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基于三级模式的信息系统设计的优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
指出了传统的C/S模式的缺陷,说明了基于三级(N级)模式设计的概念及采用该技术开发应用程序的优越性。在这个基础上着重讨论了运用三级(N级)模式开发应用程序时应该注意的问题,提出了一些设计使用中的建议。如任务分割、避免死锁、采用OO技术等,并给出了应用实例.  相似文献   
一种防空C~3I系统的效能分析方法   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
本文讨论了一种评定C~3I系统效能的方法。这种方法是根据系统完成使命的能力和系统的内部结构两方面的分析来完成的。通过对IFFN系统的评定,对本方法进行了举例说明。  相似文献   
基于GIS的甘肃省道路网络评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了道路的网络评价指标体系和方法,并以甘肃省交通道路网为基础,在GIS技术的支持下,利用ArcView GIS、MapObjects和Visual Basic等进行了甘肃省分县道路网络的评价研究.结果表明,甘肃省道路网络存在聚团现象,存在以兰州市、天水市秦城区和庆阳地区西峰市为中心的道路可达性指标高值区,以及以玉门市为中心的一个高值带状区域.  相似文献   
In humans, mutations in BMPR1A, SMAD4 and PTEN are responsible for juvenile polyposis syndrome, juvenile intestinal polyposis and Cowden disease, respectively. The development of polyposis is a common feature of these diseases, suggesting that there is an association between BMP and PTEN pathways. The mechanistic link between BMP and PTEN pathways and the related etiology of juvenile polyposis is unresolved. Here we show that conditional inactivation of Bmpr1a in mice disturbs homeostasis of intestinal epithelial regeneration with an expansion of the stem and progenitor cell populations, eventually leading to intestinal polyposis resembling human juvenile polyposis syndrome. We show that BMP signaling suppresses Wnt signaling to ensure a balanced control of stem cell self-renewal. Mechanistically, PTEN, through phosphatidylinosital-3 kinase-Akt, mediates the convergence of the BMP and Wnt pathways on control of beta-catenin. Thus, BMP signaling may control the duplication of intestinal stem cells, thereby preventing crypt fission and the subsequent increase in crypt number.  相似文献   
Rab3a is the most abundant Rab (ras-associated binding) protein in the brain and has a regulatory role in synaptic vesicle trafficking. Mice with a targeted loss-of-function mutation in Rab3a have defects in Ca(2+)-dependent synaptic transmission: the number of vesicles released in response to an action potential is greater than in wildtype mice, resulting in greater synaptic depression and the abolishment of CA3 mossy-fiber long term potentiation. The effect of these changes on behavior is unknown. In a screen for mouse mutants with abnormal rest-activity and sleep patterns, we identified a semidominant mutation, called earlybird, that shortens the circadian period of locomotor activity. Sequence analysis of Rab3a identified a point mutation in the conserved amino acid (Asp77Gly) within the GTP-binding domain of this protein in earlybird mutants, resulting in significantly reduced levels of Rab3a protein. Phenotypic assessment of earlybird mice and a null allele of Rab3a revealed anomalies in circadian period and sleep homeostasis, providing evidence that Rab3a-mediated synaptic transmission is involved in these behaviors.  相似文献   
首先介绍了因子分析方法的思想、数学模型;其次给出因子分析法的详细步骤;最后按照因子分析法的步骤,对西部12个省区市的经济发展水平进行了综合评价和排位,并针对西部12个省区市的社会经济发展的特点,提出推动西部各省份经济发展的几点政策措施的建议。  相似文献   
采用溶胶 凝胶法制备了掺杂铁的TiO2 粉末 ,并用XRD、SEM、UV Vis漫反射光谱等技术手段考察了掺入铁TiO2 粒子形态的变化 ,以及掺杂与否对氧化降解NO-2 的影响 .研究结果表明 ,铁的掺入可影响TiO2 的结构相变及粒子大小 ,并且发现掺杂后TiO2 对NO-2 的氧化活性显著提高 ,在掺杂量 3 0 %时具有最佳活性 .  相似文献   
李约瑟论《周易》对科学的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
易学历来旁及科学,这已是定论。80年代以来,这种旁及似乎比以往任何时代都显得突出,以致形成“科学易”与“人文易”对举局面。为了把中国传统文化与现代科学相结合,这种努力是值得赞许的,但方法上有些问题,主要缺点是夸大了《周易》对科学的积极影响。李约瑟对此持完全相反的态度,他认为,从一开始,《周易》对科学的发展就是一种灾难性的障碍。但他的观点也有片面性,应该说这种影响正负两面俱在。为了把这个复杂问题(从广义上说,也就是哲学与科学的关系问题)引向深入的研究,这里对这位大师的论点,作一全面介绍,也算是对他的纪念。  相似文献   
In this article the structure and properties of freeze-dried porous silk fibroin materials were tested and analyzed.The results indicated that for porous silk fibroin materials prepared by means of freeze-drying,if freez-ing temperature was below —20℃,the structure of silk fibroin was mainly amorphous with a little silk Ⅱ crystal structure,and if freezing temperature was above —20℃,quite a lot of silk Ⅰ crystal structure formed.Porous silk fibroin materials,with average pore diameter be-  相似文献   
Improved staff performance appraisal within ShanghaiContainer Terminals Limited(SCT), a joint venture be-tween Shanghai and Hong Kong, is studied in this pa-per. It is described how SCT has been applying perfor-mance appraisal techniques and measures that make ac-tual connections between appraisal and rewards on thebasis of its situation. Further, effects of the developmentof appraisal methods in joint ventures in China is ex-plored. In addition, it is proposed that national cultureis one of the important factors influencing effectiveness ofperformance appraisal  相似文献   
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