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<正> In this paper,a two-scale finite element approach is proposed and analyzed for approximationsof Green's function in three-dimensions.This approach is based on a two-scale finite elementspace defined,respectively,on the whole domain with size H and on some subdomain containing singularpoints with size h (h H).It is shown that this two-scale discretization approach is very efficient.In particular,the two-scale discretization approach is applied to solve Poisson-Boltzmann equationssuccessfully.  相似文献   
<正> Carvalho,Lucchesi and Murty proved that any 1-extendable graph G different from K_2and C_(2n)has at least Δ(G)edge-disjoint removable ears,and any brick G distinct from K_4 and■hasat least Δ(G)-2 removable edges,where Δ(G)denotes the maximum degree of G.In this paper,weimprove the lower bounds for numbers of removable ears and removable edges of 1-extendable graphs.It is proved that any 1-extendable graph G different from K_2 and C_(2n)has at least χ′(G)edge-disjointremovable ears,and any brick G distinct from K_4 and■has at least χ′(G)-2 removable edges,whereχ′(G)denotes the edge-chromatic number of G.  相似文献   
<正> In this paper,the authors study an optimal control problem governed by a class of multistateordinary differential equations in the absence of convexity.To overcome the difficulty that thecorresponding approximate optimal control problem may have no solution,relaxed controls are introduced.With the help of relaxation theory,Pontryagin's maximum principle for the optimal pairs ofthe original control problem is obtained.In the end of this paper,the authors discuss the applicationof the maximum principle by an example.  相似文献   
The current research theorizes decentralized and self-organized political protests via flock theory (Rosen 2002), a theory of emergent self-organization in communicative human interaction. Flock theory draws from a theoretical basis of emergence and self-organizing systems, and is presented as a theory of decentralized communication structures. Focusing on the optimization of decentralized networks and roadmap based coordination of organizationally homopholous foci; the current theory poses a model of human interaction that captures the potentially egalitarian effects of cooperative evolution and collective action. Case studies of two separate decentralized political protests against Korean government and FARC are offered as evidences of such phenomena.  相似文献   
<正> This work is concerned with rates of convergence of numerical methods using Markov chainapproximation for controlled diffusions with stopping (the first exit time from a bounded region).In lieuof considering the associated finite difference schemes for Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equations,a purely probabilistic approach is used.There is an added difficulty due to the boundary condition,which requires the continuity of the first exit time with respect to the discrete parameter.To prove theconvergence of the algorithm by Markov chain approximation method,a tangency problem might arise.A common approach uses certain conditions to avoid the tangency problem.Here,by modifying thevalue function,it is demonstrated that the tangency problem will not arise in the sense of convergencein probability and in L~1.In addition,controlled diffusions with a discount factor is also treated.  相似文献   
<正> In this paper,an equivalency condition of nonsingularity in nonlinear semidefinite programming,which can be viewed as a generalization of the equivalency condition of nonsingularity for linearsemidefinite programming,is established under certain conditions of convexity.  相似文献   
<正> A family of integral-type goodness-of-fit tests is investigated.This family includes someexisting tests,such as the Cramér-von Mises test and Anderson-Darling test,etc.The asymptoticdistributions of the tests in the family under the null and local alternative hypotheses are established.The almost sure convergence under a fixed underlying distribution is obtained.Furthermore,simulationsare conducted to compare the powers of the tests in the family.Simulation results show that fordifferent alternatives,the more powerful tests are different,and the parameter λ has great influence onthe tests in small sample cases.  相似文献   
<正> This paper considers finite-time χ-consensus problem for a multi-agent system with firstorderindividual dynamics and switching interaction topologies.Several distributed finite-time consensusrules are constructed for multi-agent dynamics in a unified way with the help of Lyapunovfunction and graph theory as well as homogeneity.Time-invariant non-smooth forms of finite-timeneighbor-based controllers are proposed and a numerical example is shown for illustration.  相似文献   
<正> This paper proposes a systematic design method of overlap frequency domain equalization(FDE) for single carrier (SC) transmission without a guard interval (GI).Based on the analysis of signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) of the equalizer output for each symbol,the authors adaptivelydetermine the block of the overlap FDE,where the block is defined as a set of symbols at the equalizeroutput with sufficiently low error rate,for a certain fixed sliding window size,which corresponds toa fast Fourier transform (FFT) window size.The proposed method takes advantage of the fact thatthe utility part of the equalized signal is localized around the center of the FFT window.In addition,the authors also propose to adjust the block size in order to control the computational complexity ofthe equalization per processed sample associating with the average bit error rate (BER) of the system.Simulation results show that the proposed scheme can achieve comparable BER performance to theconventional SC-FDE scheme with sufficient GI insertion for both the coded and uncoded cases withvarious modulation levels,while requiring lower computational complexity compared to the SC overlapFDE transmission with the fixed block.  相似文献   
<正> This paper considers the problem of actuator failure compensation for a class of nonlinearsystems in the form of output-feedback.MT-filters are exploited to estimate the unmeasured states.The backsteppping technique is used to construct the controller recursively.The proposed compensationscheme can grantee the boundedness of all the closed-loop signals and asymptotic output tracking.Thetheoretical results are illustrated by a simulation example.  相似文献   
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