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Computer vision ( CV) is widely expected to be the next big thing in emerging applications. So many heterogeneous architectures for computer vision emerge. Howe... 相似文献
主成分回归法在酸碱滴定分析中的应用-pH滴定法同时测定极弱酸碱 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
朱化雨 《山东师范大学学报(自然科学版)》2000,15(2):154-156
以化学计量学的观点,将主成分回归分析应用于酸碱滴定分析中,建立了主成分回归PH滴定法同时测定极弱酸碱的方法,拓宽酸碱滴定分析的应用范围。将该方法应用于对苯二酚和苯混合物极弱酸体系及苯甲酸钠和六次甲基四胺混合极弱碱体系的测定,结果令人满意。 相似文献
高分子电容式湿敏元件自动测量电路研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
由电容测量电路和89C51单片机控制系统结合组成118路高分子电容式湿敏元件自动测量仪,通过对电路采取多路电容公共连接点接大地、温度补偿和提高振荡频率等措施后,测量绝对精度可达±0.04pF. 相似文献
在分析江苏省资源与环境状况的基础上,指出当前江苏省在地下水资源、矿产资源、土地资源等开发中存在的问题,结合江苏具体情况,提出资源可持续利用和环境保护的对策和建议 相似文献
研究了以价廉无毒的仲辛醇作载体的乳状液膜萃铬(Ⅵ)过程,考察了影响萃取效果的各种因素,确定了合理的膜配方以及适宜的工艺操作条件 相似文献
利用生产钛白的副产物硫酸亚铁制备透明铁黄 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
本文介绍了利用生产钛白的副产物硫酸亚铁制备透明铁黄的实验方法,考察了影响晶种质量及晶种氧化过程的主要因素,晶种制备过程控制温度为25℃,加入分散剂,静置熟化0。5h,氧化过程中控制pH值在8.5 ̄9.0,温度35℃,反应24h后,将溶液过滤洗涤,单分散性较好。 相似文献
根据磁与电的对偶性,提出了电场能量的第三种表达式,并进行了理论推导和举例验证。得到了与磁场能对偶的电场能新表达式。此式明确地表达了电场能是由自有能构成的物理特性,为利用互有能求多导体系统任意对导体之间的电场力提供了方便。 相似文献
<正> This paper formulates and analyzes a line search method for general nonlinear equalityconstrained optimization based on filter methods for step acceptance and secant methods for searchdirection.The feature of the new algorithm is that the secant algorithm is used to produce a searchdirection,a backtracking line search procedure is used to generate step size,some filtered rules areused to determine step acceptance,second order correction technique is used to reduce infeasibility andovercome the Maratos effect.Global convergence properties of this method are analyzed:under mildassumptions it is showed that every limit point of the sequence of iterates generated by the algorithmis feasible,and that there exists at least one limit point that is a stationary point for the problem.Moreover,it is also established that the Maratos effect can be overcome in our new approach by addingsecond order correction steps so that fast local superlinear convergence to a second order sufficient localsolution is achieved.Finally,the results of numerical experiments are reported to show the effectivenessof the line search filter secant method. 相似文献
This paper proposes an inexact SQP method in association with line search filter technique for solving nonlinear equality constrained optimization.For large-scale applications,it is expensive to get an exact search direction,and hence the authors use an inexact method that finds an approximate solution satisfying some appropriate conditions.The global convergence of the proposed algorithm is established by using line search filter technique.The second-order correction step is used to overcome the Maratos effect,while the line search filter inexact SQP method has q-superlinear local convergence rate.Finally,the results of numerical experiments indicate that the proposed method is efficient for the given test problems. 相似文献
Spectral matching algorithm based on nonsubsampled contourlet transform and scale-invariant feature transform

A new spectral matching algorithm is proposed by using nonsubsampled contourlet transform and scale-invariant feature transform.The nonsubsampled contourlet transform is used to decompose an image into... 相似文献