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Summary The herbicide paraquat (1,1-dimethyl-4,4-bipyridylium ion) has been found to exert a growth inhibitory effect on the N2-fixing blue-green algaNostoc muscorum in nitrogen-free (N2) and NO 3 media, without any apparent inhibitory or stimulatory effect on the heterocyst-forming capacity of the organism. With a dose of paraquat permitting about 20 and 50% survival of this alga a reverse mutation (fromhet + nif auxotrophy tohet + nif + prototrophy), a forward mutation (for L-methionine-DL-sulfoximine [MSO]-resistance), and an auxotrophic mutation (for carbon-auxotrophy through methylamine [MA]-resistance) have been obtained. The toxic and mutagenic effects of this agrochemical have been compared with those of the well known mutagen MNNG (N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine) and found to be stronger than those of the latter in each case.The author wishes to thank Mr Girish Nath, Lakshami Chemicals Pvt. Ltd., Phatuha (Patna), India, for providing pure samples of the herbicide for the present investigation. The receipt of financial assistance for this work in the form of a Higher Research Associateship Award to the author from the University Grants Commission, Govt. of India, New Delhi-110002 (Grant No. F/16-51/83), is thankfully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Summary Ova production inNippostrongylus brasiliensis infected rats was significantly greater than in rats singly infected with the helminth whenEimeria separata infections were introduced 4, 6 and 11 days postinoculation withN. brasiliensis. Patent periods were unaltered during concurrent infections. These results suggest that the presence ofE. separata affects helminth fecundity but does not increaseN. brasiliensis longevity as has been shown withE. nieschulzi.This study was supported by NIH MB RS Grant RRO8012-8.  相似文献   

Summary Results suggest that malabsorption of amino acids which occurs duringEimeria nieschulzi andNippostrongylus brasiliensis infections in rats is not due to impairment by intestinal inflammation of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase activity.Supported by NIH MBRS grant RR08012-13.  相似文献   

Summary The average duration of larval life in the anadromous lamprey,Geotria australis (the sole representative of the Geotriidae) is estimated as 41/4 years. Compared with other lampreys, the ammocoetes ofG. australis have a slow growth rate, increase in length during the year preceding metamorphosis and typically enter metamorphosis at a small mean length (<100 mm) and weight (<1.2 g).  相似文献   

The opisthobranch molluscHypselodoris webbi is able to select, among its potential preys, sponges chemically rich in furanosesquiterpenoids. The sequestered secondary metabolites act as defensive allomones against predators and are accumulated in some dorsal glands (MDFs). This transfer from sponges to MDFs has been proven by maintainingH. webbi together with some selected sponges in an aquarium for a prolonged period.  相似文献   

Summary Infective stage juveniles ofNeoaplectana carpocapsae (Steinernematidae) andHeterohabditis heliothidis (Heterorhabditidae) were able to penetrate through the alimentary tract of young tadpoles ofHyla regilla (Hylidae) andXenopus laevis (Pipidae) and enter the body cavity. Some infectives ofN. carpocapsae were able to release their symbiotic bacterium,Xenorhabdus nematophilus inside the host and in two cases, the nematodes developed into adult females before they perished. Tadpole mortality was associated with foreign bacteria entering the penetration holes made by the invading nematodes. The infective stage juveniles of both nematodes frequently encountered a host defense reaction upon reaching the tadpole's infective stage juveniles of both nematodes frequently encountered a host defense reaction upon reaching the tadpole's coelom.  相似文献   

Summary Epicuticle is not included as any part of the repair cuticle that closes integumental lesions in crabs receiving multiple injections of molting hormone (20-hydroxyecdysone) before and/or after damage to the integument. It is suggested that deposition of the exclusively lamellate material of repair cuticle is mediated by some epidermal factor(s) rather than by external, humoral influences.  相似文献   

Defensive secretions (allomones) from first-instar nymphs of stink bugs in the subfamily Pentatominae contain (E)-4-oxo-2-decenal as a major constituent, whereas this compound is absent from later instars. In contrast, first instars ofEdessa meditabunda (Edessinae) produce allomones like those of later instars. The C6 and C8 (E)-4-oxo-2-alkenals are common, characteristic exocrine compounds of nymphal and adult Heteroptera, but (E)-4-oxo-2-decenal is previously unknown as a major natural product for which a biological role has yet to be established.  相似文献   

Leptothorax (Nesomyrmex) spininodis andL. (N.) echinatinodis workers lay pheromone trails when returning from food sources to their nests. Workers from within the nest begin following the trail almost immediately upon the successful forager's return and do not require a leader. The trail remains effective for about four minutes under our laboratory conditions but it is unclear whether the trail alone is sufficient to induce recruitment or whether additional signals, perhaps emitted within the nest, are involved. Pheromone trails of this type have not previously been documented for leptothoracine ants.  相似文献   

Summary Preliminary experiments carried out in the Granada province of Southern spain over three years and in three different habitats have shown that a single application of Ethrel (2 chloro-ethyl phosphonic acid) to the olive tree at the beginning of fruit formation is sufficient to reduce significantly attack byPrays oleae Bern. and subsequent damage to the fruit. At the same time the treatment did not cause any detrimental change to the trees and had no measurable effect on the activity of beneficial insects such as Chrysopids (Neuroptera), which are known to be importantP. oleae egg predators in the study area.  相似文献   

Allozyme frequencies of 15 enzyme loci, 14 of which were polymorphic, were used to characterize sevenTerellia virens populations originating from three allopatrically distributedCentaurea species. The two populations whose origins were geographically furthest apart, from Israel (onC. iberica) and from Switzerland (onC. vallesiaca), showed relatively high values of genetic distance from the 5 populations sampled in Austria and Hungary (onC. maculosa) (Nei's D>0.07). The latter five displayed a high degree of genetic similarity. No diagnostic (fixed) allelic differences were observed between these three groups ofT. virens populations, but they could be well characterized by significant differences in allelic frequencies at 9 enzyme loci. Independently of this study, the populations from Switzerland (C. vallesiaca) and eastern Austria (C. maculosa) were selected as potential source populations for future introductions into North America for the biological control of introducedC. maculosa andC. diffusa. Based on the observed genetic differences and results from field experiments on the host specificity of these two potential source populations, it is argued that host specificity screening tests should be conducted separately for local (host plant) populations, as such populations might accept a different set of hosts. Biotype mismatch and the risk of spill-overs to native species could thus possibly be reduced.  相似文献   

Summary Winter-acclimatedCryptocercus punctulatus are able to withstand ice crystal formation within their bodies (freeze-tolerant), and contain hemolymph plasma ice nucleating factors (INF's) throughout the year. In addition, ribitol, a sugar alcohol accumulates in their hemolymph during winter. This represents a new report of INF's occurring in the Dictyoptera, and the presence of ribitol in the hemolymph of the Insecta.Department of Entomology  相似文献   

Summary Canavanine was extracted and characterized from various cultivars of alfalfa seed. Values obtained range from 8 g/kg for the Buffalo variety to 14–20 g/kg for the highly weevil resistant variety, Weevl-Chek.  相似文献   

A bacteriophage infective toXenorhabdus luminescens, a bacterial symbiont of heterorhabditid nematodes, was recovered from insects that supported poor nematode development. Plaque tests showed the phage particles to be infective only to primary and not secondary colonies ofX. luminescens. The phage was not infective toX. nenatophilus primaries or secondaries. The bacteriophage particles ranged 80–90 nm in length, with the head ranging from 40 to 50 nm in diameter. Restriction analysis was performed on isolated bacteriophage DNA. This first report of a bacteriophage fromXenorhabdus species has pratical implications since it could be detrimental to cultures ofHeterorhabditis nematodes that are being produced throughout the world for the biological control of insects.  相似文献   

Summary Several quassinoids, obtained by isolation and derivatization fromSimaba multiflora andSoulamea soulameoides, were evaluated for growth inhibitory and insecticidal effects against the tobacco budworm (Heliothis virescens) and for antifeedant effects againstH. virescens and the fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda). The relative activity of the quassinoids as insect growth inhibitors generally paralleled their known relative potency as antileukemic and cytotoxic agents.Phytochemical aspects of this work were supported by Contract CM-97295 with the Division of Cancer Treatment, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md. Insects were kindly supplied by the agency of the United States Department of Agriculture at Brownsville, TX.  相似文献   

Summary The decrease of haemolymph phagocytic cells (SH) inPlanorbarius corneus after bacterial injection seems to be mediated by humoral factor(s) released into the haemolymph. SH show different adhesiveness in vitro in the presence of bacterial metabolic products.  相似文献   

Summary Variation in the number of chromosomes was found in sheep headflies, ranging from 12 to 15 chromosomes. Of these, five pairs were common among all individuals. Among 9 larvae no males were identified.  相似文献   

Summary Viability tests were performed on second and third chromosomes from lines ofDrosophila melanogaster selected for increased resistance to the organophosphorus insecticides dichlorvos and malathion, in order to evaluate the accumulation of drastic alleles. Our results show that malathion reduces significantly the relative viability of chromosome 3 and also increases the frequency of drastic alleles in this chromosome, while dichlorvos increases significnatly the frequency of drastic alleles in chromosome 2.Work supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (Grant No. 0577/84 CAICYT).—We are grateful to Productos Cruz Verde S.A. and Agrocrós S.A. for generously supplying the insecticides dichlorvos and malathion, respectively.  相似文献   

The DSCR1 (Adapt78) gene1 is transiently induced by stresses to temporarily protect cells against further potentially lethal challenges. However, chronic expression of the DSCR1 (Adapt78) gene has now been implicated in several pathological conditions including Alzheimer’s disease, Down syndrome and cardiac hypertrophy. Calcipressin 1 has been shown to function through direct binding and inhibition of the serine threonine protein phosphatase Calcineurin. Pharmacological inhibition of calcineurin, by the immunosuppressive drugs cyclosporin A and FK506, affects a wide variety of diseases. It is, therefore, likely that this endogenous calcineurin inhibitor, calcipressin 1, may also play a role in a variety of human diseases. 1Please note that the mammalian DSCR1 gene is also called Adapt78 or RCAN1, and its protein products have been named Calcipressin1, MCIP1 and RCAN1. A proposal to adopt a single gene name of RCAN1 and a protein name RCAN1 (for Regulator of Calcineurin) has been endorsed by the HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee, but final approval must await agreement from a majority of researchers in the field. Received 2 March 2005; received after revision 27 May 2005; accepted 19 July 2005  相似文献   

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