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Stute A Casabone B Schindler P Monz T Schmidt PO Brandstätter B Northup TE Blatt R 《Nature》2012,485(7399):482-485
Proposed quantum networks require both a quantum interface between light and matter and the coherent control of quantum states. A quantum interface can be realized by entangling the state of a single photon with the state of an atomic or solid-state quantum memory, as demonstrated in recent experiments with trapped ions, neutral atoms, atomic ensembles and nitrogen-vacancy spins. The entangling interaction couples an initial quantum memory state to two possible light-matter states, and the atomic level structure of the memory determines the available coupling paths. In previous work, the transition parameters of these paths determined the phase and amplitude of the final entangled state, unless the memory was initially prepared in a superposition state (a step that requires coherent control). Here we report fully tunable entanglement between a single (40)Ca(+) ion and the polarization state of a single photon within an optical resonator. Our method, based on a bichromatic, cavity-mediated Raman transition, allows us to select two coupling paths and adjust their relative phase and amplitude. The cavity setting enables intrinsically deterministic, high-fidelity generation of any two-qubit entangled state. This approach is applicable to a broad range of candidate systems and thus is a promising method for distributing information within quantum networks. 相似文献
Schmeisser MJ Ey E Wegener S Bockmann J Stempel AV Kuebler A Janssen AL Udvardi PT Shiban E Spilker C Balschun D Skryabin BV Dieck St Smalla KH Montag D Leblond CS Faure P Torquet N Le Sourd AM Toro R Grabrucker AM Shoichet SA Schmitz D Kreutz MR Bourgeron T Gundelfinger ED Boeckers TM 《Nature》2012,486(7402):256-260
Autism spectrum disorders comprise a range of neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by deficits in social interaction and communication, and by repetitive behaviour. Mutations in synaptic proteins such as neuroligins, neurexins, GKAPs/SAPAPs and ProSAPs/Shanks were identified in patients with autism spectrum disorder, but the causative mechanisms remain largely unknown. ProSAPs/Shanks build large homo- and heteromeric protein complexes at excitatory synapses and organize the complex protein machinery of the postsynaptic density in a laminar fashion. Here we demonstrate that genetic deletion of ProSAP1/Shank2 results in an early, brain-region-specific upregulation of ionotropic glutamate receptors at the synapse and increased levels of ProSAP2/Shank3. Moreover, ProSAP1/Shank2(-/-) mutants exhibit fewer dendritic spines and show reduced basal synaptic transmission, a reduced frequency of miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents and enhanced N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor-mediated excitatory currents at the physiological level. Mutants are extremely hyperactive and display profound autistic-like behavioural alterations including repetitive grooming as well as abnormalities in vocal and social behaviours. By comparing the data on ProSAP1/Shank2(-/-) mutants with ProSAP2/Shank3αβ(-/-) mice, we show that different abnormalities in synaptic glutamate receptor expression can cause alterations in social interactions and communication. Accordingly, we propose that appropriate therapies for autism spectrum disorders are to be carefully matched to the underlying synaptopathic phenotype. 相似文献
Stephens PJ Tarpey PS Davies H Van Loo P Greenman C Wedge DC Nik-Zainal S Martin S Varela I Bignell GR Yates LR Papaemmanuil E Beare D Butler A Cheverton A Gamble J Hinton J Jia M Jayakumar A Jones D Latimer C Lau KW McLaren S McBride DJ Menzies A Mudie L Raine K Rad R Chapman MS Teague J Easton D Langerød A;Oslo Breast Cancer Consortium 《Nature》2012,486(7403):400-404
All cancers carry somatic mutations in their genomes. A subset, known as driver mutations, confer clonal selective advantage on cancer cells and are causally implicated in oncogenesis, and the remainder are passenger mutations. The driver mutations and mutational processes operative in breast cancer have not yet been comprehensively explored. Here we examine the genomes of 100 tumours for somatic copy number changes and mutations in the coding exons of protein-coding genes. The number of somatic mutations varied markedly between individual tumours. We found strong correlations between mutation number, age at which cancer was diagnosed and cancer histological grade, and observed multiple mutational signatures, including one present in about ten per cent of tumours characterized by numerous mutations of cytosine at TpC dinucleotides. Driver mutations were identified in several new cancer genes including AKT2, ARID1B, CASP8, CDKN1B, MAP3K1, MAP3K13, NCOR1, SMARCD1 and TBX3. Among the 100 tumours, we found driver mutations in at least 40 cancer genes and 73 different combinations of mutated cancer genes. The results highlight the substantial genetic diversity underlying this common disease. 相似文献
就世界文化课程内容的具体设置,及联合大学与传媒以更好地实现课程积极目标等诸问题进行探讨.通过多层次的论证强调指出人们始终持有相异或相冲突的宗教、哲学以及意识形态,尚没有一种普世真理足以使世间所有人心悦诚服.即便是广泛接受和运用中的科学知识,其发展亦受阻于人类本身的局限而不可确定.尽管科学在前沿问题研究上竞争激烈,也仍然无法回答和消除所有的问题和差异.因此,从全球或泛人类立场观之,人类现有的知识与理解能力具有不确定和不完整的特点,而这样的特点浸透在所有的具体文化信仰之中.认识到共同局限性的人们--尤其是政界的领导人--亟需摒弃极端的文化分离思想,以更宽容理解的心态思考和行动,这样才能避免不同民族及不同国家间的不断冲突和互相伤害. 相似文献
Kaitang Hu Tianjin University of Science Technology Tianjin ChinaYonghao Ni Limerick Pulp Paper Centre UNBP.O. Box Fredericton NB CanadaXuejun Zou Paprican St. John''''s Blvd.Pointe Claire QC CanadaYajun Zhou Tembec Inc. P.O. Box Temiscaming QC Canada 《天津科技大学学报》2004,19(Z1)
INTRODUCTIONBleached CTMP (BCTMP) is popular in many commercial paper grades, such as packaging, tissue, uncoated wood-free fine papers. There is a strong economic incentive to substitute BCTMP for kraft pulp in producing wood-free light weight coated paper (LWC). Wood free LWC is used mostly for high-speed heatset web offset (HWSO) color printing. With a low basis weight and also low coat weight, the strength, surface and structural properties of the LWC wood-free paper are al… 相似文献
Yulong Wang Chuanshan Zhao Tao Zhang Tianjin University of Science &Technology Tianjin P.R.China Shandong Institute of Light Industry Jinan P.R.China 《天津科技大学学报》2004,19(Z1)
INTRODUCTIONThe micro-glass bead[1-2] is a new kind of silicate material, with good properties of chemical stability, mechanical strength as well as electro-resistance. When its diameter is below 0.08mm and the reflective index is in the range of 1.9~2.1, retro-reflective characteristics can be achieved. When a beam of ray from any direction irradiates the surface of the micro-glass beads, it can be converged at the special reflective layer consisted of focuses of micro-glass beads, owing … 相似文献
INTRODUCTIONIn resent years people have paid more and more attention to the elimination of fluorescence in cotton linter for the sake of getting better cotton linter pulp since some user ask for higher quality cotton pulp. Cotton linter is a kind of industrial material used to make fine paper, synthetic fiber, medicine additives and other chemical products. Some impurities containing fluorescence usually enter into linter during the processing and purchase, especially in the low grade of l… 相似文献
Chang Wang Chongwo Li Qingzhu JiaCollege of Material Science & Chemical Engineering Tianjin University of Science & Technology Dagunan Road Tianjin City P.R. China 《天津科技大学学报》2004,19(Z2)
INTRODUCTIONPlant consists essentially of three main polymers:lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose, which are themost abundant and renewable hydrocarbon resourceson the earth. The annual yield of rice straw, wheatstraw, bagasse, reed, and bamboo in our country hasexceeded 1 billion tons. 30% of the yield of ricestraw and wheat straw are used for papermaking, which occupy 70-80% of the raw material. However, it is the difficulty in papermaking waste liquid treatment as well as the lack of c… 相似文献
包虫病基因工程疫苗完全可抗我国细粒棘球绦虫犬——绵羊株对中间宿主(绵羊)的侵袭。在包虫病流行区免疫羊可获得保护。免疫期约半年新疆细毛羊免疫保护率为88.1%;蒙古黑头羊为83.6%。 相似文献