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The Chinese Journal for the History of Science and Technology (known as China Historical Materials of Science and Technology from 1980 to 2004) is the official publication of the Chinese Society for the History of Science and Technology and the Institute for the History of Natural Science, Chinese Academy of Science. It is foremost vehicle for the scholarship of professional historians of science in China, published quarterly by China Science and Technology Press.  相似文献   

Cultural Selection in Evolution(p. 1)FEI Duo-yi(The Chinese Society for Dialectics of Nature, Beijing;the Research Center on the Philosophy of Science and Technology in Shanxi University, Taiyuan,Shanxi) With the rapid development of information technology and medical level, another form of human evolution has come into being. We are trying to get over Da~inian' s doctrine of natural evolution into artificial evolution. The latter can not only reproduce life, but also compel us to redefine the parameter of life. The continuous electronization and symbolization of person' s identity bring about more controversies on existent character of human. Thus, the human subjectivity is forced to be explained again.  相似文献   

On the morning of April 14, 2005, Dr. C. N. Yang, Nobel Laureate in Physics, accepted our interview in his office at the Center for Advanced Study, Tsinghua University. The interview was two hours in duration and covered a variety of questions including Prof. Yang's personal experience, Nobel Prizes, Einstein's contributions and legacies, World Year of Physics,Prof.  相似文献   

Marie Hicks.Programmed Inequality:How Britain Discarded Women Technologists and Lost Its Edge in Computing(hardcover).Cambridge,MA:MITPress,January 2017.342 Pages.ISBN:97802620355452012年,一部名为《布莱切利四人组》(The Bletchley Circle)的BBC英剧自开播之后就广受好评。剧中虚构了二战后4名英国女性的传奇经历,她们战时曾为英国政府破译密码,在信息技术和情报收集方面拥有超强能力。  相似文献   

Science & Culture Review is devoted to the study of interactions between science-technology and culture-society and the promotion of dialogues between sciences, humanities and social sciences. The journal is international in scope and interdisciplinary in contents.  相似文献   

The accelerating circulation of information and knowledge is one of the most str iking features of the age of globalization .Exchanges of knowledge across region al and linguistic boundaries are one of the distinguishing traits of the emerging “knowledge society”.Yet the issue's topicality must not eclipse the fact that the historical roots of such exchanges, in East Asia as well as in Europe and other regions of the world,can be traced back to antiquity.Exchanges of scientific and cult…  相似文献   

Zhu Kezhen(1 890— 1 974) was from Shangyu in Zhejiang Province.In his early years hewent to the USA to study agronomy and meteorology at Illinois and then Harvard University.On his return to China he undertook teaching and editing at Wuhan,Nanjing,Shanghai andTianjin. In 1 92 8he joined the Academia Sinica,founding China's first Institute ofMeteorology.In 1 936 he became President of Zhejiang Unicersity,and,after the founding ofthe People's Republic of China in 1 949,became Vice- …  相似文献   

Honorable Council members of the DHS, Chairs of Delegations, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen: On behalf of the Chinese host, I sincerely and warmly welcome you to Beijing and the 22na International Congress of the History of Science. To my knowledge, in the 76 years of its history, this is only the second time that the Congress is being held in the Far East, and is also the second time the Congress is meeting in adeveloping country. For both of these reasons, we are deeply honored that you are here, and we appreciate the tremendous responsibility that comes with hosting the 22nd International Congress of the History of Science.  相似文献   

本栏简介本刊收到的科学技术史以及相关论著。欢迎著者、编者、读者和出版社等惠寄有关著作。《爱因斯坦在中国》胡大年著,16 362页,上海:上海科技教育出版社,2006年7月第1版,33.6元,ISBN:7-5428-4067-6China and Albert Einstein:The Reception ofthe Physicist and His Theory in China,1917—1979.by Danian Hu,xiv 257pages,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,2005此书对20世纪最伟大的科学家爱因斯坦及其相对论在中国的传播和影响进行了深入的研究,是一部研究科学思想传播的力作。作者用一章回顾了耶稣会士来华以降西方物理学传入中国的历史之后,进入全书的主题。第2章论述“五四”运动前后相对论最初进入中国人的视野的情形。第3章一一研究了中国早期传播和研究相对论的6位先驱人物,包括李芳柏、夏元?、周昌寿、魏嗣銮、周培源和束星北等物理学家和教育家。第4章则讨论了爱因斯坦的形象从伟大的物理学家到“渺小的哲学家”的转变及其社会背景。第5章阐述了“文革...  相似文献   

The publication of the Collected Papers of Albert Einstein has been a long-standing editorial project. So far, nine volumes of Einstein's collected writings and correspondence have been published since 1987 (with one double volume). They cover Einstein's life and work from 1879 to 1921. The tenth volume of correspondence is due to appear in fall 2006.  相似文献   

Historians of science who have read The Way and the Word will be aware that, although its theme was comparative, its largest point had to do with method. It demonstrated a general approach to historical study that makes sense of the past in ways that narrower approaches have failed to do.  相似文献   

Ⅰ Historians of modern science have good reasons to be grateful to Paul Arthur Schilpp, professor of philosophy and Methodist clergyman but better known as the editor of a series of volumes on" Living Philosophers", including several on scientist-philosophers. His motto was:"The asking of questions about a philosopher's meaning while he is alive." And to his everlasting credit, he persuaded Albert Einstein to do what he had resisted all his years: to sit down to write, in 1946 at age sixty-seven, an extensive autobiography-forty-five pages long in print.  相似文献   

A meeting of historians of science in 21^St century Beijing provokes reflections of an unusual kind, some of which I should like to share with you now. Those reflections centre on the implications of the life and work of one of the past centuries most unusual intellectual figures Joseph Needham (1900-1995).  相似文献   

Mankind is today indeed at a turning point of history: For the first time, we recognize and experience the limitations set by the finite resources of the globe. But also for the first time in history, we truely have the capability to develop all the technological tools necessary to shape our future.  相似文献   

Historians of moden science have good reasons to be grateful to Paul Arthur Schilpp, professor of philosophy and Methodist clergyman but better known as the editor of a series of volumes on “Living Philosophers,” including several on scientist - philosophers. His motto was:“The asking of questions about a philosopher‘s meaning while he is alive.” And to his everlasting credit,  相似文献   

Ⅰ Let me first clarify that science as developed in Islamic cultural areas or societies during the Middle Ages is abbreviated here as Islamic Science. In that context, the Exact Science is confined to astronomy (including mathematical geography) and mathematics only; physics was then a part of natural philosophy, and chemistry a branch of medicine.  相似文献   

将一次会议的论文结集出版,而形成一本很有意义的学术著作,这样的例子恐怕不很多见。伹《法拉第的再发现:关于他的生平和工作,1791—1867》(Faraday Rediscovered.Essays on the Life and Work of Michael Faraday,1791—1867,London:Macmillan,1986)大概要算是个例外。这本论文集就是在1984年英国皇家学会召开的一次会  相似文献   

在科学社会学中,核心的研究领域是关于科学奖励系统的研究。美国科学社会学家杰里·加斯顿的《英美科学界的奖励系统》(The Reward System in British and American Science.John Wiley&Sons.1078)一书以其对英美两国物理学、化学和生物学共同体之奖励系统的深入研究,而成为科学社会学中的“重要文献”。关于科学奖励系统的研究揭示了科学做为一种  相似文献   

Analy滋5 of Warl〕urg,5 View on the Origi:1 of Caneer Cells(Diseussl、、n)Fel.dila,,们又(,lor’BasisR朗eareh arid the Soei几15手s比m of Pd扮吕eie一iee.Herbert A.SheparJ.48BOyle,5 MetaPhysies of Seielice. J.H.Kult卯n.CarnaP on Defi:,ing“Deg众犯of Confirmation,,(Diseussiol飞).John W.Leiiz.C。,nll、、e:一ts on Dr.Hoehberg,5 Paper(伪seussi〔,,、).Ricl、。讯I」.Cort,wrigllt.I)efi,、itioi、of‘Degi朋of Coi、firmatior、for Vel.y Riel一I」:、一,g;z:、gps.I[ilaryP一itvl飞m.抚aleoliea…  相似文献   

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