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IntroductionInordertomitigatetheproblemsofenergyshortage,environmentalpollutionandtheoverburdenedtransportationsystemsinChina,underthesupportofthestate,thenuclearheatingreactor(NHR)wasdevelopedbytheInstituteofNuclearEnergyTechnology(INET),TsinghuaUni…  相似文献   

The quality of grain changes continually during its storage, including the change of its physical characteristics and physiological characteristics. This paper presents an approach to predict the change of the quality of stored grain with data mining technology. Logistic Regression, Decision Tree and Muitilayer Perceptron are applied to predict the change of the grains' quality control index and to obtain the grains' quality change probability. The grain sampling with higher probability can be processed earlier.  相似文献   

1introduction Intheprocessofmanufacturingcolumngear,thegearshaping isextensivelyadopted,butsometimesitiscompaniedwiththe gear’sextrusionwoundandthecutter’sabnormalabrasion wear.Onegenerallythinksthatthisphenomenonisrelatedto thecut thickness’variationduringthegearshaping.Soasetofformulastohelpstudythevariationofcut thicknessofchipscuttedoffwiththecutedgeandtotryto findoutthecauseoftheextrusionwoundofthegearandthe abnormalabrasionwearintheprocessofgearshapingwere deduced.2TheCut thicknessoft…  相似文献   

Professor Wen Bangchun with the Northeast University of Technology was elected to be the member of the Technologital Science Department of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in November 1991. It is the highest honor given to Chi-nase scientists. Professor Wen was born in 1930 and graduated from the Depertment of Mechnics and Electronics of the Universi-ty. For more than 30 years, he has studied the science of vibration application engineering systematically, a frontier sci-ence of mechanics combined with vibration theory and of wide application values in industry.  相似文献   

0IntroductionThe Cauchy problemof Camassa-Hol mequationut-uxxt 3uux=2uxuxx uuxxx,t >0,x∈Ru(0,x) =u0(x) ,x∈R(1)was derived in Ref .[1] to describe the motion of solitarywaves of shallow water ,whereurepresents thefree surface ofthe water above a flat bot…  相似文献   

Theqinghai TibetPlateauisendowedwithnaturalandgeographicconditions.These conditionsshapeupmanyuniquetouristresources,suchascolorfulgeomorphology,plentifulanduniquewildanimalsandplantsand pureandsimplefolkcustomwithancientculture,etc.Butasthetrafficisnotconvenientandthe trafficcostisveryhigh,toalargeextentthislimitsthedevelomentofthelocaltourism.Thelinesuccessivelypassesthroughtheplacesof culturalinterest,likenaturallyecologicallandscapesandagriculturalareas,semi agriculturalandmemi pastoralar…  相似文献   

A new approach for the derivation of the principal invariants of the stretch tensor with respect to the right Cauchy-Green tensor is presented in this paper. According to the definition of the derivation of tensor function, the three first-order derivatives for the principal invariants of the stretch tensor are obtained through derivation directly to the right Cauchy-Green tensor by incremental method. Then the three second-order derivatives are yielded by the derivation to the right Cauchy-Green strain tensor directly. Furthermore, an explicit expression of the tangent modulus of the general Varga material is given as an example.  相似文献   

IntroductionDeep groove ball bearing is one kind of the mostwidely used roller bearing . It has many advantages overother bearings such as si mple structure , low cost , highaccuracy ,low power lose from friction,long fatigue lifeand so on. The structural components of deep groove ballbearing mainly include :global rolling element ,cage ,innerand outer raceway . Deep groove ball bearing workingprinciple can be illustratedin Fig .1. The balls roll betweenthe outer and the inner raceway ,space …  相似文献   

This article briefly makes account of the characters of the tourist resources along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway. According to the diversity and distinctiveness of the natural landscape along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, its scientific studying values, aesthetic values and cultural values are summaized in this text. The article analysed the main types of construction of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway which would cause impacts to the landscapes along the line: roadbed construction, grounds of fetching and abandoning soil, sand and gravel material field, pavement for constructon, construction camp, etc. The impacts caused by construction of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway to the tourist scenery in Tibet are raised and the preventive and restorative measures needed to be taken to reduce and ease up the impacts of the railway project to the landscapes long the line are offered. The various measures raised above are in line with the characters of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway and are operational.  相似文献   

The research of the paleoflood remains from archaeological sites is one of the most important jobs in the environmental archaeology.Based on the traditional archaeological methods and the archaeological finds from the Yuxi site,Fengdu County of Chongqing,the paper analyzes the difference between the cultural layers and the possible paleoflood layers from various angles,such as contents,shapes of gravels,pottery,etc.,identifies the possible paleoflood deposit layers,i.e.the paleoflood remains of the Yangtze River,and discusses the periodicity of the floods.  相似文献   

1Patternselectionandver ificationoftheTGPpen stock TheYangtzeRiverWaterResourcesCommission (CWRC)submittedASub jectReportonthePatternSelectionofthePenstockinthePowerStationoftheThreeGorgesProjectinDecember,1 993,inwhichthearrangementofthepenstockswasdefinitelystated ,twotypesofstructures (internalhydraulicpressurebornesolelybypenstockandinternalhydraulicpressurejointlybornebysteellinerandreinforcedconcrete)proposed ,acomparisonbetweenthetwooptionscomprehensivelyperformed ,andsuggesti…  相似文献   

MU Lin 《科学通报(英文版)》2006,51(21):2651-2656
A new climate model (ECHAM5/MPI-OM1) developed for the fourth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) at Max-Planck Institute for Meteorology is used to study the climate changes under the different increased CO2 scenarios (B1, A1B and A2). Based on the corresponding model results, the sea surface temperature and salinity structure, the variations of the thermohaline circulation (THC) and the changes of sea ice in the northern hemisphere are analyzed. It is concluded that from the year of 2000 to 2100, un- der the B1, A1B and A2 scenarios, the global mean sea surface temperatures (SST) would increase by 2.5℃, 3.5℃ and 4.0℃ respectively, especially in the region of the Arctic, the increase of SST would be even above 10.0℃; the maximal negative value of the variation of the fresh water flux is located in the sub- tropical oceans, while the precipitation in the eastern tropical Pacific increases. The strength of THC de- creases under the B1, A1B and A2 scenarios, and the reductions would be about 20%, 25% and 25.1% of the present THC strength respectively. In the north- ern hemisphere, the area of the sea ice cover would decrease by about 50% under the A1B scenario.  相似文献   

托马斯·哈代在《德伯家的苔丝》中以看似互相矛盾的景物描写为切入点 ,引出了苔丝性格之中的矛盾与不一致性 ,也为苔丝最终的悲剧埋下伏笔 ,充分展示作者独具匠心的巧妙设计和审美价值 ,同时籍此区别于同时代的其他作家  相似文献   

Internal waves are one of the primary causes of sea water mass variations in shallow water. The time stability of an acoustic channel may be degraded by the activities of internal waves. Based on the oceanographic data of Asian Seas International Acoustics Experiment (ASIAEX), the characteristics of the internal waves in the East China Sea (ECS) are analyzed and the effects of linear and solitary internal waves on broadband acoustic field correlation are numerically investigated. The numerical results of the length of the correlation time affected by the internal waves are compared with the experimental data. It was found that the existence of both linear internal waves and soliton packets may be one of the explanations of the experimental correlation drop.  相似文献   

The study and the practical utilization of the infrared inthe textile field is analysed simply.The test method ofthe infrared transmittance(α_T)and the reflectance(α_R)in the fabric is introduced.The test results of aset of polyester/cotton plain fabrlcs show that the infra-red reflecting regulation can be expressed by quasi-co-sine function.The parameters affecting the α_T and α_Rare analysed, α_T decreases according to negative expo-nent function as the weight per square meter of the fab-ric increases,and α_R increases.Both α_T and α_R will in-crease when the mode of wavelength(λ_m) of the infra-red decreases.It can be deduced that the infrared ab-sorptance of the fabric will increase as λ_m increases inthe studied range.  相似文献   

1. IntroductionWith its more than 5000 years’long history, brilliant culture and wonderfully-preserved beautiful landscape, China attracts more  相似文献   

Terrace dating as an archive of the run-through of the Sanmen Gorges   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Analysis of morphological properties in the Sanmen Gorges region of the Yellow River shows that four river terraces have been developed at the entrance to the gorges. Commonly, thick aeolian loess-paleosol sequence was deposited on the terraces, which makes it easy to date the terraces. The dating of paleomagnetic, loess-paleosol sequence matching and thermoluminescence show that terraces T2, T3 and T4 were formed 0.129 Ma, 0.625 Ma and 0.865 Ma ago, respectively. The formation of these terraces in this region indicates that the Yellow River has experienced four intensive downcutting events during the last 0.9 Ma. The Yellow River cut through the Sanmen Gorges and inpoured into the East China Sea no later than 0.865 Ma.  相似文献   

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