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针对全球没有统一BoD协议标准的问题,根据随机、自由和按需分配多址协议的特点,借鉴802.11分层协议工作原理,提出了一种新的BoD多级MAC协议,它根据地面站数量和系统业务量确定使用不同的协议,通过提高动态信道利用率达到降低平均传输时延的目的。理论分析和仿真结果表明,多级MAC协议在系统业务量小、地面站多时能得到小的传输时延;业务量增大后,在保持最大系统流量的同时仍能得到较小的传输时延,同时通过改进碰撞算法保证了系统的稳定性。 相似文献
This paper proposes an efficient medium access control (MAC) protocol based on multifrequency-time division multiple access (MF-TDMA) for geostationary satellite systems deploying multiple spot-beams and onboard processing,which uses a method of random reservation access with movable boundaries to dynamically request the transmission slots and can transmit different types of traffic. The simulation results have shown that our designed MAC protocol can achieve a high bandwidth utilization, while providing the required quality of service (QoS) for each class of service. 相似文献
随着卫星和任务的增加以及卫星智能化的提升, 传统的集中式任务规划已无法满足规划需求。本文研究分布式卫星任务规划问题, 首先, 针对分布式任务规划中全局和局部目标的不一致性建立双层规划数学模型, 最大化观测收益、最小化任务观测完成时间、最优化负载均衡。其次, 提出可解约循环合同网, 设计包含全任务投标策略和二次中标策略的并发机制以减少协商次数, 建立多属性评标机制完善评标过程。设计基于自适应退火的可解约循环合同网算法求解分布式卫星任务规划问题。最后, 通过数值实验结果证明所提算法求解问题的有效性和合理性。 相似文献
Liu Jiong~ Cao Zhigang~ & Wang Jinglin~ . State Key Laboratory on Microwave & Digital Communication Dept. of Electronics Engineering Tsinghua Univ. Beijing P. R. China .Xi ’an Communication Inst. Xi’an P. R. China 《系统工程与电子技术(英文版)》2006,17(3):513-520
1 .INTRODUCTIONTCP has been designed and tuned for wired net-works with low bit-error rate (BER) on the orderof less than 10-8,in which TCP segment lossesand corruptions are mainly due to network conges-tion . However ,this assumptionis not validin sat-ellite networks[1]. Satellite channel has severalcharacteristics that may degrade the performance ofTCP. These characteristics include large propaga-tion delay (i .e .,approxi mately 250 ms over a geo-synchronous satellite channel) ,lar… 相似文献
Ren Yanying Zhang Wenjun & Yu SongyuInst. of Image Communication Information Processing Shanghai Jiaotong Univ. Shanghai P. R. China 《系统工程与电子技术(英文版)》2005,16(4)
1.INTRODUCTION DemandassignmentMACprotocolshavebeenusedin severalstandardizedwirelessnetworks.Itcaneffec tivelyutilizewirelessbandwidthofradiochannelsand supportlargenumbersofstations[1].Priorityaccess withshortdelayispreferredformultimediaapplica tions,suchasvoiceandvideotraffic.Longdelays andpoorservicequalitycouldoccurifthereisnopri oritybetweendifferenttypesoftraffic.Thepriority schemeinthereservationphaseofdemandassign mentMACprotocolisneeded,itcanhelprequestsof multimediatraffict… 相似文献
Satellite networking communications in navigation satellite system and space-based deep space exploration have the features of a long delay and high bit error rate (BER). Through analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the Consultative Committee for the Space Data System (CCSDS) file delivery protocol (CFDP), a new improved repeated sending file delivery protocol (RSFDP) based on the adaptive repeated sending is put forward to build an efficient and reliable file transmission. According to the estimation of the BER of the transmission link, RSFDP repeatedly sends the lost protocol data units (PDUs) at the stage of the retransmission to improve the success rate and reduce time of the retransmission. Theoretical analyses and results of the Opnet simulation indicate that the performance of RSFDP has significant improvement gains over CFDP in the link with a long delay and high BER. The realizing results based on the space borne filed programmable gate array (FPGA) platform show the applicability of the proposed algorithm. 相似文献
Novel evaluation method of TCP performance over satellite links 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Wang Lina~ & Gu Xuemai~ . Information Engineering School Univ. of Science Technology Beijing Beij ing P.R.China . Communication Research Center Harbin Inst. of Technology Harbin P.R .China 《系统工程与电子技术(英文版)》2006,17(2):462-467
1 .INTRODUCTIONIn recent years , much attention has been paid tothe efficient application of transmission control pro-tocol ( TCP) to satellite environments[1 ~3]. TCPhas been developed for wired networks that have alower delay and a very low bit error rate .It is themost commonly usedtransport layer protocol intheInternet and provides reliable and end-to-end com-munication services for applications . TCP conges-tion control and error control mechanisms will besignificantly influenced … 相似文献
导航系统性能仿真面临多领域模型集成和分析的困难.研究了仿真模型可移植性(simulation modelportability, SMP2.0)规范,分析了卫星导航系统仿真的基本特点和需求,提出了卫星导航性能仿真的可移植性框架,建立了基于SMP2.0的导航仿真应用架构.该架构包含导航系统模型设计、开发、集成、运行和试验... 相似文献
针对卫星通信系统,分析了基于门限判断放大转发(amplify-and-forward, AF)协议情况下的系统中断性能。首先,考虑星载天线增益和卫星链路损耗,并假设卫星链路的小尺度衰落服从阴影莱斯(shadowed-Rician, SR)分布,推导出多用户卫星通信系统的中断概率闭合表达式。然后,为了便于进一步分析系统的性能,推导出高信噪比(signal noise ratio, SNR)条件下系统中断概率的渐近表达式,得到系统的分集度和编码增益的解析表达式。最后,计算机仿真验证了理论分析的正确性,并分析了用户数和信道参数对多用户卫星通信系统性能的影响,从而为实际系统设计提供了参考和依据。 相似文献
针对组网导航系统(networked navigation systems, NNSs)中节点高速移动、能量受限及通信时滞的问题, 融合了基于移动汇聚节点的交叉路由树构建及链式分簇相结合的路由协议(cross routing tree construction based on mobile sink and chain clustering, CRTCC), 设计了一种基于节点分级的跨层媒介访问控制协议(medium access control protocol based on graded nodes, GN-MAC)。GN-MAC采取了基于竞争的媒介访问方式, 结合CRTCC协议特点定义GN-MAC包格式并完成具有多级别节点的自适应虚拟分簇, 同时设计了改进型节点移动性检测算法, 作出了最优簇间切换决策, 提出了基于优先级的竞争机制以及多信道通信机制。最后通过算例仿真, 验证了GN-MAC在节点高速移动和多移动节点情况下, 时滞和能耗得到了有效的控制。 相似文献
LEO/MEO卫星通信系统ISL网络路由及切换性能研究 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
为了研究高度不同的卫星通信网络的路由和切换性能,采用Walkerdelta型星座构成两种非静止轨道卫星通信系统,分析和比较了LEO和MEO卫星通信网络构成特点和星间链路的俯仰角、方位角和星间链路长度变化。采用不同的路由策略以满足不同服务质量的要求,分析该策略下的卫星网络性能。设计了一种混合路由策略,综合考虑时延、时延抖动、切换和通信中断4项指标,进而比较不同高度的两种卫星网络应用不同路由策略时的性能。结果表明,混合路由策略上述服务质量的综合指标最优,该策略能够为各种用户提供不同的服务质量,提高卫星通信系统有效性和可靠性。 相似文献
卫星通信抗干扰技术的发展趋势 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
列出卫星通信系统可能遭受的各种干扰的类型,研究已提出的各种抗干扰处理方法包括天线、扩频和星上处理等方法的原理、特点和国外的研究现状。指出研究基于星上信号处理、便于综合运用多种抗干扰处理措施的卫星通信系统新体制是卫星通信抗干扰技术研究的发展方向,提出今后值得进一步研究的问题。 相似文献
提出了一种基于遗传算法的卫星广播调度算法。利用新的编码方法,把卫星广播调度问题和寻找满足约束条件的矩阵优化问题相对应,通过设计相应的遗传操作算子提高遗传算法的收敛性能,从而较好地实现了利用遗传算法对卫星广播的调度。在卫星个数相同条件下对三种有代表性的卫星广播调度要求进行了实验比较,说明了不同的调度要求对收敛速度的影响。遗传算法的性能决定了本文所提出的算法适用于不同规模的卫星广播调度问题,实验表明该算法是一种收敛速度快,稳定性强的高效卫星广播调度算法。 相似文献
基于角度和频率信息的卫星被动定轨方法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对单星对卫星被动定轨时采用仅测角方法滤波收敛时间较长且精度不高等问题,提出了在测角的同时增加频率测量信息的单星对卫星扩展Kalman滤波被动定轨方法。在二体问题下详细推导了状态预测方程、状态转移矩阵和测量雅可比矩阵,最后通过STK6.0仿真产生的数据对算法有效性进行了验证。仿真结果表明,该算法比仅测角方法具有更高的定轨精度和更快的收敛速度,且当测角精度较高时,能够在相对较大的初始位置误差情况下较快收敛并达到较高的收敛精度。 相似文献
The satellite constellation classes, which are suitable for the medium earth orbit tracking and data relay satellite system (MEO-TDRSS) of China, are investigated. On the basis of the functionality and the traffic distribution characteristic of MEO-TDRSS, the coverage performance and inter-satellite link properties of four different constellation schemes are compared by simulations. Simulation results indicate that the rosette and common-track constellations, whose satellites are distributed on the celestial sphere more uniformly, are appropriate for the implementation of MEO-TDRSS of China. 相似文献
In wireless networks, packet access is a popular mode, and the key problem is how to improve throughput and access delay performance, especially the throughput for wireless channels. These results will be a reference for not only a wireless channel but also a common MAC protocol. 相似文献
低轨卫星辅助的干扰源位置确定 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
为提高针对影响同步通信卫星正常工作的地面干扰源定位精度,回避无邻近卫星无法定位问题,提出低轨卫星辅助的新方法。该方法充分利用低轨飞行所带来的长基线、近距离的好处,并以多普勒差为观测变量,卫星轨道参数为待估参数,可进一步改善定位精度。针对建立的定位数学模型进行计算,其结果显示,当低轨卫星的高度在5000km时,全区域定位精度优于1km。 相似文献
针对姿态对星载SAR成像质量的重要影响,提出一种借助于SAR卫星姿态运动学特性和GPS宽波载波相位信息进行SAR卫星姿态测量的算法。该算法利用SAR卫星运动学模型建立状态方程,借助于GPS宽波载波相位姿态测量方程和SAR卫星姿态矩阵的特性建立观测方程,用卡尔曼滤波算法求解SAR卫星的姿态参量。给出算法的详细描述和仿真,仿真表明算法可以提供高精度SAR卫星姿态测量值。 相似文献
Chen Bingcai Zhang Naitong Nie Boxun & Zhou Tingxian . Communications Research Center Harbin Inst. of Technology Harbin P. R. China School of Mechanism Electronics Harbin Inst. of Technology Harbin P. R. China 《系统工程与电子技术(英文版)》2006,17(1):30-36
1.INTRODUCTIONDue totheli mitation of economy andtechnology,theterrestrial networks can only cover some li mited ar-eas.With the increasing demands for real-ti me andinteractive multi media services and mobility,satellitecommunication networkis surely going to be the i m-portant component of the universal mobile telecom-munications system(UMTS)which has been charac-terized by global seamless coverage,mobility and highQoS.For its merits of low propagation delays andglobal seamless covera… 相似文献