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<正> A family of integral-type goodness-of-fit tests is investigated.This family includes someexisting tests,such as the Cramér-von Mises test and Anderson-Darling test,etc.The asymptoticdistributions of the tests in the family under the null and local alternative hypotheses are established.The almost sure convergence under a fixed underlying distribution is obtained.Furthermore,simulationsare conducted to compare the powers of the tests in the family.Simulation results show that fordifferent alternatives,the more powerful tests are different,and the parameter λ has great influence onthe tests in small sample cases.  相似文献   
The reverse construction and analysis of the networks of molecular interactions are essential for understanding their functions within cells. In this paper, a logic network model is constructed to investigate the complicated regulation mechanism of shoot genes of Arabidopsis Thaliana in response to stimuli. The dynamics of the complicated logic network is analyzed, discussed, and simulated. The simulation results show that the logic network of the active genes of shoot eventually evolves into eleven attractors under the stimuli, including five 1-periodic and six 2-periodic attractors. Our work provides valuable reference and guidance for biologists to understand and explain Arabidopsis’ response to external stimuli by experiments.  相似文献   
The approach of available transfer capability (denoted as ATC) incorporating wind generation has been paid very high attention since the development of wind generation. Based on the maximum function, this paper presents an ATC model. The characteristic of the new model is twofold. First, it considers wind turbines connected to power system and static security of power system simultaneously. Second, it is a system of semismooth equations and can be solved easily. By using the smoothing strategy, a smoothing Newton method is adopted for solving the proposed new ATC model. Numerical simulation results of the IEEE 30-bus and 118-bus system show that the new model and algorithm are feasible and effective. The impact of wind turbines connected to power system on ATC is also analyzed.  相似文献   
<正> This paper considers finite-time χ-consensus problem for a multi-agent system with firstorderindividual dynamics and switching interaction topologies.Several distributed finite-time consensusrules are constructed for multi-agent dynamics in a unified way with the help of Lyapunovfunction and graph theory as well as homogeneity.Time-invariant non-smooth forms of finite-timeneighbor-based controllers are proposed and a numerical example is shown for illustration.  相似文献   
<正> This paper analyzes performance of optimal channel estimation and multiuser detection(MUD) in a block-fading code-division multiple-access (CDMA) channel on the assumptions of randomspreading and large-system limit,by using the replica method developed in statistical mechanics.The authors find that the asymptotic spectral efficiency of the linear minimum mean-squared error(LMMSE) MUD which was proposed and analyzed by Evans and Tse in 2000 is indistinguishable fromthat of the optimal MUD for small system loads.Our results imply that performance of MUD scarcelyimproves even if one spends more computational cost than that of the LMMSE MUD,i.e.,at most thecube of the number of users,on the above-described conditions.  相似文献   
<正> This paper considers the problem of actuator failure compensation for a class of nonlinearsystems in the form of output-feedback.MT-filters are exploited to estimate the unmeasured states.The backsteppping technique is used to construct the controller recursively.The proposed compensationscheme can grantee the boundedness of all the closed-loop signals and asymptotic output tracking.Thetheoretical results are illustrated by a simulation example.  相似文献   
<正> This paper discusses the null boundary controllability of two PDE's,modeling a compositesolid with different physical properties in each layer.Interface conditions are imposed.  相似文献   
<正> This paper formulates and analyzes a line search method for general nonlinear equalityconstrained optimization based on filter methods for step acceptance and secant methods for searchdirection.The feature of the new algorithm is that the secant algorithm is used to produce a searchdirection,a backtracking line search procedure is used to generate step size,some filtered rules areused to determine step acceptance,second order correction technique is used to reduce infeasibility andovercome the Maratos effect.Global convergence properties of this method are analyzed:under mildassumptions it is showed that every limit point of the sequence of iterates generated by the algorithmis feasible,and that there exists at least one limit point that is a stationary point for the problem.Moreover,it is also established that the Maratos effect can be overcome in our new approach by addingsecond order correction steps so that fast local superlinear convergence to a second order sufficient localsolution is achieved.Finally,the results of numerical experiments are reported to show the effectivenessof the line search filter secant method.  相似文献   
研究了基于弹体捷联激光四象限探测器体制下,利用脉冲力进行质心控制的弹道修正技术.通过外弹道模型的建立和数值仿真,研究了弹丸落角、脉冲发动机作用位置偏离质心距离、脉冲发动机工作宽度和总冲散布等因素对于弹道修正精度的影响,对比得出了影响弹丸修正精度的主要因素,为工程实现提供理论支持.  相似文献   
在分析高压变频器调制方法的基础上,建立了在MATLAB/SIMULINK环境下的级联型多电平逆变器的仿真模型,针对国内大多数流行的调制方法是基于一个正弦参考信号与多个三角载波相交进行比较产生脉冲信号,提出了单载波PWM调制方法.对多电平电压频谱进行仿真分析,并将其谐波特性与其它PWM调制技术进行比较,结果表明在单载波PWM调制法控制下变频器的输出波形中无论相电压还是线电压的谐波含量都很少,显示了良好的谐波特性.  相似文献   
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