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多媒体传感器网络中同时存在端到端(end-to-end)的多媒体流和事件到汇聚点(event-to-sink)的事件流,这对多媒体传感器网络服务质量保证带来了新的挑战。针对多媒体传感器网络提出了一个基于二级反馈的QoS自适应保证方法,该方法以传输控制协议为核心,根据汇聚节点处数据包的接收率和网络拥塞状况将网络划分为10个运行状态,通过传输控制协议调整媒体流和事件流的发送率,完成网络向最优状态的迁移。一系列基于NS2的仿真试验证明了本方法的有效性。Abstract: There exist two kinds of streams in multimedia sensor networks:end-to-end stream and event-to-sink stream,this makes the guarantee of QoS multimedia transmission face a new set of challenges. A self-adaptive QoS guarantee scheme was proposed based on two-layer feedback for multimedia sensor networks. The kernel of this scheme is transport control protocol. The network is partitioned into 10 typical states by means of the data packet receive rate at sink node and network congestion status,thus the state transfers to the optimal one by adjusting the transmit rate of media stream and event stream. A series of simulation results are performed by NS2 to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme. 相似文献
捷联惯导系统陀螺噪声过大时,自对准无法使方位失准角估计收敛到真值,设计了一种磁强计辅助对准方法,满足对准精度要求并可同步估计磁场强度和磁倾角。非线性滤波方法UKF相比EKF估计精度高但收敛速度慢,迭代UKF算法可提高收敛速度但计算量也显著增大。将超球面分布采样点变换(SSUT)应用于UKF迭代过程,设计了一种混合迭代UKF算法。仿真表明该混合迭代UKF算法加快了收敛速度,保证了滤波精度,同时又减少了计算量。Abstract: The azimuth misalignment-angle estimation of SINS could not converge to the true value without assistance duo to the over too strong noise of gyros.An alignment method assisted by magnetometers was designed to estimate the misalignment angles as well as the magnetic field intensity and the magnetic obliquity.Nonlinear filtering method UKF was more precise than EKF but converged slowly.Iterated UKF could promote the convergence rate but increased the calculation amount greatly.A combined iterated UKF algorithm was proposed by applying spherical simplex unscented transform to the iterated process.Simulation indicates that the algorithm promotes the convergence rate,guarantees the precision,and reduces the calculation amount. 相似文献
求解约束优化问题的动量粒子群算法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为解决约束优化问题,提出使用双可行域吸引子策略改进动量粒子群算法。该算法只需初始种群中有一个粒子位于可行域内,随着搜索过程的进行,整个种群自动进入可行域内搜索。一方面,在搜索过程早期,由于可行域内粒子少,所有粒子移向相同的吸引子,整个种群迅速进入可行域内。另一方面,随着进入可行域粒子的增多,由于每个粒子使用距本身最近的可行域吸引子,较好地维持了种种群的多样性,避免早熟现象的发生,使算法具有较好的寻优性能。与国际上当前解决约束优化问题的粒子群算法在4个标准约束优化函数上测试比较,实验结果表明本算法取得的最优值要优于其它粒子群算法。Abstract: The strategy that two good positions in feasible region worked as attractors was incorporated into momentum particle swarm optimization algorithm in order to resolve constrained optimization problems. The resulting algorithm only requires that one of the initial particles is in the feasible region, and then all particles in the swam automatically move into the feasible region. On the one hand, in the early iterations few particles appear in the feasible region and hence all particles move toward the same attractors, so the particles soon enter into the feasible region. On the other hand, as the number of particles in the feasible region increases, each particle adopts the most near attractor so that each particle has different attractor. Therefore, the algorithm maintains the diversity of the population, alleviates the premature, and hence achieves good performance. The algorithm is compared with other particle swarm optimization algorithms on four benchmark functions. The experimental results show that the solution of the algorithm is better than that of others. 相似文献
代码传输是实现无线传感器网络应用重构的关键技术.首先研究传感器网络环境自适应应用重构(EAAR)模型的两种代码传输模式-拉模式和推模式,并结合两种模式的特点提出一种适用于分簇传感器网络的能量有效代码传输模式-基于簇的混合代码传输(Cluster-based Hybrid Code Transmission, CHCT).在该模式下,簇头节点采用拉方式从基站获取代码,簇内节点采用推方式进行代码传输.仿真实验验证了方法的有效性并讨论了影响CHCT性能的主要参数. 相似文献
根据监测到的设备状态信息预测其条件剩余寿命一直是基于状态维修中的关键问题。利用滤波理论,建立了基于状态信息的剩余寿命预测通用模型,并推导出采用极大似然估计法下参数估计的通式,使得在已知寿命服从其他任何分布形式时直接代入通式便可快速地得出其模型,从而预测其剩余寿命,省去了复杂繁琐的迭代过程。通过案例发现模型能够根据状态信息很好地预测其剩余寿命,并在不断更新状态信息的条件下越来越精确地预测其剩余寿命。 相似文献