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针对在风速、同步发电机负载变化情况下,液压蓄能式风力机组并网转速控制问题,提出一种新型并网转速控制方法——解耦广义预测优化控制方法(Decoupled Generalized Predictive Optimization Control, DGPOC).首先,DGPOC利用基于广义预测的前馈解耦方法解除变量马达摆角和蓄能器比例阀开度之间的耦合关系,进而调节蓄能器比例阀,依靠蓄能器吸收波动流量,同步调节变量马达摆角实现恒转速控制,解决因风速、同步发电机负载变化引起的变量马达转速波动问题; 其次,将蓄能器比例阀的能量损耗作为性能约束项,加入到优化目标函数中,求取最优控制量,从而提高液压蓄能式风力机组风能利用率; 最后,利用建立的MATLAB-AMESim联合仿真实验平台验证DGPOC方法的有效性.实验结果表明: DGPOC方法不仅可以实现变量马达摆角和蓄能器比例阀开度两个变量的解耦,提升变量马达转速控制的快速性及鲁棒性,而且能够降低系统的能量损耗.  相似文献   
光伏功率预测在现代电力系统调度和运行中起着重要作用.针对光伏发电功率的多变性和复杂性,提出了一种基于新型相似日选取和北方苍鹰算法(Northern Goshawk Optimization, NGO)优化双向门控循环单元(Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit, BiGRU)的短期光伏功率预测方法.首先,利用斯皮尔曼相关系数选取主要气象因子,通过变分模态分解(Variational Mode Decomposition, VMD)将原始光伏功率和最大气象因子分解重构为一系列子信号.其次,通过构建新的评价指标筛选出相似日数据集,利用一组BiGRU建立以相似日子信号为网络输入的深度学习模型,并利用NGO对每个BiGRU网络的超参数进行有效优化.最后,对各子信号的预测结果进行综合,得到最终的光伏功率预测值.仿真结果表明,所提混合深度学习方法在预测精度和计算效率方面均优于其他方法.  相似文献   
储煤场煤垛温度预报的仿真模型与计算⒇陈亚平徐礼华吴斌林蔚(东南大学动力工程系,南京210018)对煤垛内温度分布及变化规律的研究旨在及时准确地预报煤垛内的温度变化,以防患于未“燃”.用计算代替现场的实测,或结合少量的现场实测,可以节约大量的人力物力,...  相似文献   
针对电离层延迟会导致GPS单频精密单点定位精度严重缺失的情况,分别探讨了克罗布歇模型、格网模型和历元差分模型,并采用IGS跟踪站数据进行电离层延迟改正。同时根据改正后的单频精密单点定位精度,比较了这三种电离层延迟改正模型的改正效果。结果表明:历元差分模型的改正效果最好,其改正后单频精密单点定位精度可达到厘米级,能较好地符合实际应用要求。  相似文献   
针对我国规范未对剪力墙受剪承载力可靠指标进行校准,本文研究钢筋混凝土剪力墙受剪承载力的可靠度水平.根据剪力墙抗剪公式所依据的试验及试件情况,收集并筛选截面型式、混凝土类型、配筋型式、破坏形态等方面与其一致的74片剪力墙试验数据,对试件承载力的试验值与规范公式计算值进行分析,得出剪力墙受剪承载力计算模式不定性统计参数,进而得出抗力统计参数和概率分布类型;采用考虑基本变量概率分布类型的验算点法进行可靠指标计算.结果表明:现行规范剪力墙受剪承载力可靠指标低于目标可靠指标3.7的要求,其中荷载效应比、剪跨比、轴向压力、配筋率、混凝土强度等级对可靠指标影响较小,风荷载与永久荷载效应比对可靠指标影响较大,分布钢筋采用HPB300时的可靠指标在同等条件下较小.为保证剪力墙受剪承载力可靠指标满足目标可靠指标要求,引入承载力调整系数0.95对现行计算公式进行修正,修正后计算公式的可靠指标均值为3.738.  相似文献   
基于55 nm CMOS工艺提出了一款具有高输出功率的太赫兹基波压控振荡器(Voltage-Controlled Oscillator,VCO).设计采用堆叠结构来克服单个晶体管供电电压受限导致输出摆幅较低的问题来有效提高了输出功率.依据单边化技术在核心晶体管的栅漏之间嵌入自馈线来调整栅漏之间的相移和增益以最大化晶体管在期望频率下的可用增益,从而提高晶体管的功率输出潜力.提取版图寄生后的仿真结果表明:在2.4 V供电电压下,VCO的输出频率范围为200.5 GHz~204.4 GHz,电路峰值输出功率为3.25 dBm,在1 MHz的频偏处最优相位噪声为-98.7 dBc/Hz,最大效率为8.1%.包括焊盘在内的版图面积仅为0.18 mm2.此次工作实现了高输出功率并具有紧凑的面积,为高功率太赫兹频率基波VCO设计提供了一种设计思路.  相似文献   
Lake Fuxian is a large, deep, and oligotrophic freshwater lake. In recent sediment of this lake, a series of branched and cyclic alkanes, including branched alkanes with one or two quaternary carbon atoms (C2n compounds), alkylcycloheptane, and alkylcyclohexane, were detected in high abundance. For each homolog of long-chain branched/ cyclic alkanes, molecules with only an odd or even carbon number were present in the sediment. The abundance vari- ation of each compound homolog corresponded to those of other compound homolog in the section, indicating the same origin of these compounds. The concentrations of long-chain branched/cyclic alkanes in the sediment profile exhibited variations similar to those of phytoplankton biomarkers, such as 3-methylJalkanes, short-chain odd carbon n-alkanes, hopene, polyunsaturated fatty acids, phytol, sterols, and long-chain alkyl diols, but slightly different from those of long-chain odd carbon n-alkanes, which are ubiquitous biomarkers for higher plants. Therefore, the Can compounds and long-chain cyclic alkanes in the lake sediment were most likely produced by algae and bacteria in the water, primarily, by the heterotrophic bacteria in the moderately oxygenated waters, which flourishing might be the results of specific water environments in Lake Fuxian.  相似文献   
通过对4个隔板贯穿式方钢管混凝土柱-钢梁连接节点试件的静力性能试验研究,揭示此类节点的受力机理和破坏形态,探讨梁端翼缘两侧的侧板、钢管柱的宽厚比以及隔板的外伸长度等因素对节点承载力和传力机理的影响.试验结果表明,该类节点具有受力明确,传力途径清晰的特点;宽厚比的改变对节点承载力的影响不大,但对于节点板剪应变的影响较大;梁端翼缘两侧增加侧板可以减缓隔板与梁相交的角隅处应力集中现象,使塑性铰出现梁上,远离脆弱的梁端焊接区,提高了节点的延性.  相似文献   
A noteworthy feature of the living world is its bewildering variability. A key issue in several biological disciplines is the achievement of an understanding of the hereditary basis of this variability. Two opposing, but not necessarily irreconcilable conceptions attempt to explain the underlying mechanism. The gene function paradigm postulates that phenotypic variance is generated by the polymorphism in the coding sequences of genes. However, comparisons of a great number of homologous gene and protein sequences have revealed that they predominantly remained functionally conserved even across distantly related phylogenic taxa. Alternatively, the gene regulation paradigm assumes that differences in the cis-regulatory region of genes do account for phenotype variation within species. An extension of this latter concept is that phenotypic variability is generated by the polymorphism in the overall gene expression profiles of gene networks. In other words, the activity of a particular gene is a system property determined both by the cis-regulatory sequences of the given genes and by the other genes of a gene network, whose expressions vary among individuals, too. Novel proponents of gene function paradigm claim that functional genetic variance within the coding sequences of regulatory genes is critical for the generation of morphological polymorphism. Note, however, that these developmental genes play direct regulatory roles in the control of gene expression.  相似文献   
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