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通信网络是—个典型的离散事件系统。离散事件动态系统(DEDS)理论综合并提出了许多对离散事件系统建模及性能评估等的方法,为解决通信网络中的一些关键问题提供了有力的工具。本文综述了近年来DEDS理论在通信网络建模、分析、优化以及网络管理等方面的应用进展情况,并提出了一些自己的看法。  相似文献   
卫星图像是一个种高熵值图像,本文针对卫星图像研究了格矢量量化编码压缩方法,分析了格矢量量化特性,并列举了几种格。实验结果表明,格矢量量化编码压缩方法失真小,计算量少,比较适用于卫星图像编码压缩。  相似文献   
一种改进的基于小波变换图像边缘检测算法   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
本文提出了一种改进的图像边缘检测算法。它基于小波变换的方法,可以使检测处理中图像边缘相互影响所造成的边缘混叠现象减少到很小。实验结果证实了该算法的可行性。  相似文献   
裴凌波  陈鸣  周骏 《系统仿真学报》2008,20(4):888-891,930
网络测量表明,IP主干网上流量在次秒级的时间尺度下呈现出非平稳的泊松特性,而不是近10年大量研究的自相似现象。从分析因特网的结构出发,提出了一种加权映射模型来解释这种特性。该模型通过引入混沌变化因子和流量特征间的关系,对接入网中的具有自相似特性的流量进行了变换得到具有趋泊松性的流量。最后,通过在NS2上的仿真实验证实了该模型的合理性。  相似文献   
A new buyer-seller watermarking protocol is proposed by applying a double encryption method and a novel mechanism of embedding a buyer's watermark. The protocol can effectively prevent against collusion attacks and the man in the middle attack if the third party is not trusted. Also, based on the proposed scheme for the first-hand transaction, a new buyer-reseller watermarking protocol and a formal multi-party watermarking protocol are also proposed. The proposed buyer-resell watermarking protocol only needs the original seller to provide transfer certificate and encryption-decryption service to support the second-hand transaction, and the multi-party watermarking protocol with distributed certificate authorities can overcome the difficulty in the combination of multicast mechanism with multiple unique watermarks and allow a seller to multicast the watermarked digital contents and key transaction information to n buyers. Furthermore, the idea of zero knowledge proof is also applied into the proposed scheme to allow the seller to take an effective control on the task performed by the third party.  相似文献   
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has a rich knowledge about human health and disease by its special way evolved along a very long history. As modern medicine is achieving much progress, arguments and disputes toward TCM never end. To avoid losing precious knowledge of living TCM masters, endeavors have been engaged to systematic collection of those knowledge of TCM masters, such as their growth experiences, effective practical cases toward diseases and typical therapeutic principles and methods. Knowledge mining methods have been expected to explore some useful or hidden patterns to unveil some mysteries of the TCM system. In the paper, some computerized methods are applied toward those collected materials about some living TCM masters in China mainland to show a different way of exposing essential ideas of those TCM masters by correspondence visualization which aims to help people understand TCM holistic views toward disease and body, and facilitate tacit knowledge transfer and sense-making of the essence of TCM. The work is one kind of qualitative meta-synthesis of TCM masters' knowledge.  相似文献   
铁磁迟滞特性反映的是磁性材料中的迟滞作用.研究一类含有铁磁迟滞特性的不确定非线性系统的跟踪控制问题.将铁磁迟滞模型近似处理成线性输入项和有界的非线性扰动项,使得控制器设计易于实现.将迟滞模型融入控制器的设计过程中有效地消除了迟滞作用对系统的影响,避免了构造复杂迟滞逆模型需要精确迟滞模型表达式的限制.采用自适应反步控制方法,所设计的控制器使系统的输出快速跟踪上给定信号,跟踪误差在一个很小的范围内波动,保证了闭环系统的全局稳定.仿真研究验证了该设计方法的有效性.  相似文献   
缓冲算子的光滑性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对人们对缓冲算子提高建模精度原因的认识误区,提出了缓冲算子光滑性的概念,给出了缓冲算子能否提高序列光滑性的判别条件,分别研究了弱化缓冲算子和强化缓冲算子的光滑特性,并以实例加以验证.结果表明,弱化缓冲算子一定可以提高序列光滑性;而强化缓冲算子却在降低序列光滑性的同时提高了预测精度.提高序列的光滑性和消除冲击扰动因素的影响是提高灰建模精度的两个不同方面,对于稳定系统,序列光滑性是影响建模精度的主要因素,而对于冲击扰动系统,影响建模精度的主要因素是系统的冲击扰动.  相似文献   
Based on the geometric physical equations and deduction of discrete process of finite element for curved thin-walled structure,characteristics of shell elements for discretion and discrete error for element stiffness matrix were analyzed theoretically,and the norm expression of discrete error for element stiffness matrix was put forward.Then,as an illustration,a probe for detecting the pressure inside turboprops was meshed by curved thin-walled shell element,compatible flat shell element,incompatible flat shell element and 3D degenerated shell element,respectively,and the stress of the probe was numerically calculated by FEM.On the basis of solved results,the stress error was analyzed thoroughly,the influence factors on the error and the applying situations for different elements were determined.Finally,the general form of correctional function was put forward according to the Boltzmann model.The program developed with FORTRAN was used to correct the numerical results and the APDL commands inside ANSYS software were utilized to read and plot the correctional stress results.Through the correction,the discrete error can be reduced within 5% that satisfies the requirement of application for structural design and stability analysis.  相似文献   
求解约束优化问题的动量粒子群算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The strategy that two good positions in feasible region worked as attractors was incorporated into momentum particle swarm optimization algorithm in order to resolve constrained optimization problems. The resulting algorithm only requires that one of the initial particles is in the feasible region, and then all particles in the swam automatically move into the feasible region. On the one hand, in the early iterations few particles appear in the feasible region and hence all particles move toward the same attractors, so the particles soon enter into the feasible region. On the other hand, as the number of particles in the feasible region increases, each particle adopts the most near attractor so that each particle has different attractor. Therefore, the algorithm maintains the diversity of the population, alleviates the premature, and hence achieves good performance. The algorithm is compared with other particle swarm optimization algorithms on four benchmark functions. The experimental results show that the solution of the algorithm is better than that of others.  相似文献   
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