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种种迹象表明我国A股市场当前面临新一轮非理性繁荣.导致其产生的主要原因包括流动性过剩,违规资金入市,海外"热钱"涌入,投资渠道不畅,股民过度投机,股市制度缺陷等.股市过度非理性繁荣将对经济发展和社会稳定造成损害.管理层可通过加强股市监管,正确引导中小投资者,拓宽投资渠道,增加股票供给,引入做空机制等措施来抑制其发展.  相似文献   
基于阳极氧化和电芬顿法的吲哚降解机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对典型的含氮杂环有机物吲哚,采用阳极氧化和电芬顿法进行了降解研究.结果表明,吲哚在阳极氧化和电芬顿体系下可达到68%和97%的去除效果,而相应的TOC去除效果分别为15%和38%.通过盐桥将阴阳极室隔开后的处理结果表明,吲哚的主要降解途径为阳极氧化和羟基自由基氧化,依次经氧化吲哚和靛红后开环,部分吲哚在反应过程中聚合为二聚体.  相似文献   
变电站并联电容器谐波放大及改进措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了谐波等值网络化简法,分析各奇次谐波下随电容器组投入情况不同,变电站等值网络的变化过程,研究了电容器支路发生谐波谐振放大的各种可能性.并在此基础上,指出电容器组须按照分析结果进行投运,以避开谐振点,从而避免谐波电流放大的发生.对驻马店变电站实际运行电容器组进行的仿真分析,证明了所提出分析方法的正确性和有效性.该方法对实际生产运行具有指导意义,可避免传统方法所造成的设备浪费,对多数带并联补偿的三绕组电力变压器都适用,并可作为校验方法供设计时使用.  相似文献   
基于动态流量矩阵的网络链路权值调整方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对基于动态流量矩阵的流量均衡问题进行建模,以最小化最大链路利用率为目标分别建立了期望值模型和机会约束模型,并且采用基于流分析的方法计算链路的权值增量,使部分流不再经过利用率最大的链路.仿真实验结果表明:无论是针对期望值模型还是机会约束模型,在已知动态流量矩阵统计特性的情况下,基于流分析的链路权值调整方法都能在只改变利用率最大的链路的权值时,依然保证网络失效后流量基本均衡.  相似文献   
基于CSMC 0.5 μm CMOS工艺,采用CMOS技术,设计一种高性能的带隙基准电压源.带隙基准电压源输出电压经过电平转换电路,反馈回带隙基准电压源中的运算放大器,可以获得良好的电源特性和带负载能力.采用可修调电阻阵列,精确地控制温度系数.仿真结果表明:在5 V电源电压下,温度系数为8.28×10-6/℃,低频电源抑制比为83 dB.  相似文献   
该文针对一类带有弹性杆的新型多段线缆驱动连续型空间机械臂的建模与控制问题开展研究,基于刚体等效建模思想建立了机械臂的几何模型。对每节机械臂进行单元划分,将各单元上的弹性杆等效为轻质连杆。在此基础上,应用欧拉-拉格朗日建模方法,建立了多段线缆驱动连续型空间机械臂动力学模型。针对系统中存在的参数不确定性与外部时变干扰,基于Lyapunov稳定性理论,提出了一种基于非奇异终端滑模有限时间控制(NTSMFC)的连续型机械臂控制方法。仿真结果表明:与比例-微分(PD)控制器相比,NTSMFC能在有限时间内快速跟踪期望姿态角,PD控制器的姿态跟踪快速性较低;NTSMFC姿态角稳态误差为±0.002 rad, PD控制器姿态角稳态误差为±0.01 rad。  相似文献   
U形拱棚配锚索在盘区巷道支护中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对大同煤矿集团公司雁崖矿14#层414盘区巷道变形、破坏机理的分析和研究,根据锚索和U型钢支架对巷道的不同支护原理,充分利用锚索的高预应力和U型钢棚的可缩性的优点,"抗、让"结合,既有效控制了顶板离层,又利用u型钢棚的可缩性对围岩应力卸载,提高了巷道稳定性,在实际应用中取得成功.  相似文献   
This paper discerns two types of mathematization, a foundational and an explorative one. The foundational perspective is well-established, but we argue that the explorative type is essential when approaching the problem of applicability and how it influences our conception of mathematics. The first part of the paper argues that a philosophical transformation made explorative mathematization possible. This transformation took place in early modernity when sense acquired partial independence from reference. The second part of the paper discusses a series of examples from the history of mathematics that highlight the complementary nature of the foundational and exploratory types of mathematization.  相似文献   
Numerous studies in the fields of Science and Technology Studies (STS) and philosophy of technology have repeatedly stressed that scientific practices are collective practices that crucially depend on the presence of scientific technologies. Postphenomenology is one of the movements that aims to draw philosophical conclusions from these observations through an analysis of human–technology interactions in scientific practice. Two other attempts that try to integrate these insights into philosophy of science are Ronald Giere’s Scientific Perspectivism (2006) and Davis Baird’s Thing Knowledge (2004). In this paper, these two approaches will be critically discussed from the perspective of postphenomenology. We will argue that Giere and Baird problematically assume that scientific instruments (a) have a determined function, and (b) that all human members of a scientific collective have immediate access to this function. However, these assumptions also allow them to offer a clear answer to the question how scientists can collectively relate to scientific phenomena. Such an answer is not yet (explicitly) formulated within the postphenomenological perspective. By adding a postphenomenological touch to the semiotic approach in Actor-Network Theory, we offer an account of how different individual human–technology relations are integrated into larger scientific collectives. We do so by showing that scientific instruments not only help constitute scientific phenomena, but also the intersubjectivity within such collectives.  相似文献   
Our interest focusses on the idea, that consciousness is a powerful acting entity. Up to now there does not exist a scientific concept for this idea. This is not due to problems within the field of psychology or brain research, but rather in resisting theories of modern physics. That is, why we have to search for a solution in the field of physics. A solution can be found in a new understanding of the basics of physical theory. That could be given by abstract and absolute quantum bits of information (AQI bits). To avoid the popular misunderstanding of “information” as “meaningful” it was necessary to find a new word for the free-of-meaning AQI bits: the AQI bits establish a quantum pre-structure termed “Protyposis” (Greek: “pre-formation”), out of which real objects can be formed, starting from energetical and material elementary particles. The Protyposis AQI bits provide a pre-structure for all entities in natural sciences. They are the basic entities, whereof the physical nature of the brain, on the one hand, and the mental nature of consciousness, on the other hand, were formed during the cosmological and the following biological evolution. A deeper understanding of quantum structures may help to overcome the resistance against quantum theory in the field of brain research and consciousness. The key for an understanding is the concept of Protyposis, which means an abstract quantum information free of any definite meaning. With the AQI bits of the Protyposis, both, massless and massive quantum particles can be constructed. Even quantum information with special meanings, in example grammatically formulated thoughts, eventually could be explained. As long as the fundamental basis of quantum theory is misunderstood as being formed by a manifold of some small objects like atoms, quarks, or strings, the problem of understanding consciousness has no solution. If instead we understand quantum theory as based on truly simple quantum structures, there would be no longer fundamental problems for an understanding of consciousness.  相似文献   
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