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The South China Sea (SCS) is the largest marginal sea in the northwestern Pacific. Several important water gateways exist around the SCS, such as Luzon Strait, Taiwan Strait, etc., that lie in the northeastern SCS, and others like Kalimantan Strait, Balawan Strait, etc., lie in the south. Luzon Strait connects the SCS and Pacific via the Philippine Sea, and its water exchange has significant impact on the interior circulations of the SCS[1]. Since direct observation data about the …  相似文献   
1.INTRODUCTION Quantumtheoryisoneofthemostimportantachieve mentsinthe20thcentury,anditdisclosesthestruc tures,characteristicsandmotionlawsofmatterinthe microcosmicfieldandleadsusfromthemacroscopical worldintomicrosystems.Aseriesofnewphenomena whicharedifferentfromclassicalsystemshavebeen discovered,suchasquantumentanglement,quantum coherenceanduncertainty.Meanwhile,quantum theoryandquantummethodsarealsowidelyusedin differentfieldssuchaschemicalreaction,geneticen gineering,atomicphysicsandi…  相似文献   
1.INTRODUCTION Sincethefirstpaperonfuzzysetswaspublished,fuzzy logiccontrol(FLC)hasattractedgreatattentionfrom boththeacademicandindustrialcommunities.Much progresshasbeenmadeinsuccessfullyapplyingFLCto industrialcontrolsystems.Manytheoreticalresultsabout stabilityanalysisanddesignoffuzzylogiccontrollersys temshavealsobeenobtained.Amongvariouskindsoffuzzycontrolmethods,manycontroldesignmethodshavebeenproposedon theTakagi Sugeno(T S)fuzzymodel[1].Thebasic ideaofthesemethodsincludestwos…  相似文献   
基于治理理论和委托—代理模型,本研究以35 个国际单项体育联合会善治 评价为对象,设计了以透明度、程序民主、制衡、团结等维度作为关键维度的指标体系, 并使用文献资料法、问卷调查法和访谈法等方法,对数据进行搜集整理。研究发现,国 际单项体育联合会平均得分为45.5(满分100),善治状况评价为“一般”,决策和工作 机制不透明、选举和工作程序失范、利益相关者参与不足等,导致组织内部投机主义盛 行,国际单项体育联合会合法性面临危机。研究建议:1)严格执行选举程序,健全主席 和高管资格审查机制;2)完善信息公开制度,提升组织透明度;3)规范工作流程,充 实组织行政程序正当性;4)多元主体参与,健全组织内外部审查制度;5)明确最长任 期,保证组织官员积极性。  相似文献   
探讨了在复倒谱系数条件下,利用加权最小二乘法(WLS)实现等波纹逼近数字全通滤波器的设计方案.对于平稳的数字全通滤波器,其分母多项式一定具有最小相位;该方法是基于最小相位滤波器的群延迟函数和其复倒谱系数之间的关系,采用最小二乘等波纹逼近求得分母多项式的倒谱系数;然后,依据全通滤波器分母多项式与其复倒谱系数的关系求得分母多项式.由全通滤波器的特性可知,分母多项式系数可完全确定全通滤波器的传递函数.这种方法能够使所设计的滤波器的群延迟特性在整个频带上近似理想群延迟,其误差在整个频带上呈均匀分布,同时降低了误差的最大值.  相似文献   
Integrating the hydrogen production technologies from renewable energy with the advanced distributed hydrogen power systems has being become an important development trend of energy science and technology in the twenty-first century, since it may satisfactorily solve such problems met in the utilization of renewable energy as low density, instability, discontinuity and changing with time, season and climate. In this paper, the status and prospect of studies on hydrogen production theories and technologies from renewable energy especially the photocatalytic water splitting and the thermochemical catalytic gasification of biomass in supercritical water are commented on, and some new suggestions to build up novel hydrogen energy power system based on renewable energy are put forward.  相似文献   
Gold deposits are characterized by multi-sources, superimposition, large scale and temporal-spatial concentration in Jiaodong Peninsula, Eastern China. In this paper, we review the history and the development of the study on metallogenic chronology and genesis of gold deposits, summarize the main features of superimposed metallogenesis, provide evidence of the Mesozoic complex metallogenic system, and point out some problems for further research of Jiaodong gold deposit cluster from a regional view. Although gold deposits are different in genetic types, ore-forming materials and geological settings, our research indicates that the accumulation and emplacement of the ore-forming materials are temporally-spatially concentrated on a large scale, and the main metallogenic epoch of Jiaodong gold deposits was concentrated in Mesozoic. Metallogenic chronology and geological-geochemical data indicate that there are two periods of gold mineralizations occurred in 130-110 Ma and 90-80 Ma respectively in Jiaodong ore cluster. The gold deposit cluster results from the superimposition of the polygenetic mineralization, and further study is needed to investigate the formation and evolution of the Mesozoic complex metallogenic system.  相似文献   
改性纳米碳酸钙补强NR/SBR/BR并用胶的表征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过固相法在硬脂酸改性商品纳米碳酸钙CCR中加入间苯二酚与六亚甲基四胺的络合物RH,制备了改性纳米碳酸钙M-CCR,并分别制备了天然橡胶/丁苯橡胶/顺丁橡胶并用胶与M-CCR和CCR的复合材料.利用橡胶加工分析仪(RPA)和透射电子显微镜(TEM)研究了M-CCR和CCR在并用胶基体中的分散性、界面结合力、加工性能和形态.同时比较了复合材料的力学性能.结果表明,并用胶填充M-CCR的加工性能、补强作用以及填料的分散性和界面结合力均明显优于CCR.  相似文献   
为了确定轻度认知功能障碍(MCI)与阿尔茨海默病(AD)患者发生萎缩的重要脑区,实现正常老年人(NC)对照组、MCI与AD三组人群的分类,选择了178名被试的脑部MR影像,利用体素形态学与方差分析方法,考察NC,MCI与AD三组人群的MR影像中灰质体积差异;然后,采用递归特征消去法对特征进行降维;最后,利用线性支持向量机对这3种人群进行分类.实验结果表明,MCI组与NC组、MCI组与AD组、AD组与NC组的平均分类准确率分别为(90.2±1.3)%,(74.7±0.9)%,100%.对分类产生重要影响的脑区包括海马、海马旁回、杏仁核、梭状回和嗅皮层等.所提方法不仅能有效揭示NC,MCI,AD三组人群的脑灰质差异,阐明MCI患者与AD患者脑区发生萎缩的过程与特性,而且能准确区分这3组人群,具有显著的临床应用价值.  相似文献   
该文针对温度场对于变速箱系统的影响,建立了变速箱系统倒档工况的动力学分析仿真模型;应用有限元计算了箱体在不同温度下的变形;采用ADAMS软件分析了不同温度场下含间隙的齿轮系统的工作状况,并进一步分析了温度场对于整个变速箱系统的影响,为变速箱系统的设计提供了技术参考。  相似文献   
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