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The ZrTiCuNiBe alloy is melt and solidified by Bridgman unidirectional solidification on two gravity field orientations (the gravity field orientation is parallel and opposite to solidification direction). Effects of gravity on morphology and microstructure are investigated by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). When gravity field orientation is parallel to solidification direction, less needle-like primary phase is embedded in a matrix eutectic; when gravity field orientation is opposite to solidification direction, a large amount of coarser needle-like primary phases were observed.  相似文献   

提出了一个基于合金组元原子半径和电负性判断非晶形成能力的方法. 建立了原子半径差与电负性差之比Δd/Δe与临界冷却速度Rc的数值模型,并在所有五种不同合金系中获得一致且开口向上的抛物线关系. 在此基础上,设计并制备了四种不同成分的Zr-Al-Ni-Cu金属玻璃,并测量它们的临界尺寸Zmax、过冷液相区间ΔTx和约化玻璃转变温度Trg. 结果表明,Zr54Al13Ni15Cu18的玻璃形成能力最佳,而且用Δd/Δe模型预测的四种金属玻璃的玻璃形成能力顺序与所有实测参数(包括Zmax、ΔTx和Trg)表征的顺序基本一致. 因此,用Δd/Δe的预测方法比较同一合金系内不同合金之间玻璃形成能力的优劣是可靠的.  相似文献   

Zr对Al-Ni-Y-(Zr,Cu)合金系非晶形成能力及热稳定性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过Zr部分取代Al80Ni10YsCu5中的Y,获得了Al80Ni10Y5-xZrxCus(x=0、1、2、3、4)铝基非晶合金.用XRD和DSC等测试手段1分析了单辊旋淬法制备的该合金非晶条带,研究了Zr对合金体系非晶形成能力和热稳定性的影响.结果表明,x=2或x=3的合金的衍射峰较为宽化;当x从0增加到2时,合金的晶化温度增加,此后,随x的进一步增加,合金的晶化温度先降低后又有所回升.Al80Ni10Y3Zr2Cu5合金既具有相对较好的非晶形成能力,又具有较高的热稳定性.  相似文献   

By a mean field theoretical computation,the equilibrium distributions of additional Ag and Al in the crystalline phase of CuZr-based alloys were determined to occupy the two sublattices of the B2 structure randomly.With the molecular dynamics technique,the effects of Ag and Al on the enthalpy difference(ΔH) between the supercooled melt and the crystalline phase were evaluated.The improved glass forming ability of Cu45Zr45Al10 and Cu45Zr45Ag10 can be attributed to their remarkably smaller ΔH than that of CuZr.The calculated diffusion coefficients are more sensitive to the atomic weight of the component atoms than to their interaction strength.As the component atom with the largest mass,the additional Ag increases the viscosity of the supercooled melt significantly and the experimentally stronger glass formation ability of Cu45Zr45Ag10 than Cu45Zr45Al10 can be well understood.  相似文献   

运用分子动力学模拟方法,采用镶嵌原子势,研究了金属Au和AuAu′(Au为正常尺寸的金原子,Au′为半径尺寸变大10%的金原子,两者的原子比例为3:1)在发生玻璃转变过程中的势能曲面,探讨了原子尺寸差效应对势能曲面的影响.我们发现增加原子尺寸差会导致Au的势能曲面发生显著的变化:它使高-低温的内在势能差变大;导致每个温度下内在能量分布变宽,势能曲面变得粗糙;使得体系的海森矩阵特征值分布曲线的峰值变矮,势能曲面上的结构重排方向更少,重排几率更小;导致过冷液态区的流变激活能随温度降低增加更快.以上原子尺寸差效应导致的势能曲面的所有的变化,都有利于提高非晶的形成能力.  相似文献   

利用X射线衍射(XRD)和差示扫描量热分析(DSC)研究了添加钇对Zr55 Cu30Ni5Al10Y(=0,1,2,3,4)非晶合金体系玻璃形成能力的影响。用铜模铸造获得的Zr55 Cu30Ni5Al10Y(=0,1,2,3,4)块体非晶合金的临界尺寸从直径6 mm增加到20 mm。分析认为,微量钇的添加可以与合金中的残留氧形成氧化物,降低氧对合金形成非晶态结构的负面效应。因此添加适量的稀土元素钇有利于提高Zr55 Cu30Ni5Al10Y非晶合金体系的玻璃形成能力。  相似文献   

采用感应耦合等离子体刻蚀工艺制备了微型硅模具,基于硅模具研究了非晶合金Zr41.25Ti13.75Ni10Cu12.5Be22.5的超塑性微零件成形工艺.采用差示扫描量热仪测定了Zr41.25Ti13.75Ni10Cu12.5Be22.5的过冷液相区间为360~440℃,在过冷液相区间热压成形非晶合金微零件、机械研磨去除零件飞边和采用40%的KOH溶液腐蚀去除硅模具,得到非晶合金微型零件.自主研制了成形设备,仿真分析与实验相结合,解决了成形过程中设备的温度控制问题,比较分析了不同温度下的成形结果,实验与仿真结果符合较好.在410℃条件下成功制备出模数0.03、齿数66和厚度500μm的微型内齿轮,齿形轮廓清晰,X射线衍射仪扫描结果显示该微齿轮为非晶结构,从而验证了采用该工艺制备微型零件的可行性.  相似文献   

通过铜模吸铸法制备(Zr47Cu44Al9)100-xMox(x=0,1,2,3)大块非晶合金.利用X射线衍射、差热分析等,研究分析添加Mo对Zr47Cu44Al9合金非晶形成能力及热稳定性的影响.结果表明,Mo的添加量为2%时,合金具有最大的非晶形成能力,纯非晶试样的临界尺寸从4mm增大到6mm以上,8mm的样品只有微弱的衍射峰.Mo提高非晶形成能力的原因主要是抑制引起异质形核的CuZr相的析出与长大.利用Kissinger方法计算得到的其玻璃转变激活能Eg为278.57kJmol-1、晶化激活能Ex为392.46kJmol-1、晶化峰值的激活能Ep为376.97kJmol-1.与原合金相比,晶化激活能与晶化峰值激活能的数据都增大,说明Mo的添加不仅提高了原合金的非晶形成能力,同时也增强了合金的热稳定性.  相似文献   

在用热学计算方法计算评估二元合金非晶形成能基础上,利用早期曾经提1/x参数预估了Zr-Cu-Al三元合金形成成分范围.步结果表明,当1/x〉1.28时Zr-Cu-Al三元合金成分范围大致与前期大量实验到Zr-Cu-Al三元大块金属成分相符.在此基础上,计算Nd-Al-Fe和Nd-Al-Co三元合金中1/x值,分别为1/x〉2.7和1/x〉2.9;与早期研究结果相比较,表明1/x可以有效确定Nd-Al-Fe和Nd-Al-Co三元金属大致形成范围.最终,认为1/x可以有效确定三元金属大致形成成分范围.  相似文献   

The thermal stability and glass forming ability (GFA) of Zr35-xTi30Cu7.5Be27.5Agx (x = 0-10) alloys were studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and ultrasonic techniques. We found that the addition of 1 at.% Ag can considerably enhance the GFA as indicated by an increase in the critical glass dimension from 15 mm in the Zr35Ti30Cu7.5Be27.5 alloy to 20 mm in the Zr34Ti30Cu7.5Be27.5Ag1 alloy. However, with the addition of more Ag the supercooled liquid region (△Tx) and y parameter (defined as Tx/(Tg+Tl)) drastically decreased from 155 K and 0.436 to 76 K and 0.363, respectively, resulting in a decrease in the GFA. Additionally, the elastic constant (the ratio of shear modulus to bulk modulus or Poisson’s ratio) was also used as a gauge to evaluate the GFA in Zr35-xTi30Cu7.5Be27.5Agx alloys.  相似文献   

Series of rod samples of Zr55Al10Ni5Cu30 alloy were prepared by magnetic suspend melting and copper mold suction casting method.The effect of thermal rate treatment(TRT) process on glass forming ability(GFA),mechanical properties and microstructure of Zr-based bulk metallic glass were investigated.It shows that GAF,mechanical properties and microstructure of as-cast Zr55Al10Ni5Cu30 BMGs alloy to a large extent is related to TRT process.GFA and thermal stability of as-cast Zr55Al10Ni5Cu30 alloy increase w...  相似文献   

Co基非晶合金形成能力与磁学性能研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用单辊快凝法制备出了Co73Si1OB17非晶材料,研究了其非晶形成能力与磁学性能,应用X射线衍射(XRD)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)对条带的显微结构及非晶化程度进行了分析,用示差热分析法(DTA)测量了台金的玻璃转变温度和晶化温度,用振动样品磁强计(VSM)测量了合金的静态磁学性能,实验结果表明,在所研究的合金成分范围内和单辊快淬工艺条件下,钴基合金的非晶态形成能力大,制备非晶薄带较容易,Co73Si10817非晶态合金具有较高的热稳定性,DTA曲线上有一个明显的吸热峰和两个明显的放热峰,合金的玻璃转变温度(Tg)为715K,合金的初始晶化温度(Tx1)为753K,第二个晶化温度(Tx2)为823K,因而合金的过冷液相区△T=Tx1-Tg=38K。Co73Si10817非晶合金具有优异的软磁性能,饱和磁感应强度(Bs)为1.04T,功率损耗(W)、剩磁(Bt)与矫顽力(Hc)为零。  相似文献   

Glass formation is generally favored by a large atomic size mismatch among constituent elements,which usually leads to large density differences among them as well.During melting,elemental segregation occurs due to Stokes’ law and then inevitably affects glass formation.In this paper,such effects on glass-forming ability in a TiCu-based alloy system have been demonstrated.In the bulk glassforming composition Ti43Cu42Hf14Si1,macroscopic segregation of Si was observed in the as-melted ingots and silicon was completely depleted in the as-cast rods.In another Ti33Cu47Ni8Zr11Si1 alloy,nevertheless,the effects of density differences among the constituent elements were less severe.It was also confrmed that using proper pre-alloys could be an effective way in alleviating the side effects of the elemental segregation.  相似文献   

The effect of yttrium addition on the glass-forming ability(GFA) and mechanical properties of the Zr-based (Zr_(0.525)Al_(0.1)Ti_(0.05)Cu_(0.179)Ni_(0.146))_(100-x)Y_x and(Zr_(0.55)Al_(0.15)Ni_(0.1)Cu_(0.2))_(100-x)Y_x(x=0,0.2,0.4 0.6,1,2) alloys was studied.Micro-alloying of 0.6%yttrium enhances the room temperature ductility as well as the GFA of the Zr-based alloys.The mechanism of enhancing the GFA and room temperature ductility was analyzed.It is indicated that proper yttrium addition stabilizes the...  相似文献   

Co48-xFexCr15Mo14C15B6Er2 (x = 2.5 and 5) bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) with critical size (dc) up to 15 mm in diameter were synthesized by copper mold casting. Co43Fe5Cr15Mo14C15B6Er2 BMG has a wide supercooled liquid region (84 K) and ultrahigh fracture strength exceeding 5000 MPa,which is the highest value for reported metallic glasses with dc exceeding 1 cm. Furthermore,the Poisson ratio,Young modulus,shear modulus and bulk modulus of this alloy were evaluated to be 0.31,217 GPa,82 GPa and 214 GPa,respectively. The ideal configurational entropy of Co48-xFexCr15Mo14C15B6Er2 (x = 0 and 5) has been calculated. The introduction of the similar element Fe in the Fe-free Co-Cr-Mo-C-B-Er alloy will be beneficial to increasing the ideal config-urational entropy and depressing the critical cooling rate to achieve greater glass-forming ability. The combination of superior glass-forming ability and ultrahigh fracture strength makes the present Co48-xFexCr15Mo14C15B6Er2 (x = 2.5 and 5) BMGs promising candidates as advanced structural materials.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of minor additions of B,Al and Nb that have representative atomic sizes on the glass forming ability (GFA) and stability of Zr-Ni amorphous alloys during mechanical alloying. The results show that the minor addition of B,Al or Nb does not shorten the initial time of the full amorphization reaction or improve the glass forming ability of the Zr-Ni alloys at a low rotation speed. However,B addition can effectively improve the mechanical stability of the amorphous phase against me...  相似文献   

计算已开发的镍基大块非晶合金玻璃形成能力的表征参数Trg、γ、δ、和φ.线性回归表明,这4个参数值与合金的临界直径Dmax之间不存在线性关系,说明它们不能很好地表征镍基非晶合金的GFA.计算镍基大块非晶合金的GFA预测参数λn和ε.结果发现,组元原子尺寸相差不大的镍基非晶合金的λn值大多集中在0.2附近.另外,Dmax与ε之间存在一定的线性关系,说明镍基大块非晶合金的临界直径Dmax与它的ε值成正比.在开发新的镍基非晶合金时,可以参考ε值来确定最佳的合金成分.  相似文献   

Thermal behaviors and structures of three Zr-based binary glass formers, Zr50Cu50, Zr64Cu36 and Zr64Ni36, were investigated and compared using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), high energy X-ray diffraction (XRD) and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The high energy XRD results show that the bulk glass former Zr50Cu50 has a denser atomic packing efficiency and reduced mediumrange order than those of marginal glass formers Zr64Cu36 and Zr64Ni36. Based on TEM observations for the samples after heat treatment at 10 K above their crystallization onset temperatures, the number density of crystals for Zr50Cu50 was estimated to be 1023–1024 m?3, which was four-orders higher than that in Zr64Cu36 and Zr64Ni36 metallic glasses. SAXS results indicate that Zr50Cu50 has higher degree of nanoscale inhomogeneities than those in Zr64Cu36 and Zr64Ni36 at as-cast state. The observed multiscale structures are discussed in terms of the phase stability and glass-forming ability of Zr-based binary glass formers.  相似文献   

在水冷铜坩埚中采用铜模吸铸法制备直径为4 mm的Cu50Zr42Al8和(Cu50Zr42Al8)100-x(Cr2Ni)x(x=0、1、2、3、4)合金圆棒.利用X射线衍射(XRD)和差分扫描量热(DSC)分别对合金的结构和非晶形成能力进行研究,结果表明,Cu50Zr42Al8和(Cu50Zr42Al8)98(Cr2Ni)2为完全非晶.(Cu50Zr42Al8)98(Cr2Ni)2具有较高的过冷液相区(ΔTx达65 K)和较大的热稳定性,且为近共晶成份,但其非晶形成能力比Cu50Zr42Al8略有降低.  相似文献   

A modified criterion,β',defined as T_g/T_x-T_g/(T_l·η))(T_g,T_x,T_l andηdenote the glass transition temperature,the onset of crystallization temperature,the liquidus temperature and constant coefficient,respectively),has been proposed for assessing the glass-forming ability(GFA) of bulk metallic glasses(BMGs).A survey of the readily available experimental data associated with the thermal analysis of various BMG alloys demonstrates that the newβ' criterion exhibits much better correlation with the GFA tha...  相似文献   

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