液体. 结果表明:亲水性高的离子液体在介电材料含氟聚合物表面的初始接触角比较大,对油墨中染料的萃取程度比疏水性离子液体弱,证明了电润湿器件更适合选取亲水性高的离子液体作为导电流体. 最后,以1-乙基-3-甲基咪唑二腈胺盐离子液体作为导电流体制备的电润湿器件得到了较佳的电学和光学响应性能.  相似文献   
Damage to DNA in the cell activates the tumour-suppressor protein p53, and failure of this activation leads to genetic instability and a predisposition to cancer. It is therefore crucial to understand the signal transduction mechanisms that connect DNA damage with p53 activation. The enzyme known as DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) has been proposed to be an essential activator of p53, but the evidence for its involvement in this pathway is controversial. We now show that the p53 response is fully functional in primary mouse embryonic fibroblasts lacking DNA-PK: irradiation-induced DNA damage in these defective fibroblasts induces a normal response of p53 accumulation, phosphorylation of a p53 serine residue at position 15, nuclear localization and binding to DNA of p53. The upregulation of p53-target genes and cell-cycle arrest also occur normally. The DNA-PK-deficient cell line SCGR11 contains a homozygous mutation in the DNA-binding domain of p53, which may explain the defective response by p53 reported in this line. Our results indicate that DNA-PK activity is not required for cells to mount a p53-dependent response to DNA damage.  相似文献   
Amyloid-beta peptide (Abeta) seems to have a central role in the neuropathology of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Familial forms of the disease have been linked to mutations in the amyloid precursor protein (APP) and the presenilin genes. Disease-linked mutations in these genes result in increased production of the 42-amino-acid form of the peptide (Abeta42), which is the predominant form found in the amyloid plaques of Alzheimer's disease. The PDAPP transgenic mouse, which overexpresses mutant human APP (in which the amino acid at position 717 is phenylalanine instead of the normal valine), progressively develops many of the neuropathological hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease in an age- and brain-region-dependent manner. In the present study, transgenic animals were immunized with Abeta42, either before the onset of AD-type neuropathologies (at 6 weeks of age) or at an older age (11 months), when amyloid-beta deposition and several of the subsequent neuropathological changes were well established. We report that immunization of the young animals essentially prevented the development of beta-amyloid-plaque formation, neuritic dystrophy and astrogliosis. Treatment of the older animals also markedly reduced the extent and progression of these AD-like neuropathologies. Our results raise the possibility that immunization with amyloid-beta may be effective in preventing and treating Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   
Ageing, fitness and neurocognitive function.   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
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