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Direct observation of ligand recognition by T cells   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Irvine DJ  Purbhoo MA  Krogsgaard M  Davis MM 《Nature》2002,419(6909):845-849
The activation of T cells through interaction of their T-cell receptors with antigenic peptide bound to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) on the surface of antigen presenting cells (APCs) is a crucial step in adaptive immunity. Here we use three-dimensional fluorescence microscopy to visualize individual peptide-I-E(k) class II MHC complexes labelled with the phycobiliprotein phycoerythrin in an effort to characterize T-cell sensitivity and the requirements for forming an immunological synapse in single cells. We show that T cells expressing the CD4 antigen respond with transient calcium signalling to even a single agonist peptide-MHC ligand, and that the organization of molecules in the contact zone of the T cell and APC takes on the characteristics of an immunological synapse when only about ten agonists are present. This sensitivity is highly dependent on CD4, because blocking this molecule with antibodies renders T cells unable to detect less than about 30 ligands.  相似文献   

J A Steitz 《Nature》1974,248(445):223-225

T Saito  A Weiss  J Miller  M A Norcross  R N Germain 《Nature》1987,325(7000):125-130
The genes encoding the alpha and beta chains of the T-cell receptor (Ti) of an antigen-specific, Ia-restricted murine T-cell hybridoma were introduced into T3-positive or T3-negative human T cells. The resultant transfectants express either mouse-human or mouse-mouse Ti alpha beta molecules functionally associated with the human T3 complex. Only the complete murine Ti alpha beta dimer mediates specific functional corecognition of the appropriate antigen-Ia pair.  相似文献   

N Suciu-Foca  E Reed  P Rubinstein  W MacKenzie  A K Ng  D W King 《Nature》1985,318(6045):465-467
T lymphocytes possessing helper function produce soluble factors that greatly augment B-cell proliferation and differentiation into antibody-secreting cells. In humans the subset of T lymphocytes bearing the T4 surface antigen comprises most of the cells that display helper activity and recognize class II antigens of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), while the subset bearing the T8 antigen comprises T cells recognizing class I MHC antigens and exhibiting cytotoxic or suppressor function. Monoclonal antibodies to T4 or T8 greatly inhibit the cognitive and effector function of cells with the corresponding phenotype. This function/phenotype correlation is not absolute, however, for there are many examples of T8-positive clones that recognize MHC class II antigens and have helper activity, as well as of T4-positive clones with suppressor or cytotoxic function. Recently a family of cell-surface neoantigens, which might be relevant to T-cell function and which are present on activated but not on resting T lymphocytes, has been identified in mouse and humans using monoclonal antibodies. Some of these antibodies block the cytolytic activity of alloreactive T-cell clones, suggesting the possible involvement of such molecules in the activation of cytotoxic T-cell clones or in the lytic process itself. We now describe a similar late-differentiation antigen (LDA1) that is expressed by human T lymphocytes only following activation and is recognized by a monoclonal antibody that inhibits the antibody-inducing helper function of T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

A Sette  S Buus  S Colon  J A Smith  C Miles  H M Grey 《Nature》1987,328(6129):395-399
A detailed analysis of the residues within an immunogenic peptide that endow it with the capacity to interact with Ia and to be recognized by T cells is presented. Ia interacts with only a few of the peptide residues and overall exhibits a very broad specificity. Some residues appear to interact both with Ia and with T cells, leading to a model in which a peptide antigen is 'sandwiched' between Ia and the T-cell receptor.  相似文献   

P Perez  R W Hoffman  S Shaw  J A Bluestone  D M Segal 《Nature》1985,316(6026):354-356
The specificity of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (Tc) cells is conferred by an antigen-specific receptor, Ti, which in humans is physically associated with an invariant cell-surface glycoprotein, T3. Monoclonal antibodies specific for either T3 and Ti are able to elicit a variety of T-cell responses such as lymphokine production, mitogenesis and cytotoxicity. For example, human Tc cells lyse anti-T3-expressing hybridoma cells, but not cells of other specificity, presumably because anti-T3 on the hybridoma cells binds to T3 on the Tc cells and triggers lysis. Here, we have adapted approaches used in a different cytotoxic effector system, antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC), to alter the specificity of Tc cell. Studies of ADCC showed that heteroaggregates containing anti-Fc receptor (Fc gamma R) antibody cross-linked to a second antibody bind to Fc gamma R on ADCC effectors and cause them to kill target cells bearing antigen recognized by the second antibody. The present studies use anti-T3-containing heteroaggregates to re-target human Tc cells to cells for which we have appropriate antibodies, including xenogeneic tumour cells and chicken erythrocytes. These results extend previous observations on the role of T3 in triggering cytotoxicity and suggest that effector cell re-targeting could be used for in vivo treatment of neoplasms and other pathogens that express distinctive surface antigens.  相似文献   

R Abe  M S Vacchio  B Fox  R J Hodes 《Nature》1988,335(6193):827-830
The precursor frequency of T cells specific for any given foreign antigen is, in general, extremely low. Prominent exceptions to this rule are the T cells that are specific for foreign major histocompatibility complex (MHC) products or for products of the minor lymphocyte stimulatory (Mls) genes in the mouse which are present at high frequencies. Here, we report a striking overlap or cross-reactivity between the T cells specific for the protein antigen pigeon cytochrome c in association with Ek alpha Ek beta and the set of T cells specific for Mlsc products. In addition, we demonstrate that the basis for this overlap is the predominant expression of one T-cell receptor (TCR) V beta gene, V beta 3, by T cells that recognize Mlsc products. These results indicate the importance of specific TCR alpha beta dimers in the recognition of Mlsc products and that positive or negative selection of T cells specific for Mls self-determinants may selectively alter the repertoire of T cells available for MHC-restricted recognition of foreign antigens.  相似文献   

基于最优分类线的概念,提出了一种新的模式识别分类器构建方法——判别域界面几何法.该方法利用BP神经网络的高度非线性,将模式类样本数据从高维输入空间映射至二维判别域空间后,采用多边形中轴提取方法,构造模式类间隙多边形的中轴线,延伸至整个二维判别域空间,生成模式类决策边界.以铁路货车车轮用双列圆锥滚子轴承的故障诊断为例,介绍了判别域界面几何法的应用过程.结果表明,判别域界面几何法能在二维判别域空间上给出各不同故障模式类之间明确的界限,这就给操作者直观判断故障模式类别提供了条件.  相似文献   

I Ofek  D Mirelman  N Sharon 《Nature》1977,265(5595):623-625

In this study, lmmunocaspase-3 gene was transfected into Jurkat T lymphocytes and the targeted proapoptotic protein Immunocaspase-3 was stably secreted.Its entry to ErbB2 positive SKBr3 breast carcinoma cell line was observed by indirect immunofluorescence staining.Growth of SKBr3 cells was significantly inhibited when they were cultured with medium containing Immunocaspase-3.Next, lmmunocaspase-3 gene was cloned into retrovirus vector pLNCX, which was then transfected into PA317 cells to package. Packaged cells producing high titer pseudoviruses were acquired and the pseudoviruses were harvested to infect PBMCs, which had been stimulated to division. The latter were selected and administered to nude mice bearing SKBr3 tumors through tail vein. The results showed that the treatment contributed to an inhibition of tumor growth and prolonged the lifetime of nude mice bearing SKBr3 tumor.The efficiency of inhibition of tumor reached 73.25%, and the average lifetime of treated nude mice was 80.95% longerthan that of control group. Immunohistochemical examination revealed the exclusive distribution of Immunocaspase-3 proteins only in the tumor tissue samples; and TUNEL assay confirmed the occurrence of apoptosis in tumor calls. Thepresent study suggests that Immunocaspase-3 secreted by T lymphocytes can selectively bind and enter into ErbB2 positive breast cancer cells, where it exhibits a proapoptotic activity and causes tumor suppression in an in vivo tumor model.  相似文献   

S Ohkuma  S Ikemoto 《Nature》1966,212(5058):198-199

Subtractive complementary DNA cloning combined with partial protein sequencing has allowed identification of the genes encoding the alpha and beta subunits of T-cell receptors. The subtractive cDNA library prepared from the cytotoxic T lymphocyte (Tc) clone 2C has been found to contain a third type of clone encoding the gamma chain. The gamma gene shares several features with the alpha and beta genes: (1) assembly from gene segments resembling immunoglobulin V, J and C (respectively variable, joining and constant region) DNA segments; (2) rearrangement and expression in T cells and not in B cells; (3) sequences reminiscent of transmembrane and intracytoplasmic regions of integral membrane proteins; (4) a cysteine residue at the position expected for an interchain disulphide bond. The alpha and beta genes are expressed at equivalent levels in both Tc cells and helper T cells (TH). The gamma gene, obtained from 2C, has been found to be expressed in all Tc cells studied. Here we present evidence that strongly suggests that TH cells do not require gamma gene expression.  相似文献   

Transformation of NIH 3T3 cells by a human c-sis cDNA clone   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The mechanism of leukaemogenic transformation by human T-cell leukaemia/lymphoma virus (HTLV), a retrovirus implicated in the aetiology of certain adult T-cell leukaemias and lymphomas, is unknown but is conceivably associated with the expression of the cellular analogues of retroviral oncogenes. The HUT-102 cell line, derived from a cutaneous T-cell lymphoma and infected with HTLV, expresses several cellular oncogenes. It is unusual among haemopoietic cell lines in that one of these is c-sis, the gene from which the oncogene v-sis of the simian sarcoma virus was derived, and perhaps the gene for platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF). To explore the possible role of c-sis expression in HTLV-induced disease, we have obtained cDNA clones of c-sis from HUT-102 cells. Here we describe two such clones and report that one of them transforms NIH-3T3 cells. This is the first example of transformation of NIH-3T3 cells by a human onc gene other than c-ras or Blym, as well as the first demonstration of transformation by a human cDNA clone.  相似文献   

H C Oettgen  C L Pettey  W L Maloy  C Terhorst 《Nature》1986,320(6059):272-275
Antigen recognition by human T lymphocytes and initiation of T-cell activation are mediated by a group of integral membrane proteins, the T-cell antigen receptor (TCR) and the T3 complex. The polypeptides which comprise T3 (a gamma-chain of relative molecular mass (Mr) 25,000 (25K), and delta and epsilon chains of 20K each) are physically associated with the TCR chains. Surface expression of the complex requires the presence of all the component T3 and TCR proteins. In contrast to the human system, murine T3 has not been identified using antibodies. Here we describe a murine T3-like protein complex. It appears to be more complicated than human T3, containing three monomeric glycoproteins (21-28K), two of which have N-linked carbohydrate side chains and a novel family of TCR-associated homo- and heterodimers. The 28K protein is identified as the murine T3 delta-chain. The 21K protein is phosphorylated on cell activation with concanavalin A (Con A).  相似文献   

利用模式识别法对未知类型细胞的分类研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用模式识别法对60个人的细胞(癌变、正常和未知类型各20个)的各自111条基因的表达值进行了研究,对未知类型的细胞进行了分类,结果表明文中所用方法和所得结论可为有关研究者和相关部门提供操作方法和决策依据.  相似文献   

目的:了解B细胞淋巴瘤白血病(LL)患者TCR Vβ亚家族T细胞的分布及其克隆性.方法:利用RT-PCR分别扩增3例LL患者外周血单个核细胞的 TC R Vβ 24个亚家族基因的CDR3,以了解患者各Vβ亚家族的利用情况,然后将阳性的PCR产物进一步经荧光素标记和基因扫描分析产物的CDR3长度,了解T细胞克隆性.结果:患者中仅存在2~6个Vβ亚家族T细胞.基因扫描分析显示,2例患者外周血中的Vβ1 、Vβ 3或Vβ4亚家族出现克隆性增殖T细胞. 结论:LL患者外周血存在倾斜性分布和克隆性增殖的Vβ亚家族T细胞,这可能是机体T细胞受白血病细胞相关抗原的刺激作用而引起机体产生相应的特异性抗白血病的免疫反应.  相似文献   

为成功分离与鉴定人原代脐静脉内皮细胞,用猿猴病毒40大T抗原(SV40LT)异位表达建立永生化人脐静脉内皮细胞系。将含SV40LT cDNA片段的慢病毒载体,转染人原代脐静脉内皮细胞,连续传代培养。通过形态、细胞免疫组织化学、RT-PCR及管状成形试验进行原代及转染后细胞形态学和功能学鉴定及检测SV40大T抗原表达。结果SV40LT转染后的人脐静脉内皮细胞为扁平多角形或短梭状,呈单层铺路石状镶嵌排列。特异性表达Ⅷ因子、KDR、SV40LT表达,并具有管状成型能力。说明成功分离与鉴定永生化的脐静脉内皮细胞系,为后续血管靶向治疗奠定了基础。  相似文献   

S Kondo  A Shimizu  M Maeda  Y Tagaya  J Yodoi  T Honjo 《Nature》1986,320(6057):75-77
Interleukin-2 (IL-2) in combination with the IL-2 receptor has an essential role in antigen-stimulated proliferation of T lymphocytes. It has been proposed that the constitutive expression of the IL-2 receptor on adult T-cell leukaemia (ATL) cells may be associated with transformation of T cells. Although we and others have isolated complementary DNA clones encoding a protein that binds IL-2, formal proof that this protein is the IL-2 receptor requires demonstration of IL-2-dependent growth stimulation of cells expressing the protein. In addition, a functional assay system other than binding of IL-2 is required to investigate the molecular mechanism of signal transmission through the IL-2 receptor using artificially mutated cDNA. The IL-2 receptor expressed in non-lymphoid cells by cDNA transfection did not mediate a growth signal, implying that lymphoid cells expressing the functional receptor might have specific accessory molecule(s) for signal transmission by the receptor. Therefore, we established a line of IL-2-dependent mouse cells (CT/hR) expressing both murine (endogenous) and human IL-2 receptors. Here, by blocking the endogenous mouse IL-2 receptors with monoclonal antibodies, we show that the human IL-2 receptor of CT/hR cells is functionally active. Although CT/hR expressed the human IL-2 receptor constitutively, growth of these cells was strictly dependent on IL-2, indicating that uncontrolled over-expression of the IL-2 receptor was not by itself sufficient for T-cell transformation.  相似文献   

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