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针对贵州省乡镇企业的需求和可能条件,将曼海姆炉法一步生产硫酸工艺,改为二步法生产。研究出适宜的工艺条件;将原工艺装备的难点分散,难度降低;并使操作和工艺设备易于实施,达到投资省,工期短,易操作,产品达到一级农用硫酸钾标准,并且不会产生混合酸。 相似文献
杨朝辉 《苏州科技学院学报(自然科学版)》2014,(4)
提出一种基于薄板样条的遥感影像非刚性配准方法。首先,根据SIFT算法分别在参考影像与待配准影像中提取特征点;然后,对特征点进行匹配,并利用RANSAC一致性分级检验方法,由粗至精分级排除错误匹配点;最后,利用同名匹配点构建薄板样条配准模型,并完成图像配准结果。实验结果表明,文中方法能有效解决遥感影像在时相变化、几何变形等条件下的配准,具有较高的实用性。 相似文献
Xiaoyan Zhao Haixia Su Zhaohui Zhang Zhi Li Han Zhang Tianyao Zhang 《科学通报(英文版)》2014,59(24):2987-2993
In this paper,we used terahertz time-domain spectroscopy(THz-TDS)over a range of 0.3–2.5 THz to investigate the formation of solid-state cocrystals of amino acids,formed by grinding mixtures of two different kinds of amino acids.For comparison,we prepared dual-layer samples,combined by pressing two single-component pellets together without grinding.In the ground-mixture samples,some extra absorption peaks appeared,different from the characteristic peaks of the pure components,but these peaks did not appear in the dual-layer samples.Thus,these extra absorption peaks in the THz range are unique features of cocrystals.From our results,we believe that THz-TDS is a promising technique to characterize cocrystals. 相似文献
The radiation decay of a two-level atom could be inhibited within structured environments even under longtime evolution. We investigate the stabilized quantum coherence of composite systems undergoing local dissipation and exploit it further as a resource for remote state preparation. We focus on outputs of quantum states with solely quantum discord (i.e., without entanglement) and demonstrate that they could be resulted from various initial states providing specific spectral structure of the reservoir. In detail, we elaborate the behavior of stabilized quantum discord and the corresponding fidelity for remote state preparation in connection with structural spectra of Ohmic class reservoir and of photonic band gap mediums. 相似文献
A finite reaction rate model is presented as a closure of large eddy simulation (LES) to numerically study an open premixed methane/air swirling flame. The resultant model is firstly validated by comparing with reported data and then employed to investigate the effect of swirling intensity on flow field, flame characteristics and combustion instability of the swirling flame. Three differ- ent swirl numbers are considered. The LES results show that as swirling intensity increases, the vortex entrainment and micro-mixing are enhanced, leading to more lean equivalent ratios at flame front; consequently, higher swirling number causes lower flame temperatures and slower CO oxidization; for all simulated swirl numbers, flame fronts are completely located out of the recirculation zones and anchored at the inner surface of the annular swirling steams; swirl number has a crucial effect on swirling flame extension toward radial and tangential dimensions and then significantly affects streamwise flame length, which is a great influencing factor on combustion instability; vortex-induced disturbance on flame in streamwise plays a critical role in combustion instability. 相似文献
Two virus-encoded RNA silencing suppressors, P14 of Beet necrotic yellow vein virus and S6 of Rice black streak dwarf virus 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
ZHANGLingdi WANGZhaohui WANGXianbing LIDawei HANChenggui ZHAIYafeng YUJialin 《科学通报(英文版)》2005,50(4):305-310
Functional analysis for gene silencing suppressor of P14 gene of Beet necrotic yellow vein virus and S6 gene of Rice black streak dwarf virus was carried out by agro- infiltration with recombinant vectors of Potato virus X. The phenotype observation of green fluorescent protein (GFP)expression and Northern blot showed that the gene silencing of gfp transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana induced by homologous sequence was strongly suppressed by the immixture infiltration of either the P14 or the $6. In the suppressed plants, the gfp mRNA accumulation was higher than that in the non-suppressed controls and the symptoms caused by PVX infection became more severe, especially the gfp DNA methylation of plant genome was significantly inhabited when co-infiltrated with RBSDV S6 gene. These results suggested that these two virus genes were potentially to encode for proteins as RNA silencing suppressors. 相似文献
Dynamical framework with blocking topography coordinates for atmospheric GCM and its validation 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Lin Zhaohui ZHANG Ming LIANG Danqing WANG Aihui ZHANG Dongling ZENG Qingcun 《科学通报(英文版)》2003,48(Z2):9-17
The dynamical framework with Blocking Topography Coordinates (hereafter, BTC), which is suited to handle the steep topography for the atmospheric general circulation models, is presented in this paper, together with its validation results. The integral properties of both the differential and finite-difference equations for the BTC dynamical core are: gross mass conservation, quadratic conservation for advection terms, Coriolis force does not change the kinetic energy, conservation of total available energy. The improved nonlinear iteration scheme is utilized for the time-integration. The energy conservation for BTC dynamical core is validated by using the integration results from 9-layer and 21-layer version respectively. Comparison results show that, the changes of the kinetic energy and total available potential energy during the integration are quite close for both the BTC dynamical framework and the dynamical framework of IAP 9-level and IAP 21-level AGCM, and this may suggest that the BTC dynamical core can be used for long-term integration with good computational stability. Furthermore, the BTC dynamical core has the advantage over the terrain following (sigma) coordinates in its better representation of the influence of the large-scale topography on the atmospheric general circulation. Finally, the correctness and reasonableness of the BTC dynamical core has been further proved by the numerical simulation of the topography influence on the quasi-stationary planetary wave with 21-layer version of BTC dynamical framework. 相似文献
钻孔灌注桩泥浆护壁性状研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
钻孔灌注桩适用范围大,易于取材,成本低,颇受设计、施工人员喜欢。泥浆护壁是钻孔灌注桩的关键工艺,泥浆的成分、厚度、工艺是灌注桩质量的决定性因素。因此,对泥浆护壁进行理论研究与实践推广具有重大意义。 相似文献
为了准确地数值预报煤粉旋流火焰特征和主要烟气成分,比较扩展的涡耗散模型在多湍流模型下的预测性和影响,针对IFRF(国际火焰研究基地)2.5MW煤粉氧燃烧和空气燃烧实验,利用组分输运方程,结合7步改进的总包反应,对炉内煤粉氧燃烧进行数值计算,并与实验结果和空气燃烧基况对比.结果表明:氧扩散率、发射率和比热容等物性参数修正后,湿循环、氧预混二次流的煤粉氧燃烧扩散火焰温度场与空气燃烧总体一致,火焰稳定且为Ⅱ型火焰结构;EDC模型(涡耗散概念模型)对组分预测更为准确,尤在可实现k-ε模型下的缓慢反应CO生成和IRZ(中心内回流区)高温预测;而FRED模型(有限速率涡耗散模型)在多湍流模型下对炉内温度、组分、火焰结构预测亦较准确. 相似文献