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We devised a serum-free medium for growth of leukemic colony-forming units (CFU-L), enriched with albumin, transferrin, lipids, insulin, hydrocortisone and oligoelements. Blast cells from 15 patients affected by acute non-lymphocytic leukemia were grown in this medium in the presence of human placental conditioned medium obtained under serum-free conditions (sfHPCM). Their clonogenic growth was comparable with that obtained in a serum-containing system. Furthermore, when serum-free cultures were carried out in absence of sfHPCM, either CFU-L growth was prevented or, if clones were obtained, the cultures showed a marked decrease in clonogenicity, indicating their strict dependence on growth factors.  相似文献   
Summary In the human leukemia K-562(S6) cell line (a) the accumulation ofa-globin chains is low or absent, (b) -globin gene expression is correlated with expression of -chains and (c) the genes responsible for the terminal cell division are not operated within 8–12 cell cycles, while K-562 (S6) cells are fully induced to erythroid differentiation.This work was supported by grants from the Italian National Research Council (C.N.R.) G. R. is a recipient of a fellowship from the National Committee for Nuclear Energy, Rome. Address for reprint requests: R. G., Centro di Studi Biochimici, Via L. Borsari 46, I-44100 Ferrara.  相似文献   
The chemical composition of the Bannock basin has been studied in some detail. We recently showed that unusual microbial populations, including a new division of Archaea (MSBL1), inhabit the NaCl-rich hypersaline brine. High salinities tend to reduce biodiversity, but when brines come into contact with fresher water the natural haloclines formed frequently contain gradients of other chemicals, including permutations of electron donors and acceptors, that may enhance microbial diversity, activity and biogeochemical cycling. Here we report a 2.5-m-thick chemocline with a steep NaCl gradient at 3.3 km within the water column betweeen Bannock anoxic hypersaline brine and overlying sea water. The chemocline supports some of the most biomass-rich and active microbial communities in the deep sea, dominated by Bacteria rather than Archaea, and including four major new divisions of Bacteria. Significantly higher metabolic activities were measured in the chemocline than in the overlying sea water and underlying brine; functional analyses indicate that a range of biological processes is likely to occur in the chemocline. Many prokaryotic taxa, including the phylogenetically new groups, were confined to defined salinities, and collectively formed a diverse, sharply stratified, deep-sea ecosystem with sufficient biomass to potentially contribute to organic geological deposits.  相似文献   
Metabolism and signaling activities of nuclear lipids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Apart from the lipids present in the nuclear envelope, the nucleus also contains lipids which are located further inside and are resistant to treatment with nonionic detergents. Evidence is being accumulated on the importance of internal nuclear lipid metabolism. Nuclear lipid metabolism gives rise to several lipid second messengers that function within the nucleus. Moreover, it is beginning to emerge that nuclear lipids not only act as precursors of bioactive second messengers but may be directly involved in regulation of nuclear structure and gene expression. Over the last 10years, especially the role of the inositol lipid cycle in nuclear signal transduction has been extensively studied. This cycle is activated following a variety of stimuli and is regulated independently from the inositide cycle located at the plasma membrane. However, the nucleus contain other lipids, such as phosphatidylcholine, sphingomyelin, fatty acids and eicosanoids. There are numerous reports which suggest that these classes of nuclear lipids may play roles in the nucleus as important as those of phosphoinositides. This review aims at highlighting the most important aspects regarding the metabolism and signaling activities of nuclear phosphatidylcholine, sphingomyelin, fatty acids and eicosanoids.Received 7 November 2003; received after revision 18 December 2003; accepted 29 December 2003  相似文献   
We investigated the effects of bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) in determining the positional identity of neurons generated in vitro from mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs), an aspect that has been neglected thus far. Classical embryological studies in lower vertebrates indicate that BMPs inhibit the default fate of pluripotent embryonic cells, which is both neural and anterior. Moreover, mammalian ESCs generate neurons more efficiently when cultured in a minimal medium containing BMP inhibitors. In this paper, we show that mouse ESCs produce, secrete, and respond to BMPs during in vitro neural differentiation. After neuralization in a minimal medium, differentiated ESCs show a gene expression profile consistent with a midbrain identity, as evaluated by the analysis of a number of markers of anterior–posterior and dorsoventral identity. We found that BMPs endogenously produced during neural differentiation mainly act by inhibiting the expression of a telencephalic gene profile, which was revealed by the treatment with Noggin or with other BMP inhibitors. To better characterize the effect of BMPs on positional fate, we compared the global gene expression profiles of differentiated ESCs with those of embryonic forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain. Both Noggin and retinoic acid (RA) support neuronal differentiation of ESCs, but they show different effects on their positional identity: whereas RA supports the typical gene expression profile of hindbrain neurons, Noggin induces a profile characteristic of dorsal telencephalic neurons. Our findings show that endogenously produced BMPs affect the positional identity of the neurons that ESCs spontaneously generate when differentiating in vitro in a minimal medium. The data also support the existence of an intrinsic program of neuronal differentiation with dorsal telencephalic identity. Our method of ESC neuralization allows for fast differentiation of neural cells via the same signals found during in vivo embryonic development and for the acquisition of cortical identity by the inhibition of BMP alone.  相似文献   
Amyloid fibrils are thread-like protein aggregates with a core region formed from repetitive arrays of beta-sheets oriented parallel to the fibril axis. Such structures were first recognized in clinical disorders, but more recently have also been linked to a variety of non-pathogenic phenomena ranging from the transfer of genetic information to synaptic changes associated with memory. The observation that many proteins can convert into similar structures in vitro has suggested that this ability is a generic feature of polypeptide chains. Here we have probed the nature of the amyloid structure by monitoring hydrogen/deuterium exchange in fibrils formed from an SH3 domain using a combination of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. The results reveal that under the conditions used in this study, exchange is dominated by a mechanism of dissociation and re-association that results in the recycling of molecules within the fibril population. This insight into the dynamic nature of amyloid fibrils, and the ability to determine the parameters that define this behaviour, have important implications for the design of therapeutic strategies directed against amyloid disease.  相似文献   
Resumen Fueron determinados por citofotometría los valores de DNA en 33 especies de Amphibia, en las que estaban incluidas 30 especies de Salientia, 1 de Gymnophiona y 2 de Caudata, y fueron comparadas con sus constituciones cromosomicas. Las variaciones encontradas sugieren que hubo aumento de DNA, independientemente, en las diferentes familias estudiadas y que en general, las especies más primitivas filogeneticamente, poseen menor cantidad de DNA, cuando comparadas a los valores encontrados para las más evoluidas.

This work was supported by PHS Grant No. GM-14577-03-NIGMS, by the CNPq and by the FPIB. Our thanks to Dr. L. D.Vizotto for collecting and classifying several specimens used in this work, as well as for the phylogenetical approach.  相似文献   
Long γ-ray bursts (GRBs) are the most dramatic examples of massive stellar deaths, often associated with supernovae. They release ultra-relativistic jets, which produce non-thermal emission through synchrotron radiation as they interact with the surrounding medium. Here we report observations of the unusual GRB 101225A. Its γ-ray emission was exceptionally long-lived and was followed by a bright X-ray transient with a hot thermal component and an unusual optical counterpart. During the first 10 days, the optical emission evolved as an expanding, cooling black body, after which an additional component, consistent with a faint supernova, emerged. We estimate its redshift to be z = 0.33 by fitting the spectral-energy distribution and light curve of the optical emission with a GRB-supernova template. Deep optical observations may have revealed a faint, unresolved host galaxy. Our proposed progenitor is a merger of a helium star with a neutron star that underwent a common envelope phase, expelling its hydrogen envelope. The resulting explosion created a GRB-like jet which became thermalized by interacting with the dense, previously ejected material, thus creating the observed black body, until finally the emission from the supernova dominated. An alternative explanation is a minor body falling onto a neutron star in the Galaxy.  相似文献   
Ongoing efforts within synthetic and systems biology have been directed towards the building of artificial computational devices using engineered biological units as basic building blocks. Such efforts, inspired in the standard design of electronic circuits, are limited by the difficulties arising from wiring the basic computational units (logic gates) through the appropriate connections, each one to be implemented by a different molecule. Here, we show that there is a logically different form of implementing complex Boolean logic computations that reduces wiring constraints thanks to a redundant distribution of the desired output among engineered cells. A practical implementation is presented using a library of engineered yeast cells, which can be combined in multiple ways. Each construct defines a logic function and combining cells and their connections allow building more complex synthetic devices. As a proof of principle, we have implemented many logic functions by using just a few engineered cells. Of note, small modifications and combination of those cells allowed for implementing more complex circuits such as a multiplexer or a 1-bit adder with carry, showing the great potential for re-utilization of small parts of the circuit. Our results support the approach of using cellular consortia as an efficient way of engineering complex tasks not easily solvable using single-cell implementations.  相似文献   
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