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中堡岛遗址是长江三峡地区一处占地面积大、资料丰富、文化堆积层厚的古人类居住遗址,从新石器时代中期到明地代,各历史阶段的文化遗存都有发现,尤其是以新石器时代文化遗存的堆积最厚,遗物也最多。在屈家岭文化层位之下叠压着大溪文化遗存的这一重要“地层学”资料,纠正了过去不少学者认为屈家岭文化和大文化应是同时并存的错误认识。另外,在堆积层中往往还夹有一层纯将的为洪水过后的游沙层,这为我们研究三峡地区水文中提供了重要的依据。  相似文献   

古代巴人,是活动于我国南方长江中游一带地区的一个旺盛的民族,强悍的民族,有许多传奇和优美的历史故事。但由于历史久远,历史文献记载尚有不少疑难问题。因此,对于巴人的起源地望一直存在多种说法,未能形成共识。直到近10余年来,考古工作者在鄂西清江长阳发现了我国早期巴人的典型遗址一香炉石遗址和大批夏商周时期的巴文化遗物之后,巴人的起源之谜,才终于成功揭秘。  相似文献   

广富林遗址考古新发现及先人生活环境探析   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
广富林遗址的重新发现,取得了新的成果,首次在良渚文化遗存之上发现了来自豫东地区的王油坊类型文化遗存,为环太湖地区的文化变迁等课题研究提供了新的资料,系统采集了遗址生土层和各文化层的样品,作了孢和分析研究,根据孢粉组合特划,划分了4个孢粉组合带,并对广富林先人的生活环境和文化,农耕等发展作了探讨。  相似文献   

曲米色布岩画是曲龙遗址首次发现的岩画点,可分为四期四段。该岩画是曲龙遗址的重要组成部分,分析其分期问题有助于进一步确认曲龙遗址和西藏岩画分期。文章从典型图像分析等方面指出,曲米色布岩画点系曲龙遗址目前发现的唯一岩画遗存,其时代从公元前后延续至明清时期,与遗址区内的其他遗存共同组成了曲龙遗址考古遗存的完整框架,是进一步研究遗址文化因素、分期等的依据。  相似文献   

对长江流域新石器时代以来环境考古研究问题的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
朱诚 《自然科学进展》2005,15(2):149-153
环境考古是目前PAGES核心计划研究全新世人地相互作用及环境演变的重要领域,长江流域由于新石器时代以来的考古遗址众多,为环境考古研究提供了极好条件.文中认为今后应注重以下几方面的研究:(1)长江上中下游自然环境与文化序列差异性特征及其原因;(2)生土层内人类生存遗迹的寻找;(3)文化间歇层成因;(4)埋藏森林和埋藏古树成因;(5)考古遗址与自然沉积地层的对比;(6)遗址地层中环境质量变化信息的提取;(7)建立遗址地层反映人类活动方式和强度的指标,提取考古地层反映人与自然相互作用的定量化指标信息;(8)考古遗址三维时空和高程分布的GIS研究.由此,将会对过去难以解释的长江流域地貌与环境演变及人类文明孕育发展史等问题获得更多可靠的地层学记录解释.  相似文献   

学术界开始研究大王岩画以来,对岩画上的人像内涵及代表意义有过各种各样的猜测,但始终没有将其纳入宗教的范畴来进行研究。文章以易学理论对大王岩画人像的性别、内涵进行探索性审读,并参照国内外文化遗址出现的考古文化遗存结合神话史料进行比较研究,从而得出两巨人像为盘古开天辟地神像、小人像代表女娲及其所繁衍的人类的观点,最终认为大王岩画在中国乃至人类文明发展中占有非常重要的地位。  相似文献   

浙江省余姚县罗甸公社东方红大队河姆渡村于1973年冬兴修翻水站时发现这一新石器时代遗址,经有关方面组织挖掘,在遗址共发现四个文化层,其中第四文化层年代最早,据碳十四同位素测定,距今6700~6900年。该层出土遗物有大量陶器、石器、骨器以及木构建筑遗址、农具、动植物遗存等,而以炭化稻谷(及壳)堆积成层平均厚数十厘米最为突出。1977年冬组织第二次发掘,收获同样丰富遗物及炭化稻谷,正在整理中。  相似文献   

泰安宁阳虎城遗址采集石制品加工技术简单、实用,符合华北地区小石器技术传统,这些发现证明宁阳县至少存在两个旧石器文化阶段,既扩大了宁阳县旧石器时代遗存的分布范围,也丰富了山东省细石器遗存的文化内涵,此发现揭示了我国旧石器文化的传承与连续,一定意义上也表明东亚地区人类的演化链条似乎从未中断。  相似文献   

著名的"宁乡青铜器之谜"困扰了几代考古专家和历史学家,至今仍未彻底解开。据宁乡炭河里西周古城遗址的考古发现,以及专家关于宁乡青铜器与炭河里遗址属同一文化内涵的研究成果,从研究炭河里古文化入手,通过对有关青铜器发现资料、历史文献记载,以及地名所蕴含的历史信息等进行疏通和推论,认为炭河里遗址的生活族群是三苗,且炭河里遗址是古三苗国在商末西周时期的都邑所在地。三苗国商代地域包含了赣西北、鄂东南、湘水下游和资水下游,而西周时期仅留有湘水下游和资水下游。最后通过对三苗地域内商周文化遗存等相关资料的分析,为"宁乡青铜器之谜"寻找了一种合理的解释:古三苗国创造了灿烂的青铜文明。  相似文献   

达州红色遗址遗迹的历史基础主要有三个方面的来源:中共达州地方党组织的早期革命活动;川陕革命根据地时期的历史遗存;杰出历史人物的红色活动印迹。在这些历史基础上构成了达州现在红色遗址遗迹类别、层次多样化的格局,并在全国、全省和川东北地区占有独特的比较优势。红色遗址遗迹对达州红色文化和经济社会发展有着不可替代的重要价值:一是收藏革命文物,研究革命历史,为达州红色文化发展奠定基础;二是宣传革命文化,发扬红军精神,为达州红色文化发展增添动力;三是大量红色遗址遗迹成为达州红色旅游的重要景点,助力地方经济社会发展。  相似文献   

北京市王府井东方广场工地发现的古人类活动遗址是一处旧石器晚期的文化遗址,包括有上、下两个文化层,其时代距今分别为1.5~1.9万年和2.2~2.6万年左右。该遗址位于当时平原河流的天然堤上,是古人类在河边进行短期活动留下的遗迹。这一发现对于研究北京平原地区人类活动的历史和自然环境的演变,具有重要的科学价值。  相似文献   

中国传统建筑文化内涵丰富,其各种建筑活动几乎无不受到所谓风水理念的深刻影响.从通俗和专业两个不同角度对“风水”这一概念进行了解释,并分析了中国源远流长的风水理念对传统建筑选址和布局的影响,从而总结出在风水理念影响下的中国传统建筑空间构成特征——重重封闭的内向性空间.  相似文献   

The research of the paleoflood remains from archaeological sites is one of the most important jobs in the environmental archaeology.Based on the traditional archaeological methods and the archaeological finds from the Yuxi site,Fengdu County of Chongqing,the paper analyzes the difference between the cultural layers and the possible paleoflood layers from various angles,such as contents,shapes of gravels,pottery,etc.,identifies the possible paleoflood deposit layers,i.e.the paleoflood remains of the Yangtze River,and discusses the periodicity of the floods.  相似文献   

伏牛山文化圈在旧石器时代已经有人类居住与生产。近一个世纪的考古发现证明,伏牛山文化圈史前城址遗存非常丰富,是中国史前城址的发源地之一。伏牛山文化圈史前城址演进的脉络完整清晰:城址性质由仰韶文化的初城开始,逐渐演进为龙山文化的城址群,二里头文化的宫城,并与殷商成熟都城相衔接。伏牛山文化圈是中国文明的发源地之一。  相似文献   

Anatomically modern humans have long been thought to have been responsible for the Aurignacian and Chatelperronian industries of the early Upper Palaeolithic of Western Europe, whereas the Middle Palaeolithic Mousterian industry has been attributed to Neanderthals. The presence of both Middle and Upper Palaeolithic strata at Saint-Césaire in France offers an excellent opportunity for studying the cultural transition between the two. Saint-Césaire is the only Chatelperronian site that has yielded really diagnostic hominid fossils, and the discovery there of Neanderthal remains alongside Chatelperronian tools cast doubt on the exclusive association between industries and taxon. We report thermoluminescence dates for 20 burnt flints from the site. Those found near the Neanderthal remains were dated at 36,300 +/- 2,700 years BP (before present), making this specimen the youngest Neanderthal dated so far. This date places the stratum close in age to several French but much younger than some Spanish Aurignacian sites believed to have been occupied by modern humans. The possibility of contact between the West European Neanderthals and the intrusive modern humans who replaced them cannot therefore be excluded.  相似文献   

Shanghai Museum has got great achievements in re-excavating Guangfulin relics.It is the first time that the cultural remains of Wangyoufang type is found above the Liangzhu cultural remains which comes from East Henan Province,providing previous materials for researching culture evolution around Taihu Lake.Samples were taken from the immature soil layer and cultural layers of Guangfulin relics for phytolith analysis.According to the systemic research for the archaeological remains and phytolith fossil,the phytoliths in Guangfulin relics can be divided into four xones.The development of rice agriculture and living condition of Guangfulin ancestors was discussed based on the existing rice fan-shaped phytolith,rice shell phytolith.diatom fossil and archaeology,evidence in the same layer.The Guangfulin relics has gradually developed since a high sea level 5000 years ago,and the broad rice agriculture has simultaneously developed.The newly re-excavated relics provides valuable materials for the research of ancestors and ancient culture in Shanghai.  相似文献   

1 Survey The Changjiang Delta Region is one of the cradles of the national culture. 300 cultural sites of Neolithic, which separately belong to 4 archaeology cultural styles, includ-ing Majiabang culture (7—6 kaBP), Songze culture (6—5 kaBP), Liangzhu culture (5—4 kaBP) and Maqiao culture (4—3 kaBP), were excavated and represent the develop-ing steps of continuous ancient culture[1]. After 1949 the archaeologists in Shanghai have been doing a great deal of excavation to ancient rel…  相似文献   

Noodles are a global food, but the periods when and places where they were made and originated, as well as their ingredients and the cooking methods used to manu- facture them, have remained contentious. In the 2005 edi- tion of the journal Nature, we wrote a summary of the millet noodle specimens found in the Late Neolithic Qijia cultural stratum of the Lajia archaeological site in Qinghai Province, China. However, how the ancient people made millet noodles remains controversial. This paper provides a systematic analysis of the remains of noodles found within an earthenware bowl at the Lajia "noodle house" in terms of their plant composition including phytoliths, starch and biomarkers. It provides evidence of how people used millet 4,000 years ago and, most specifically, of the principal methods used for producing millet-based noodles. Further, we show how we used traditional hele tools to make hele millet noodles, with especial reference to the gelatinized hydrogel-forming method, to simulate morphology con- sistent with the composition and form of the unearthed millet noodles. The results of this study provide new evi- dence and new insights into the cultural characteristics of the prehistoric human diet.  相似文献   

基层图书馆作为公益性文化服务场所,是基层教育的重要组成部分。从加强基层图书馆服务创新,构建强有力的社会保障两个方面探讨了文化改革发展大环境下基层图书馆的发展问题。  相似文献   

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